===================================================================== == C:\server\A3Master\arma3server.exe == "C:\server\A3Master\arma3server.exe" -autoinit -servermod=@extDB;@life_server -config=server.cfg -bepath=C:\server\A3Master\battleye -mod=@A3L;@Adam`s_Cars;@customb;@CBA_A3;@Jonzie_mega_Mod_Pack;@Lakside;@task_force_radio;@ace Original output filename: Arma3Retail_Server Exe timestamp: 2016/07/11 10:11:04 Current time: 2016/08/11 08:48:49 Type: Public Build: Stable Version: 1.62.137494 Allocator: C:\server\A3Master\dll\tbb4malloc_bi.dll ===================================================================== 8:48:49 SteamAPI initialization failed. Steam features wont's be accessible! 8:48:50 Cannot register unknown string STR_AC_VEHICLE_IN_VEHICLE_UNLOAD 8:48:50 Initializing stats manager. 8:48:50 Stats config disabled. 8:48:50 sessionID: e7220ab2f503c3de97975942691f3b6f77613403 8:49:55 Unsupported language English in stringtable 8:49:55 Unsupported language English in stringtable 8:49:58 Conflicting addon A3_Sounds_F in 'mm_buildings\prison\sounds\', previous definition in 'mm_bank\sound\' 8:49:58 Conflicting addon Mattaust_Objects in 'MM_Shopping\', previous definition in 'MM_objects\' 8:49:58 Conflicting addon A3L_Base in 'a3l_base\', previous definition in 'a3l_base\a3l_base\' 8:49:58 Conflicting addon A3L_Civ22 in 'a3l_civ24\', previous definition in 'A3L_civ22\' 8:49:58 Conflicting addon Test_Character_F in 'A3L_Civ_Uniform\', previous definition in 'A3L_Characters\' 8:49:58 Conflicting addon A3L_Horse in 'a3l_horse\', previous definition in 'a3l_horse\a3l_horse\' 8:49:58 Conflicting addon Test_weapon_F in 'A3L_JackHammer\', previous definition in 'a3l_chainsaw\' 8:49:58 Conflicting addon Test_Character_F in 'A3L_Police_Uniform\', previous definition in 'A3L_Characters\' 8:49:58 Conflicting addon A3L_Punto in 'A3L_Punto\', previous definition in 'A3L_BTTF\' 8:49:58 Conflicting addon maxhat in 'a3l_racehelmblack\', previous definition in 'a3l_racehelm\' 8:49:58 Conflicting addon A3L_PoliceVests in 'a3l_vestpd\', previous definition in 'A3L_RideAlongVest\' 8:49:58 Conflicting addon asdg_jointrails in 'asdg_jointrails\', previous definition in 'x\cba\addons\jr\' 8:49:58 Conflicting addon Bravo93_Balaclava in 'Bravo93_IRA\ira_uniforms\balaclava2\', previous definition in 'Bravo93_IRA\ira_uniforms\balaclava1\' 8:49:58 Conflicting addon Bravo93_Balaclava in 'Bravo93_UVF\uvf_uniforms\balaclava1\', previous definition in 'Bravo93_IRA\ira_uniforms\balaclava1\' 8:49:58 Conflicting addon S_Skyline in 'S_Skyline\', previous definition in 'S_RangeRover\' 8:49:58 Conflicting addon S_Skyline in 's_vantage\', previous definition in 'S_RangeRover\' 8:50:01 Conflicting addon A3_Sounds_F in 'a3\sounds_f\', previous definition in 'mm_bank\sound\' 8:50:02 Warning Message: Addon 'A3L_Store' requires addon 'CAStructures' 8:53:17 Warning Message: Addon 'A3L_Store' requires addon 'CAData' 8:53:17 Warning Message: Addon 'A3L_Store' requires addon 'CABuildings' 8:53:17 Warning Message: Addon 'A3L_Store' requires addon 'Buildings' 8:53:18 Updating base class Air->, by glider\config.bin/CfgVehicles/Plane/ 8:53:18 Updating base class ->Air, by il96\config.bin/CfgVehicles/Plane/ 8:53:18 Updating base class ->HitHull, by IVORY_CRJ200\config.bin/CfgVehicles/Plane_Base_F/HitPoints/HitHull/ 8:53:18 Updating base class ->HouseBase, by a3\data_f\config.bin/CfgVehicles/Ruins/ 8:53:18 Updating base class ->HouseBase, by a3\data_f\config.bin/CfgVehicles/House/ 8:53:18 Updating base class ->NonStrategic, by a3\data_f\config.bin/CfgVehicles/Fence/ 8:53:18 Updating base class RscShortcutButton->RscButton, by a3\editor_f\config.bin/RscDisplayEditObject/Controls/B_OK/ 8:53:18 Updating base class RscSliderH->RscXSliderH, by a3\editor_f\config.bin/RscDisplayEditObject/Slider/ 8:53:18 Updating base class RscText->RscPicture, by a3\editor_f\config.bin/RscDisplayEditObject/Preview/ 8:53:18 Updating base class RscShortcutButton->RscButton, by a3\editor_f\config.bin/RscDisplayMissionLoad/Controls/B_OK/ 8:53:18 Updating base class RscShortcutButton->RscButton, by a3\editor_f\config.bin/RscDisplayMissionSave/Controls/B_OK/ 8:53:18 Updating base class ->ruins, by a3\structures_f\config.bin/CfgVehicles/Ruins_F/ 8:53:18 Updating base class ->ThingX, by a3\structures_f\civ\camping\config.bin/CfgVehicles/Land_CampingChair_V1_F/ 8:53:18 Updating base class ->ThingX, by a3\structures_f\items\config.bin/CfgVehicles/Items_base_F/ 8:53:18 Updating base class ScrollBar->, by a3l_base\config.bin/RscCombo/ComboScrollBar/ 8:53:18 Updating base class ScrollBar->, by a3l_base\config.bin/RscListBox/ListScrollBar/ 8:53:18 Updating base class ScrollBar->, by a3l_base\config.bin/RscControlsGroup/VScrollbar/ 8:53:18 Updating base class ScrollBar->, by a3l_base\config.bin/RscControlsGroup/HScrollbar/ 