life_fnc_sidechat = compileFinal " if(life_sidechat) then {life_sidechat = false;} else {life_sidechat = true;}; [[player,life_sidechat,playerSide],""TON_fnc_managesc"",false,false] spawn life_fnc_MP; [] call life_fnc_settingsMenu; "; publicVariable "life_fnc_sidechat"; TON_fnc_index = compileFinal " private[""_item"",""_stack""]; _item = _this select 0; _stack = _this select 1; _return = -1; { if(_item in _x) exitWith { _return = _forEachIndex; }; } foreach _stack; _return; "; TON_fnc_player_query = compileFinal " private[""_ret""]; _ret = _this select 0; if(isNull _ret) exitWith {}; if(isNil ""_ret"") exitWith {}; [[life_atmcash,life_cash,owner player,player],""life_fnc_admininfo"",_ret,false] spawn life_fnc_MP; "; publicVariable "TON_fnc_player_query"; publicVariable "TON_fnc_index"; TON_fnc_clientWireTransfer = compileFinal " private[""_unit"",""_val"",""_from""]; _val = _this select 0; _from = _this select 1; if(!([str(_val)] call TON_fnc_isnumber)) exitWith {}; if(_from == """") exitWith {}; life_atmcash = life_atmcash + _val; hint format[""%1 has wire transferred $%2 to you."",_from,[_val] call life_fnc_numberText]; "; publicVariable "TON_fnc_clientWireTransfer"; TON_fnc_isnumber = compileFinal " private[""_valid"",""_value"",""_compare""]; _value = _this select 0; _valid = [""0"",""1"",""2"",""3"",""4"",""5"",""6"",""7"",""8"",""9""]; _array = [_value] call KRON_StrToArray; _return = true; { if(_x in _valid) then {} else { _return = false; }; } foreach _array; _return; "; publicVariable "TON_fnc_isnumber"; TON_fnc_clientGangKick = compileFinal " private[""_unit"",""_group""]; _unit = _this select 0; _group = _this select 1; if(isNil ""_unit"" OR isNil ""_group"") exitWith {}; if(player == _unit && (group player) == _group) then { life_my_gang = ObjNull; [player] joinSilent (createGroup civilian); hint ""You have been kicked out of the gang.""; }; "; publicVariable "TON_fnc_clientGangKick"; TON_fnc_clientGetKey = compileFinal " private[""_vehicle"",""_unit"",""_giver""]; _vehicle = _this select 0; _unit = _this select 1; _giver = _this select 2; if(isNil ""_unit"" OR isNil ""_giver"") exitWith {}; if(player == _unit && !(_vehicle in life_vehicles)) then { _name = getText(configFile >> ""CfgVehicles"" >> (typeOf _vehicle) >> ""displayName""); hint format[""%1 has gave you keys for a %2"",_giver,_name]; life_vehicles pushBack _vehicle; [[getPlayerUID player,playerSide,_vehicle,1],""TON_fnc_keyManagement"",false,false] spawn life_fnc_MP; }; "; publicVariable "TON_fnc_clientGetKey"; TON_fnc_clientGangLeader = compileFinal " private[""_unit"",""_group""]; _unit = _this select 0; _group = _this select 1; if(isNil ""_unit"" OR isNil ""_group"") exitWith {}; if(player == _unit && (group player) == _group) then { player setRank ""COLONEL""; _group selectLeader _unit; hint ""You have been made the new leader.""; }; "; publicVariable "TON_fnc_clientGangLeader"; //Cell Phone Messaging /* -fnc_cell_textmsg -fnc_cell_textcop -fnc_cell_textadmin -fnc_cell_adminmsg -fnc_cell_adminmsgall */ //To EMS TON_fnc_cell_emsrequest = compileFinal " private[""_msg"",""_to""]; ctrlShow[3022,false]; _msg = ctrlText 3003; _to = ""EMS Units""; if(_msg == """") exitWith {hint ""You must enter a message to send!"";ctrlShow[3022,true];}; [[_msg,name player,5],""TON_fnc_clientMessage"",independent,false] spawn life_fnc_MP; [] call life_fnc_cellphone; hint format[""You have sent a message to all EMS Units."",_to,_msg]; ctrlShow[3022,true]; "; //To One Person TON_fnc_cell_textmsg = compileFinal " private[""_msg"",""_to""]; ctrlShow[3015,false]; _msg = ctrlText 3003; if(lbCurSel 3004 == -1) exitWith {hint ""You must select a player you are sending the text to!""; ctrlShow[3015,true];}; _to = call compile format[""%1"",(lbData[3004,(lbCurSel 3004)])]; if(isNull _to) exitWith {ctrlShow[3015,true];}; if(isNil ""_to"") exitWith {ctrlShow[3015,true];}; if(_msg == """") exitWith {hint ""You must enter a message to send!"";ctrlShow[3015,true];}; [[_msg,name player,0],""TON_fnc_clientMessage"",_to,false] spawn life_fnc_MP; [] call life_fnc_cellphone; hint format[""You sent %1 a message: %2"",name _to,_msg]; ctrlShow[3015,true]; "; //To All Cops TON_fnc_cell_textcop = compileFinal " private[""_msg"",""_to""]; ctrlShow[3016,false]; _msg = ctrlText 3003; _to = ""The Police""; if(_msg == """") exitWith {hint ""You must enter a message to send!"";ctrlShow[3016,true];}; [[_msg,name player,1],""TON_fnc_clientMessage"",true,false] spawn life_fnc_MP; [] call life_fnc_cellphone; hint format[""You sent %1 a message: %2"",_to,_msg]; ctrlShow[3016,true]; "; //To All Admins TON_fnc_cell_textadmin = compileFinal " private[""_msg"",""_to"",""_from""]; ctrlShow[3017,false]; _msg = ctrlText 3003; _to = ""The Admins""; if(_msg == """") exitWith {hint ""You must enter a message to send!"";ctrlShow[3017,true];}; [[_msg,name player,2],""TON_fnc_clientMessage"",true,false] spawn life_fnc_MP; [] call life_fnc_cellphone; hint format[""You sent %1 a message: %2"",_to,_msg]; ctrlShow[3017,true]; "; //Admin To One Person TON_fnc_cell_adminmsg = compileFinal " if(isServer) exitWith {}; if((call life_adminlevel) < 1) exitWith {hint ""You are not an admin!"";}; private[""_msg"",""_to""]; _msg = ctrlText 3003; _to = call compile format[""%1"",(lbData[3004,(lbCurSel 3004)])]; if(isNull _to) exitWith {}; if(_msg == """") exitWith {hint ""You must enter a message to send!"";}; [[_msg,name player,3],""TON_fnc_clientMessage"",_to,false] spawn life_fnc_MP; [] call life_fnc_cellphone; hint format[""Admin Message Sent To: %1 - Message: %2"",name _to,_msg]; "; TON_fnc_cell_adminmsgall = compileFinal " if(isServer) exitWith {}; if((call life_adminlevel) < 1) exitWith {hint ""You are not an admin!"";}; private[""_msg"",""_from""]; _msg = ctrlText 3003; if(_msg == """") exitWith {hint ""You must enter a message to send!"";}; [[_msg,name player,4],""TON_fnc_clientMessage"",true,false] spawn life_fnc_MP; [] call life_fnc_cellphone; hint format[""Admin Message Sent To All: %1"",_msg]; "; TON_fnc_cell_adacrequest = compileFinal " private[""_msg"",""_to""]; ctrlShow[3023,false]; _msg = ctrlText 3003; _to = ""EMS Units""; if(_msg == """") exitWith {hint ""You must enter a message to send!"";ctrlShow[3023,true];}; [[_msg,name player,6],""TON_fnc_clientMessage"",east,false] spawn life_fnc_MP; [] call life_fnc_cellphone; hint format[""You have sent a message to all ADAC Units."",_to,_msg]; ctrlShow[3023,true]; "; publicVariable "TON_fnc_cell_textmsg"; publicVariable "TON_fnc_cell_textcop"; publicVariable "TON_fnc_cell_textadmin"; publicVariable "TON_fnc_cell_adminmsg"; publicVariable "TON_fnc_cell_adminmsgall"; publicVariable "TON_fnc_cell_emsrequest"; publicVariable "TON_fnc_cell_adacrequest"; //Client Message /* 0 = private message 1 = police message 2 = message to admin 3 = message from admin 4 = admin message to all 5 = Polizei Rundfunk */ TON_fnc_clientMessage = compileFinal " if(isServer) exitWith {}; private[""_msg"",""_from"", ""_type""]; _msg = _this select 0; _from = _this select 1; _type = _this select 2; if(_from == """") exitWith {}; switch (_type) do { case 0 : { private[""_message""]; _message = format["">>>MESSAGE FROM %1: %2"",_from,_msg]; hint parseText format [""New Message

