extDB2: Version: 71 extDB2: https://github.com/Torndeco/extDB2 extDB2: Windows Version Message: All development for extDB2 is done on a Linux Dedicated Server Message: If you would like to Donate to extDB2 Development Message: https://www.paypal.com/cgi-bin/webscr?cmd=_s-xclick&hosted_button_id=2SUEFTGABTAM2 Message: Also leave a message if there is any particular feature you would like to see added. Message: Thanks for all the people that have donated. Message: Torndeco: 20/02/15 extDB2: Found extdb-conf.ini extDB2: Detected 32 Cores, Setting up 6 Worker Threads [23:29:59:405300 +02:00] [Thread 10096] extDB2: Database Type: MySQL [23:29:59:450289 +02:00] [Thread 10096] extDB2: Database Session Pool Started [23:29:59:473276 +02:00] [Thread 10096] extDB2: SQL_RAW_V2: Initialized: ADD_QUOTES True [00:07:50:386972 +02:00] [Thread 10096] extDB2: Stopping ...