8:53:18 Updating base class ->Default, by a3\anims_f\config\sdr\config.bin/CfgMovesBasic/DefaultDie/ 8:53:18 Updating base class ->Default, by a3\anims_f\config\sdr\config.bin/CfgMovesMaleSdr/States/Crew/ 8:53:18 Updating base class ->AmovPercMstpSnonWnonDnon, by a3\anims_f\config\sdr\config.bin/CfgMovesMaleSdr/States/CutSceneAnimationBase/ 8:53:19 Updating base class BlendAnims->, by a3\anims_f\config\sdr\weaponswitching\config.bin/CfgMovesMaleSdr/BlendAnims/ 8:53:19 Updating base class ->ScrollBar, by a3\ui_f\config.bin/RscControlsGroup/VScrollbar/ 8:53:19 Updating base class ->ScrollBar, by a3\ui_f\config.bin/RscControlsGroup/HScrollbar/ 8:53:19 Updating base class ->RscControlsGroup, by a3\ui_f\config.bin/RscControlsGroupNoScrollbars/ 8:53:19 Updating base class ->RscControlsGroup, by a3\ui_f\config.bin/RscControlsGroupNoHScrollbars/ 8:53:19 Updating base class ->RscControlsGroup, by a3\ui_f\config.bin/RscControlsGroupNoVScrollbars/ 8:53:19 Updating base class ->RscText, by a3\ui_f\config.bin/RscLine/ 8:53:19 Updating base class ->RscActiveText, by a3\ui_f\config.bin/RscActivePicture/ 8:53:19 Updating base class ->RscButton, by a3\ui_f\config.bin/RscButtonTextOnly/ 8:53:19 Updating base class ->RscShortcutButton, by a3\ui_f\config.bin/RscShortcutButtonMain/ 8:53:19 Updating base class ->RscShortcutButton, by a3\ui_f\config.bin/RscButtonEditor/ 8:53:19 Updating base class ->RscShortcutButton, by a3\ui_f\config.bin/RscIGUIShortcutButton/ 8:53:19 Updating base class ->RscShortcutButton, by a3\ui_f\config.bin/RscGearShortcutButton/ 8:53:19 Updating base class ->RscShortcutButton, by a3\ui_f\config.bin/RscButtonMenu/ 8:53:19 Updating base class ->RscButtonMenu, by a3\ui_f\config.bin/RscButtonMenuOK/ 8:53:19 Updating base class ->RscButtonMenu, by a3\ui_f\config.bin/RscButtonMenuCancel/ 8:53:19 Updating base class ->RscButtonMenu, by a3\ui_f\config.bin/RscButtonMenuSteam/ 8:53:19 Updating base class ->RscText, by a3\ui_f\config.bin/RscLoadingText/ 8:53:19 Updating base class ->ScrollBar, by a3\ui_f\config.bin/RscListBox/ListScrollBar/ 8:53:19 Updating base class ->RscListBox, by a3\ui_f\config.bin/RscIGUIListBox/ 8:53:19 Updating base class ->RscListNBox, by a3\ui_f\config.bin/RscIGUIListNBox/ 8:53:19 Updating base class ->RscText, by a3\ui_f\config.bin/RscBackground/ 8:53:19 Updating base class ->RscText, by a3\ui_f\config.bin/RscBackgroundGUI/ 8:53:19 Updating base class ->RscPicture, by a3\ui_f\config.bin/RscBackgroundGUILeft/ 8:53:19 Updating base class ->RscPicture, by a3\ui_f\config.bin/RscBackgroundGUIRight/ 8:53:19 Updating base class ->RscPicture, by a3\ui_f\config.bin/RscBackgroundGUIBottom/ 8:53:19 Updating base class ->RscText, by a3\ui_f\config.bin/RscBackgroundGUITop/ 8:53:19 Updating base class ->RscText, by a3\ui_f\config.bin/RscBackgroundGUIDark/ 8:53:19 Updating base class ->RscPictureKeepAspect, by a3\ui_f\config.bin/RscBackgroundLogo/ 8:53:19 Updating base class ->RscMapControl, by a3\ui_f\config.bin/RscMapControlEmpty/ 8:53:19 Updating base class ->RscPicture, by a3\ui_f\config.bin/CA_Mainback/ 8:53:19 Updating base class ->CA_Mainback, by a3\ui_f\config.bin/CA_Back/ 8:53:19 Updating base class ->CA_Mainback, by a3\ui_f\config.bin/CA_Title_Back/ 8:53:19 Updating base class ->CA_Mainback, by a3\ui_f\config.bin/CA_Black_Back/ 8:53:19 Updating base class ->RscTitle, by a3\ui_f\config.bin/CA_Title/ 8:53:19 Updating base class ->RscPictureKeepAspect, by a3\ui_f\config.bin/CA_Logo/ 8:53:19 Updating base class ->CA_Logo, by a3\ui_f\config.bin/CA_Logo_Small/ 8:53:19 Updating base class ->RscButton, by a3\ui_f\config.bin/CA_RscButton/ 8:53:19 Updating base class ->CA_RscButton, by a3\ui_f\config.bin/CA_RscButton_dialog/ 8:53:19 Updating base class ->RscActiveText, by a3\ui_f\config.bin/CA_Ok/ 8:53:19 Updating base class ->RscText, by a3\ui_f\config.bin/CA_Ok_image/ 8:53:19 Updating base class ->RscText, by a3\ui_f\config.bin/CA_Ok_image2/ 8:53:19 Updating base class ->RscText, by a3\ui_f\config.bin/CA_Ok_text/ 8:53:19 Updating base class ->ScrollBar, by a3\ui_f\config.bin/RscCombo/ComboScrollBar/ 8:53:19 Updating base class ->RscPicture, by a3\ui_f\config.bin/RscVignette/ 8:53:19 Updating base class ->RscControlsGroupNoScrollbars, by a3\ui_f\config.bin/RscMapControlTooltip/ 8:53:19 Updating base class RscUnitInfo->RscUnitInfoAirNoWeapon, by a3\ui_f\config.bin/RscInGameUI/RscUnitInfoAir/ 8:53:19 Updating base class RscControlsGroup->RscControlsGroupNoScrollbars, by a3\ui_f\config.bin/RscInGameUI/RscTaskOverview/controls/TaskOverviewAssigned/ 8:53:19 Updating base class RscShortcutButton->RscButtonMenu, by a3\ui_f\config.bin/RscDisplayDebug/Controls/B_OK/ 8:53:19 Updating base class RscShortcutButton->RscButtonMenu, by a3\ui_f\config.bin/RscDisplayDebug/Controls/B_Cancel/ 8:53:19 Updating base