To: You
From: %1

%2"",_from,_msg]; [""TextMessage"",[format[""You Received A New Private Message From %1"",_from]]] call bis_fnc_showNotification; systemChat _message; }; case 1 : { if(side player != west) exitWith {}; private[""_message""]; _message = format[""---911 DISPATCH FROM %1: %2"",_from,_msg]; hint parseText format [""New Dispatch

To: All Officers
From: %1

%2"",_from,_msg]; [""PoliceDispatch"",[format[""A New Police Report From: %1"",_from]]] call bis_fnc_showNotification; systemChat _message; }; case 2 : { if((call life_adminlevel) < 1) exitWith {}; private[""_message""]; _message = format[""???ADMIN REQUEST FROM %1: %2"",_from,_msg]; hint parseText format [""Admin Request

To: Admins
From: %1

%2"",_from,_msg]; [""AdminDispatch"",[format[""%1 Has Requested An Admin!"",_from]]] call bis_fnc_showNotification; systemChat _message; }; case 3 : { private[""_message""]; _message = format[""!!!ADMIN MESSAGE: %1"",_msg]; _admin = format[""Sent by admin: %1"", _from]; hint parseText format [""Admin Message

To: You
From: An Admin

%1"",_msg]; [""AdminMessage"",[""You Have Received A Message From An Admin!""]] call bis_fnc_showNotification; systemChat _message; if((call life_adminlevel) > 0) then {systemChat _admin;}; }; case 4 : { private[""_message"",""_admin""]; _message = format[""!!!ADMIN MESSAGE: %1"",_msg]; _admin = format[""Sent by admin: %1"", _from]; hint parseText format [""Admin Message

To: All Players
From: The Admins

%1"",_msg]; [""AdminMessage"",[""You Have Received A Message From An Admin!""]] call bis_fnc_showNotification; systemChat _message; if((call life_adminlevel) > 0) then {systemChat _admin;}; }; case 5: { private[""_message""]; _message = format[""!!!EMS REQUEST: %1"",_msg]; hint parseText format [""EMS Request

To: You
From: %1

%2"",_from,_msg]; [""TextMessage"",[format[""EMS Request from %1"",_from]]] call bis_fnc_showNotification; }; case 6: { private[""_message""]; _message = format[""!!!ADAC REQUEST: %1"",_msg]; hint parseText format [""ADAC Request

To: You
From: %1

%2"",_from,_msg]; [""TextMessage"",[format[""ADAC Request from %1"",_from]]] call bis_fnc_showNotification; }; }; "; publicVariable "TON_fnc_clientMessage";