class RscShortcutButton->RscButtonMenu, by a3\ui_f\config.bin/RscDisplayDebug/Controls/B_Clear/ 8:53:19 Updating base class ->RscText, by a3\ui_f\config.bin/RscDisplayCapture/controls/TimeLines/ 8:53:19 Updating base class RscShortcutButton->RscButtonMenu, by a3\ui_f\config.bin/RscDisplayCapture/controls/ButtonAverages/ 8:53:19 Updating base class RscShortcutButton->RscButtonMenu, by a3\ui_f\config.bin/RscDisplayCapture/controls/ButtonSavePreviousData/ 8:53:19 Updating base class RscShortcutButton->RscButtonMenu, by a3\ui_f\config.bin/RscDisplayCapture/controls/ButtonPreviousData/ 8:53:19 Updating base class RscPicture->RscPictureKeepAspect, by a3\ui_f\config.bin/RscDisplayMain/IconPicture/ 8:53:19 Updating base class IconPicture->RscPictureKeepAspect, by a3\ui_f\config.bin/RscDisplayMain/DlcOwnedIconPicture/ 8:53:19 Updating base class IconPicture->RscPictureKeepAspect, by a3\ui_f\config.bin/RscDisplayMain/DlcIconPicture/ 8:53:19 Updating base class RscListBox->RscCombo, by a3\ui_f\config.bin/RscDisplayCustomizeController/Steepness/ 8:53:19 Updating base class ->RscStandardDisplay, by a3\ui_f\config.bin/RscDisplayControlSchemes/ 8:53:19 Updating base class ButtonOK->RscButtonMenuCancel, by a3\ui_f\config.bin/RscDisplayControlSchemes/controls/ButtonCancel/ 8:53:19 Updating base class RscButton->RscButtonMenuOK, by a3\ui_f\config.bin/RscDisplayControlSchemes/controls/ButtonOK/ 8:53:19 Updating base class RscPicture->RscPictureKeepAspect, by a3\ui_f\config.bin/RscDisplayFileSelectImage/controls/OverviewPicture/ 8:53:19 Updating base class RscShortcutButton->RscButtonMenuCancel, by a3\ui_f\config.bin/RscDisplayFieldManual/controls/ButtonCancel/ 8:53:19 Cannot delete class B_KickOff, it is referenced somewhere (used as a base class probably). 8:53:19 Updating base class RscButton->RscButtonMenuCancel, by a3\ui_f\config.bin/RscDisplayPublishMission/controls/ButtonCancel/ 8:53:19 Updating base class RscShortcutButton->RscButtonMenuOK, by a3\ui_f\config.bin/RscDisplayPublishMissionSelectTags/controls/ButtonOK/ 8:53:19 Updating base class ButtonOK->RscButtonMenuCancel, by a3\ui_f\config.bin/RscDisplayPublishMissionSelectTags/controls/ButtonCancel/ 8:53:19 Updating base class ->RscSubmenu, by a3\ui_f\config.bin/RscMainMenu/ 8:53:19 Cannot update non class from class a3\ui_f\config.bin/RscCallSupport/Items/ 8:53:19 Cannot update non class from class a3\ui_f\config.bin/RscRadio/Items/ 8:53:19 Updating base class ->DistanceClose, by a3\ui_f\config.bin/CfgSimpleTasks/Icon3D/DistanceMid/ 8:53:19 Updating base class ->DistanceClose, by a3\ui_f\config.bin/CfgSimpleTasks/Icon3D/DistanceLong/ 8:53:19 Updating base class ->BulletCore, by a3\weapons_f\config.bin/CfgAmmo/BulletBase/ 8:53:19 Updating base class ->Grenade, by a3\weapons_f\config.bin/CfgAmmo/GrenadeHand/ 8:53:19 Updating base class ->Default, by a3\weapons_f\config.bin/CfgMagazines/CA_Magazine/ 8:53:19 Updating base class ->SlotInfo, by a3\weapons_f\config.bin/CowsSlot/ 8:53:19 Updating base class ->SlotInfo, by a3\weapons_f\config.bin/PointerSlot/ 8:53:19 Updating base class ->RifleCore, by a3\weapons_f\config.bin/CfgWeapons/Rifle/ 8:53:19 Updating base class ->PistolCore, by a3\weapons_f\config.bin/CfgWeapons/Pistol/ 8:53:19 Updating base class ->WeaponSlotsInfo, by a3\weapons_f\config.bin/CfgWeapons/Pistol_Base_F/WeaponSlotsInfo/ 8:53:19 Updating base class ->Default, by a3\weapons_f\config.bin/CfgWeapons/CarHorn/ 8:53:19 Updating base class ->Default, by a3\weapons_f\config.bin/CfgWeapons/ItemCore/ 8:53:19 Updating base class ->ItemCore, by a3\weapons_f\config.bin/CfgWeapons/ItemWatch/ 8:53:19 Updating base class ->B_Bergen_Base, by a3\weapons_f\ammoboxes\config.bin/CfgVehicles/B_Bergen_sgg/ 8:53:19 Updating base class ->InventoryItem_Base_F, by a3\weapons_f\items\config.bin/CfgWeapons/UniformItem/ 8:53:19 Updating base class ->InventoryItem_Base_F, by a3\weapons_f\items\config.bin/CfgWeapons/VestItem/ 8:53:19 Updating base class ->Civilian_F, by a3\characters_f\config.bin/CfgVehicles/C_man_1/ 8:53:19 Updating base class ->B_RangeMaster_F, by a3\characters_f\config.bin/CfgVehicles/B_Competitor_F/ 8:53:19 Updating base class ->I_G_Soldier_AR_F, by a3\characters_f\config.bin/CfgVehicles/B_G_Soldier_AR_F/ 8:53:19 Updating base class ->I_G_Soldier_LAT_F, by a3\characters_f\config.bin/CfgVehicles/B_G_Soldier_LAT_F/ 8:53:19 Updating base class ->ItemCore, by a3\characters_f\config.bin/CfgWeapons/Uniform_Base/ 8:53:19 Updating base class ->ItemCore, by a3\characters_f\config.bin/CfgWeapons/Vest_Camo_Base/ 8:53:19 Updating base class ->InventoryItem_Base_F, by a3\characters_f\config.bin/CfgWeapons/HeadgearItem/ 8:53:19 Updating base class ->ItemCore, by a3\characters_f\config.bin/CfgWeapons/H_HelmetB/ 8:53:19 Updating base class ->All, by a3\sounds_f\config.bin/CfgVehicles/Sound/ 8:53:19 Updating base class Turrets->Turrets, by a3\air_f\config.bin/CfgVehicles/Helicopter_Base_H/Turrets/ 8:53:19 Updating base class ->MainTurret, by a3\air_f\config.bin/CfgVehicles/Helicopter_Base_H/Turrets/CopilotTurret/ 8:53:19 Updating base class ->Heli_Light_01_unarmed_base_F, by a3\air_f\heli_light_01\config.bin/CfgVehicles/B_Heli_Light_01_F/ 8:53:19 Updating base class ->Heli_Light_02_unarmed_base_F, by a3\air_f\heli_light_02\config.bin/CfgVehicles/O_Heli_Light_02_unarmed_F/ 8:53:19 Updating base class Turrets->, by a3\air_f_beta\config.bin/CfgVehicles/Plane_Base_F/Turrets/ 8:53:19 Updating base class ->NewTurret, by a3\air_f_beta\config.bin/CfgVehicles/Plane_Base_F/Turrets/CopilotTurret/ 8:53:19 Updating base class ->Heli_Transport_02_base_F, by a3\air_f_beta\heli_transport_02\config.bin/CfgVehicles/I_Heli_Transport_02_F/ 8:53:20 Updating base class ->Truck_F, by a3\soft_f_beta\truck_01\config.bin/CfgVehicles/Truck_01_base_F/ 8:53:20 Updating base class Offroad_01_civil_base_F->Car_F, by A3L_Challenger\config.bin/CfgVehicles/C_Offroad_01_F/ 8:53:20 Updating base class Car_F->Offroad_01_base_F, by A3L_CVPI\config.cpp/CfgVehicles/C_Offroad_01_F/ 8:53:20 Updating base class CowsSlot->asdg_OpticRail1913, by asdg_jointrails\longrangerifles\gm6\config.bin/CfgWeapons/srifle_GM6_F/WeaponSlotsInfo/CowsSlot/ 8:53:20 Updating base class CowsSlot->asdg_OpticRail1913, by asdg_jointrails\longrangerifles\m320\config.bin/CfgWeapons/srifle_LRR_F/WeaponSlotsInfo/CowsSlot/ 8:53:20 Updating base class CowsSlot->asdg_OpticRail1913_short, by asdg_jointrails\machineguns\m200\config.bin/CfgWeapons/LMG_Mk200_F/WeaponSlotsInfo/CowsSlot/ 8:53:20 Updating base class PointerSlot->asdg_FrontSideRail, by asdg_jointrails\machineguns\m200\config.bin/CfgWeapons/LMG_Mk200_F/WeaponSlotsInfo/PointerSlot/ 8:53:20 Updating base class UnderBarrelSlot->asdg_UnderSlot, by asdg_jointrails\machineguns\m200\config.bin/CfgWeapons/LMG_Mk200_F/WeaponSlotsInfo/UnderBarrelSlot/ 8:53:20 Updating base class CowsSlot->asdg_OpticRail1913_short, by asdg_jointrails\machineguns\zafir\config.bin/CfgWeapons/LMG_Zafir_F/WeaponSlotsInfo/CowsSlot/ 8:53:20 Updating base class PointerSlot->asdg_FrontSideRail, by asdg_jointrails\machineguns\zafir\config.bin/CfgWeapons/LMG_Zafir_F/WeaponSlotsInfo/PointerSlot/ 8:53:20 Updating base class CowsSlot->asdg_OpticRail1913, by asdg_jointrails\rifles\mx\config.bin/CfgWeapons/arifle_MXC_F/WeaponSlotsInfo/CowsSlot/ 8:53:20 Updating base class PointerSlot->asdg_FrontSideRail, by asdg_jointrails\rifles\mx\config.bin/CfgWeapons/arifle_MXC_F/WeaponSlotsInfo/PointerSlot/ 8:53:20 Updating base class MuzzleSlot->asdg_MuzzleSlot_556, by asdg_jointrails\rifles\trg20\config.bin/CfgWeapons/arifle_TRG20_F/WeaponSlotsInfo/MuzzleSlot/ 8:53:20 Updating base class Turrets->, by IVORY_UH1Y\config.bin/CfgVehicles/Helicopter_Base_F/Turrets/ 8:53:20 Updating base class ->Hatchback_01_base_F, by s_mclarenp1\config.bin/CfgVehicles/S_MclarenP1_BaseClass/ 8:53:20 Updating base class ->Turrets, by a3\air_f_epb\heli_light_03\config.bin/CfgVehicles/Helicopter_Base_F/Turrets/ 8:53:20 Updating base class ->Heli_Transport_03_unarmed_base_F, by a3\air_f_heli\heli_transport_03\config.bin/CfgVehicles/B_Heli_Transport_03_unarmed_F/ 8:53:20 Updating base class ->Heli_Transport_04_base_F, by a3\air_f_heli\heli_transport_04\config.bin/CfgVehicles/O_Heli_Transport_04_medevac_F/ 8:53:20 Updating base class ->Weapon_Bag_Base, by a3\drones_f\weapons_f_gamma\ammoboxes\config.bin/CfgVehicles/B_UAV_01_backpack_F/ 8:53:20 Updating base class ->BlendAnims, by a3\soft_f_kart\kart_01\config.bin/CfgMovesMaleSdr/BlendAnims/ 8:53:20 Updating base class ->A3L_VolksWagenGolfGTi, by A3L_Punto\config.bin/CfgVehicles/A3L_PuntoBlue/ 8:53:20 Updating base class asdg_OpticRail1913->asdg_OpticRail1913_short_MG, by x\cba\addons\jr\config.bin/CfgWeapons/MMG_02_camo_F/WeaponSlotsInfo/CowsSlot/ 8:53:21 Updating base class RscText->ctrlStaticBackgroundDisable, by a3\3den\config.bin/RscDisplayOptionsAudio/ControlsBackground/BackgroundDisable/ 8:53:21 Updating base class RscText->ctrlStaticBackgroundDisableTiles, by a3\3den\config.bin/RscDisplayOptionsAudio/ControlsBackground/BackgroundDisableTiles/ 8:53:21 Updating base class RscText->ctrlStaticBackgroundDisable, by a3\3den\config.bin/RscDisplayConfigure/ControlsBackground/BackgroundDisable/ 8:53:21 Updating base class RscText->ctrlStaticBackgroundDisableTiles, by a3\3den\config.bin/RscDisplayConfigure/ControlsBackground/BackgroundDisableTiles/ 8:53:21 Updating base class RscText->ctrlStaticBackgroundDisable, by a3\3den\config.bin/RscDisplayConfigureAction/ControlsBackground/BackgroundDisable/ 8:53:21 Updating base class RscText->ctrlStaticBackgroundDisableTiles, by a3\3den\config.bin/RscDisplayConfigureAction/ControlsBackground/BackgroundDisableTiles/ 8:53:21 Updating base class RscText->ctrlStaticBackgroundDisable, by a3\3den\config.bin/RscDisplayConfigureControllers/ControlsBackground/BackgroundDisable/ 8:53:21 Updating base class RscText->ctrlStaticBackgroundDisableTiles, by a3\3den\config.bin/RscDisplayConfigureControllers/ControlsBackground/BackgroundDisableTiles/ 8:53:21 Updating base class RscText->ctrlStaticBackgroundDisable, by a3\3den\config.bin/RscDisplayGameOptions/ControlsBackground/BackgroundDisable/ 8:53:21 Updating base class RscText->ctrlStaticBackgroundDisableTiles, by a3\3den\config.bin/RscDisplayGameOptions/ControlsBackground/BackgroundDisableTiles/ 8:53:21 Updating base class controls->, by a3\3den\config.bin/RscDisplayArcadeMap_Layout_2/Controls/ 8:53:21 Updating base class controls->, by a3\3den\config.bin/RscDisplayArcadeMap_Layout_6/Controls/ 8:53:21 Updating base class MuzzleSlot->MuzzleSlot, by a3\weapons_f_exp\config.bin/CfgWeapons/arifle_MX_Base_F/WeaponSlotsInfo/MuzzleSlot/ 8:53:21 Updating base class MuzzleSlot->MuzzleSlot, by a3\weapons_f_exp\config.bin/CfgWeapons/arifle_Katiba_Base_F/WeaponSlotsInfo/MuzzleSlot/ 8:53:21 Updating base class asdg_MuzzleSlot_762MG->MuzzleSlot, by a3\weapons_f_exp\config.bin/CfgWeapons/LMG_Mk200_F/WeaponSlotsInfo/MuzzleSlot/ 8:53:21 Updating base class asdg_MuzzleSlot_762MG->MuzzleSlot, by a3\weapons_f_exp\config.bin/CfgWeapons/arifle_MX_SW_F/WeaponSlotsInfo/MuzzleSlot/ 8:53:21 a3\weapons_f_exp\config.bin/CfgWeapons/arifle_MX_SW_F/WeaponSlotsInfo/MuzzleSlot.compatibleItems: Cannot update non array from array 8:53:21 Updating base class MuzzleSlot->MuzzleSlot, by a3\weapons_f_exp\config.bin/CfgWeapons/mk20_base_F/WeaponSlotsInfo/MuzzleSlot/ 8:53:21 Updating base class MuzzleSlot->MuzzleSlot, by a3\weapons_f_exp\config.bin/CfgWeapons/Tavor_base_F/WeaponSlotsInfo/MuzzleSlot/ 8:53:21 Updating base class MuzzleSlot->MuzzleSlot, by a3\weapons_f_exp\config.bin/CfgWeapons/DMR_03_base_F/WeaponSlotsInfo/MuzzleSlot/ 8:53:21 Updating base class MuzzleSlot->MuzzleSlot, by a3\weapons_f_exp\config.bin/CfgWeapons/DMR_06_base_F/WeaponSlotsInfo/MuzzleSlot/ 8:53:21 Updating base class MuzzleSlot->MuzzleSlot, by a3\weapons_f_exp\config.bin/CfgWeapons/EBR_base_F/WeaponSlotsInfo/MuzzleSlot/ 8:53:21 Updating base class MuzzleSlot->MuzzleSlot, by a3\weapons_f_exp\config.bin/CfgWeapons/DMR_01_base_F/WeaponSlotsInfo/MuzzleSlot/ 8:53:21 Updating base class Offroad_01_military_base_F->Offroad_01_base_F, by task_force_radio_items\config.cpp/CfgVehicles/Offroad_01_armed_base_F/ 8:53:23 Updating base class MuzzleSlot->asdg_MuzzleSlot_762MG, by z\ace\addons\flashsuppressors\config.bin/CfgWeapons/arifle_MX_SW_F/WeaponSlotsInfo/MuzzleSlot/ 8:53:23 Updating base class MuzzleSlot->asdg_MuzzleSlot_762MG, by z\ace\addons\flashsuppressors\config.bin/CfgWeapons/LMG_Mk200_F/WeaponSlotsInfo/MuzzleSlot/ 8:53:23 Cannot update non class from class z\ace\addons\flashsuppressors\config.bin/CfgWeapons/LMG_Mk200_F/WeaponSlotsInfo/MuzzleSlot/compatibleItems/ 8:53:24 Updating base class MuzzleSlot->MuzzleSlot, by z\ace\addons\smallarms\config.bin/CfgWeapons/Rifle/WeaponSlotsInfo/MuzzleSlot/ 8:53:24 Updating base class MainTurret->MainTurret, by z\ace\addons\aircraft\config.bin/CfgVehicles/Heli_Transport_01_base_F/Turrets/MainTurret/ 8:53:24 Updating base class B_Soldier_02_f->B_Soldier_base_F, by z\ace\addons\explosives\config.bin/CfgVehicles/B_CTRG_soldier_engineer_exp_F/ 8:53:27 Initializing Steam Manager 8:53:27 Steam Manager initialized. 8:53:27 8:53:27 ==== Loaded addons ==== 8:53:27 8:53:27 dta\bin.pbo - unknown 8:53:27 dta\core.pbo - 98397 8:53:27 dta\languagecore_f.pbo - 102617 8:53:27 C:\server\A3Master\@ace\addons\ace_advanced_ballistics.pbo - a47168e3 8:53:27 C:\server\A3Master\@ace\addons\ace_ai.pbo - a47168e3 8:53:27 C:\server\A3Master\@ace\addons\ace_aircraft.pbo - a47168e3 8:53:27 C:\server\A3Master\@ace\addons\ace_apl.pbo - a47168e3 8:53:27 C:\server\A3Master\@ace\addons\ace_atragmx.pbo - a47168e3 8:53:27 C:\server\A3Master\@ace\addons\ace_attach.pbo - a47168e3 8:53:27 C:\server\A3Master\@ace\addons\ace_backpacks.pbo - a47168e3 8:53:27 C:\server\A3Master\@ace\addons\ace_ballistics.pbo - a47168e3 8:53:27 C:\server\A3Master\@ace\addons\ace_captives.pbo - a47168e3 8:53:27 C:\server\A3Master\@ace\addons\ace_cargo.pbo - a47168e3 8:53:27 C:\server\A3Master\@ace\addons\ace_common.pbo - a47168e3 8:53:27 C:\server\A3Master\@ace\addons\ace_concertina_wire.pbo - a47168e3 8:53:27 C:\server\A3Master\@ace\addons\ace_dagr.pbo - a47168e3 8:53:27 C:\server\A3Master\@ace\addons\ace_disarming.pbo - a47168e3 8:53:27 C:\server\A3Master\@ace\addons\ace_disposable.pbo - a47168e3 8:53:27 C:\server\A3Master\@ace\addons\ace_dragging.pbo - a47168e3 8:53:27 C:\server\A3Master\@ace\addons\ace_explosives.pbo - a47168e3 8:53:27 C:\server\A3Master\@ace\addons\ace_fastroping.pbo - a47168e3 8:53:27 C:\server\A3Master\@ace\addons\ace_fcs.pbo - a47168e3 8:53:27 C:\server\A3Master\@ace\addons\ace_finger.pbo - a47168e3 8:53:27 C:\server\A3Master\@ace\addons\ace_flashlights.pbo - a47168e3 8:53:27 C:\server\A3Master\@ace\addons\ace_flashsuppressors.pbo - a47168e3 8:53:27 C:\server\A3Master\@ace\addons\ace_fonts.pbo - a47168e3 8:53:27 C:\server\A3Master\@ace\addons\ace_frag.pbo - a47168e3 8:53:27 C:\server\A3Master\@ace\addons\ace_gestures.pbo - a47168e3 8:53:27 C:\server\A3Master\@ace\addons\ace_gforces.pbo - a47168e3 8:53:27 C:\server\A3Master\@ace\addons\ace_goggles.pbo - a47168e3 8:53:27 C:\server\A3Master\@ace\addons\ace_grenades.pbo - a47168e3 8:53:27 C:\server\A3Master\@ace\addons\ace_gunbag.pbo - a47168e3 8:53:27 C:\server\A3Master\@ace\addons\ace_hearing.pbo - a47168e3 8:53:27 C:\server\A3Master\@ace\addons\ace_hitreactions.pbo - a47168e3 8:53:27 C:\server\A3Master\@ace\addons\ace_huntir.pbo - a47168e3 8:53:27 C:\server\A3Master\@ace\addons\ace_interaction.pbo - a47168e3 8:53:27 C:\server\A3Master\@ace\addons\ace_interact_menu.pbo - a47168e3 8:53:27 C:\server\A3Master\@ace\addons\ace_inventory.pbo - a47168e3 8:53:27 C:\server\A3Master\@ace\addons\ace_javelin.pbo - a47168e3 8:53:27 C:\server\A3Master\@ace\addons\ace_kestrel4500.pbo - a47168e3 8:53:27 C:\server\A3Master\@ace\addons\ace_laser.pbo - a47168e3 8:53:27 C:\server\A3Master\@ace\addons\ace_laserpointer.pbo - a47168e3 8:53:27 C:\server\A3Master\@ace\addons\ace_laser_selfdesignate.pbo - a47168e3 8:53:27 C:\server\A3Master\@ace\addons\ace_logistics_uavbattery.pbo - a47168e3 8:53:27 C:\server\A3Master\@ace\addons\ace_logistics_wirecutter.pbo - a47168e3 8:53:27 C:\server\A3Master\@ace\addons\ace_magazinerepack.pbo - a47168e3 8:53:27 C:\server\A3Master\@ace\addons\ace_main.pbo - a47168e3 8:53:27 C:\server\A3Master\@ace\addons\ace_map.pbo - a47168e3 8:53:27 C:\server\A3Master\@ace\addons\ace_maptools.pbo - a47168e3 8:53:27 C:\server\A3Master\@ace\addons\ace_map_gestures.pbo - a47168e3 8:53:27 C:\server\A3Master\@ace\addons\ace_markers.pbo - a47168e3 8:53:27 C:\server\A3Master\@ace\addons\ace_medical.pbo - a47168e3 8:53:27 C:\server\A3Master\@ace\addons\ace_medical_menu.pbo - a47168e3 8:53:27 C:\server\A3Master\@ace\addons\ace_microdagr.pbo - a47168e3 8:53:27 C:\server\A3Master\@ace\addons\ace_minedetector.pbo - a47168e3 8:53:27 C:\server\A3Master\@ace\addons\ace_missileguidance.pbo - a47168e3 8:53:27 C:\server\A3Master\@ace\addons\ace_missionmodules.pbo - a47168e3 8:53:27 C:\server\A3Master\@ace\addons\ace_mk6mortar.pbo - a47168e3 8:53:27 C:\server\A3Master\@ace\addons\ace_modules.pbo - a47168e3 8:53:27 C:\server\A3Master\@ace\addons\ace_movement.pbo - a47168e3 8:53:27 C:\server\A3Master\@ace\addons\ace_mx2a.pbo - a47168e3 8:53:27 C:\server\A3Master\@ace\addons\ace_nametags.pbo - a47168e3 8:53:27 C:\server\A3Master\@ace\addons\ace_nightvision.pbo - a47168e3 8:53:27 C:\server\A3Master\@ace\addons\ace_noidle.pbo - a47168e3 8:53:27 C:\server\A3Master\@ace\addons\ace_noradio.pbo - a47168e3 8:53:27 C:\server\A3Master\@ace\addons\ace_norearm.pbo - a47168e3 8:53:27 C:\server\A3Master\@ace\addons\ace_optics.pbo - a47168e3 8:53:27 C:\server\A3Master\@ace\addons\ace_optionsmenu.pbo - a47168e3 8:53:27 C:\server\A3Master\@ace\addons\ace_overheating.pbo - a47168e3 8:53:27 C:\server\A3Master\@ace\addons\ace_overpressure.pbo - a47168e3 8:53:27 C:\server\A3Master\@ace\addons\ace_parachute.pbo - a47168e3 8:53:27 C:\server\A3Master\@ace\addons\ace_rangecard.pbo - a47168e3 8:53:27 C:\server\A3Master\@ace\addons\ace_realisticnames.pbo - a47168e3 8:53:27 C:\server\A3Master\@ace\addons\ace_rearm.pbo - a47168e3 8:53:27 C:\server\A3Master\@ace\addons\ace_recoil.pbo - a47168e3 8:53:27 C:\server\A3Master\@ace\addons\ace_refuel.pbo - a47168e3 8:53:27 C:\server\A3Master\@ace\addons\ace_reload.pbo - a47168e3 8:53:27 C:\server\A3Master\@ace\addons\ace_reloadlaunchers.pbo - a47168e3 8:53:27 C:\server\A3Master\@ace\addons\ace_repair.pbo - a47168e3 8:53:27 C:\server\A3Master\@ace\addons\ace_respawn.pbo - a47168e3 8:53:27 C:\server\A3Master\@ace\addons\ace_safemode.pbo - a47168e3 8:53:27 C:\server\A3Master\@ace\addons\ace_sandbag.pbo - a47168e3 8:53:27 C:\server\A3Master\@ace\addons\ace_scopes.pbo - a47168e3 8:53:27 C:\server\A3Master\@ace\addons\ace_sitting.pbo - a47168e3 8:53:27 C:\server\A3Master\@ace\addons\ace_slideshow.pbo - a47168e3 8:53:27 C:\server\A3Master\@ace\addons\ace_smallarms.pbo - a47168e3 8:53:27 C:\server\A3Master\@ace\addons\ace_spectator.pbo - a47168e3 8:53:27 C:\server\A3Master\@ace\addons\ace_spottingscope.pbo - a47168e3 8:53:27 C:\server\A3Master\@ace\addons\ace_switchunits.pbo - a47168e3 8:53:27 C:\server\A3Master\@ace\addons\ace_tacticalladder.pbo - a47168e3 8:53:27 C:\server\A3Master\@ace\addons\ace_tagging.pbo - a47168e3 8:53:27 C:\server\A3Master\@ace\addons\ace_thermals.pbo - a47168e3 8:53:27 C:\server\A3Master\@ace\addons\ace_trenches.pbo - a47168e3 8:53:27 C:\server\A3Master\@ace\addons\ace_tripod.pbo - a47168e3 8:53:27 C:\server\A3Master\@ace\addons\ace_ui.pbo - a47168e3 8:53:27 C:\server\A3Master\@ace\addons\ace_vector.pbo - a47168e3 8:53:27 C:\server\A3Master\@ace\addons\ace_vehiclelock.pbo - a47168e3 8:53:27 C:\server\A3Master\@ace\addons\ace_vehicles.pbo - a47168e3 8:53:27 C:\server\A3Master\@ace\addons\ace_viewdistance.pbo - a47168e3 8:53:27 C:\server\A3Master\@ace\addons\ace_weaponselect.pbo - a47168e3 8:53:27 C:\server\A3Master\@ace\addons\ace_weather.pbo - a47168e3 8:53:27 C:\server\A3Master\@ace\addons\ace_winddeflection.pbo - a47168e3 8:53:27 C:\server\A3Master\@ace\addons\ace_yardage450.pbo - a47168e3 8:53:27 C:\server\A3Master\@ace\addons\ace_zeus.pbo - a47168e3 8:53:27 C:\server\A3Master\@task_force_radio\addons\task_force_radio.pbo - unknown 8:53:27 C:\server\A3Master\@task_force_radio\addons\task_force_radio_items.pbo - unknown 8:53:27 C:\server\A3Master\@Jonzie_mega_Mod_Pack\addons\jonzie_30csl.pbo - unknown 8:53:27 C:\server\A3Master\@Jonzie_mega_Mod_Pack\addons\jonzie_ambulance.pbo - unknown 8:53:27 C:\server\A3Master\@Jonzie_mega_Mod_Pack\addons\jonzie_carpack.pbo - unknown 8:53:27 C:\server\A3Master\@Jonzie_mega_Mod_Pack\addons\jonzie_ceed.pbo - unknown 8:53:27 C:\server\A3Master\@Jonzie_mega_Mod_Pack\addons\jonzie_code.pbo - unknown 8:53:27 C:\server\A3Master\@Jonzie_mega_Mod_Pack\addons\jonzie_corolla.pbo - unknown 8:53:27 C:\server\A3Master\@Jonzie_mega_Mod_Pack\addons\jonzie_datsun_510.pbo - unknown 8:53:27 C:\server\A3Master\@Jonzie_mega_Mod_Pack\addons\jonzie_datsun_z432.pbo - unknown 8:53:27 C:\server\A3Master\@Jonzie_mega_Mod_Pack\addons\jonzie_escalade.pbo - unknown 8:53:27 C:\server\A3Master\@Jonzie_mega_Mod_Pack\addons\jonzie_forklift.pbo - unknown 8:53:27 C:\server\A3Master\@Jonzie_mega_Mod_Pack\addons\jonzie_galant.pbo - unknown 8:53:27 C:\server\A3Master\@Jonzie_mega_Mod_Pack\addons\jonzie_highway_patrol.pbo - unknown 8:53:27 C:\server\A3Master\@Jonzie_mega_Mod_Pack\addons\jonzie_lightbar.pbo - unknown 8:53:27 C:\server\A3Master\@Jonzie_mega_Mod_Pack\addons\jonzie_mini_cooper.pbo - unknown 8:53:27 C:\server\A3Master\@Jonzie_mega_Mod_Pack\addons\jonzie_quattroporte.pbo - unknown 8:53:27 C:\server\A3Master\@Jonzie_mega_Mod_Pack\addons\jonzie_raptor.pbo - unknown 8:53:27 C:\server\A3Master\@Jonzie_mega_Mod_Pack\addons\jonzie_sounds.pbo - unknown 8:53:27 C:\server\A3Master\@Jonzie_mega_Mod_Pack\addons\jonzie_sti.pbo - unknown 8:53:27 C:\server\A3Master\@Jonzie_mega_Mod_Pack\addons\jonzie_superliner.pbo - unknown 8:53:27 C:\server\A3Master\@Jonzie_mega_Mod_Pack\addons\jonzie_tow_truck.pbo - unknown 8:53:27 C:\server\A3Master\@Jonzie_mega_Mod_Pack\addons\jonzie_trailer_pack.pbo - unknown 8:53:27 C:\server\A3Master\@Jonzie_mega_Mod_Pack\addons\jonzie_transit.pbo - unknown 8:53:27 C:\server\A3Master\@Jonzie_mega_Mod_Pack\addons\jonzie_ve.pbo - unknown 8:53:27 C:\server\A3Master\@Jonzie_mega_Mod_Pack\addons\jonzie_viper.pbo - unknown 8:53:27 C:\server\A3Master\@Jonzie_mega_Mod_Pack\addons\jonzie_western.pbo - unknown 8:53:27 C:\server\A3Master\@Jonzie_mega_Mod_Pack\addons\jonzie_xb.pbo - unknown 8:53:27 C:\server\A3Master\@CBA_A3\addons\cba_ai.pbo - b8145500 8:53:27 C:\server\A3Master\@CBA_A3\addons\cba_arrays.pbo - b8145500 8:53:27 C:\server\A3Master\@CBA_A3\addons\cba_common.pbo - b8145500 8:53:27 C:\server\A3Master\@CBA_A3\addons\cba_diagnostic.pbo - b8145500 8:53:27 C:\server\A3Master\@CBA_A3\addons\cba_events.pbo - b8145500 8:53:27 C:\server\A3Master\@CBA_A3\addons\cba_hashes.pbo - b8145500 8:53:27 C:\server\A3Master\@CBA_A3\addons\cba_help.pbo - b8145500 8:53:27 C:\server\A3Master\@CBA_A3\addons\cba_jr.pbo - b8145500 8:53:27 C:\server\A3Master\@CBA_A3\addons\cba_jr_prep.pbo - b8145500 8:53:27 C:\server\A3Master\@CBA_A3\addons\cba_keybinding.pbo - b8145500 8:53:27 C:\server\A3Master\@CBA_A3\addons\cba_linux.pbo - b8145500 8:53:27 C:\server\A3Master\@CBA_A3\addons\cba_main.pbo - b8145500 8:53:27 C:\server\A3Master\@CBA_A3\addons\cba_main_a3.pbo - b8145500 8:53:27 C:\server\A3Master\@CBA_A3\addons\cba_network.pbo - b8145500 8:53:27 C:\server\A3Master\@CBA_A3\addons\cba_strings.pbo - b8145500 8:53:27 C:\server\A3Master\@CBA_A3\addons\cba_ui.pbo - b8145500 8:53:27 C:\server\A3Master\@CBA_A3\addons\cba_ui_helper.pbo - b8145500 8:53:27 C:\server\A3Master\@CBA_A3\addons\cba_vectors.pbo - b8145500 8:53:27 C:\server\A3Master\@CBA_A3\addons\cba_versioning.pbo - b8145500 8:53:27 C:\server\A3Master\@CBA_A3\addons\cba_xeh.pbo - b8145500 8:53:27 C:\server\A3Master\@customb\addons\mm_bank.pbo - unknown 8:53:27 C:\server\A3Master\@customb\addons\mm_buildings.pbo - unknown 8:53:27 C:\server\A3Master\@customb\addons\mm_buildings2.pbo - unknown 8:53:27 C:\server\A3Master\@customb\addons\mm_buildings3.pbo - unknown 8:53:27 C:\server\A3Master\@customb\addons\mm_buildings4.pbo - unknown 8:53:27 C:\server\A3Master\@customb\addons\mm_objects.pbo - unknown 8:53:27 C:\server\A3Master\@customb\addons\mm_post.pbo - unknown 8:53:27 C:\server\A3Master\@customb\addons\mm_residential.pbo - unknown 8:53:27 C:\server\A3Master\@customb\addons\mm_residential2.pbo - unknown 8:53:27 C:\server\A3Master\@customb\addons\mm_shopping.pbo - unknown 8:53:27 C:\server\A3Master\@customb\addons\mm_showroom.pbo - unknown 8:53:27 C:\server\A3Master\@customb\addons\plp_urban_barriers.pbo - unknown 8:53:27 C:\server\A3Master\@A3L\addons\a3l_amc.pbo - unknown 8:53:27 C:\server\A3Master\@A3L\addons\a3l_animations.pbo - unknown 8:53:27 C:\server\A3Master\@A3L\addons\a3l_anims.pbo - unknown 8:53:27 C:\server\A3Master\@A3L\addons\a3l_as350.pbo - unknown 8:53:27 C:\server\A3Master\@A3L\addons\a3l_atom.pbo - unknown 8:53:27 C:\server\A3Master\@A3L\addons\a3l_axe.pbo - unknown 8:53:27 C:\server\A3Master\@A3L\addons\a3l_balaclava.pbo - unknown 8:53:27 C:\server\A3Master\@A3L\addons\a3l_bank.pbo - unknown 8:53:27 C:\server\A3Master\@A3L\addons\a3l_bars.pbo - unknown 8:53:27 C:\server\A3Master\@A3L\addons\a3l_base.pbo - unknown 8:53:27 C:\server\A3Master\@A3L\addons\a3l_bbq.pbo - unknown 8:53:27 C:\server\A3Master\@A3L\addons\a3l_bicycle.pbo - unknown 8:53:27 C:\server\A3Master\@A3L\addons\a3l_billboards.pbo - unknown 8:53:27 C:\server\A3Master\@A3L\addons\a3l_bmwm5.pbo - unknown 8:53:27 C:\server\A3Master\@A3L\addons\a3l_bomb.pbo - unknown 8:53:27 C:\server\A3Master\@A3L\addons\a3l_bowling.pbo - unknown 8:53:27 C:\server\A3Master\@A3L\addons\a3l_box.pbo - unknown 8:53:27 C:\server\A3Master\@A3L\addons\a3l_boxes.pbo - unknown 8:53:27 C:\server\A3Master\@A3L\addons\a3l_bttf.pbo - unknown 8:53:27 C:\server\A3Master\@A3L\addons\a3l_bus.pbo - unknown 8:53:27 C:\server\A3Master\@A3L\addons\a3l_bwm135.pbo - unknown 8:53:27 C:\server\A3Master\@A3L\addons\a3l_carcarrier.pbo - unknown 8:53:27 C:\server\A3Master\@A3L\addons\a3l_carparts.pbo - unknown 8:53:27 C:\server\A3Master\@A3L\addons\a3l_carshop.pbo - unknown 8:53:27 C:\server\A3Master\@A3L\addons\a3l_chainsaw.pbo - unknown 8:53:27 C:\server\A3Master\@A3L\addons\a3l_challenger.pbo - unknown 8:53:27 C:\server\A3Master\@A3L\addons\a3l_characters.pbo - unknown 8:53:27 C:\server\A3Master\@A3L\addons\a3l_charger.pbo - unknown 8:53:27 C:\server\A3Master\@A3L\addons\a3l_christmas.pbo - unknown 8:53:27 C:\server\A3Master\@A3L\addons\a3l_civ1.pbo - unknown 8:53:27 C:\server\A3Master\@A3L\addons\a3l_civ10.pbo - unknown 8:53:27 C:\server\A3Master\@A3L\addons\a3l_civ11.pbo - unknown 8:53:27 C:\server\A3Master\@A3L\addons\a3l_civ12.pbo - unknown 8:53:27 C:\server\A3Master\@A3L\addons\a3l_civ13.pbo - unknown 8:53:27 C:\server\A3Master\@A3L\addons\a3l_civ14.pbo - unknown 8:53:27 C:\server\A3Master\@A3L\addons\a3l_civ15.pbo - unknown 8:53:27 C:\server\A3Master\@A3L\addons\a3l_civ16.pbo - unknown 8:53:27 C:\server\A3Master\@A3L\addons\a3l_civ17.pbo - unknown 8:53:27 C:\server\A3Master\@A3L\addons\a3l_civ18.pbo - unknown 8:53:27 C:\server\A3Master\@A3L\addons\a3l_civ19.pbo - unknown 8:53:27 C:\server\A3Master\@A3L\addons\a3l_civ2.pbo - unknown 8:53:27 C:\server\A3Master\@A3L\addons\a3l_civ20.pbo - unknown 8:53:27 C:\server\A3Master\@A3L\addons\a3l_civ21.pbo - unknown 8:53:27 C:\server\A3Master\@A3L\addons\a3l_civ22.pbo - unknown 8:53:27 C:\server\A3Master\@A3L\addons\a3l_civ23.pbo - unknown 8:53:27 C:\server\A3Master\@A3L\addons\a3l_civ24.pbo - unknown 8:53:27 C:\server\A3Master\@A3L\addons\a3l_civ25.pbo - unknown 8:53:27 C:\server\A3Master\@A3L\addons\a3l_civ3.pbo - unknown 8:53:27 C:\server\A3Master\@A3L\addons\a3l_civ4.pbo - unknown 8:53:27 C:\server\A3Master\@A3L\addons\a3l_civ5.pbo - unknown 8:53:27 C:\server\A3Master\@A3L\addons\a3l_civ7.pbo - unknown 8:53:27 C:\server\A3Master\@A3L\addons\a3l_civ8.pbo - unknown 8:53:27 C:\server\A3Master\@A3L\addons\a3l_civ9.pbo - unknown 8:53:27 C:\server\A3Master\@A3L\addons\a3l_civclothespack.pbo - unknown 8:53:27 C:\server\A3Master\@A3L\addons\a3l_civ_uniform.pbo - unknown 8:53:27 C:\server\A3Master\@A3L\addons\a3l_client.pbo - unknown 8:53:27 C:\server\A3Master\@A3L\addons\a3l_client2.pbo - unknown 8:53:27 C:\server\A3Master\@A3L\addons\a3l_coffin.pbo - unknown 8:53:27 C:\server\A3Master\@A3L\addons\a3l_container.pbo - unknown 8:53:27 C:\server\A3Master\@A3L\addons\a3l_cooper.pbo - unknown 8:53:27 C:\server\A3Master\@A3L\addons\a3l_court.pbo - unknown 8:53:27 C:\server\A3Master\@A3L\addons\a3l_coveralls.pbo - unknown 8:53:27 C:\server\A3Master\@A3L\addons\a3l_crane.pbo - unknown 8:53:27 C:\server\A3Master\@A3L\addons\a3l_crops.pbo - unknown 8:53:27 C:\server\A3Master\@A3L\addons\a3l_cvpi.pbo - unknown 8:53:27 C:\server\A3Master\@A3L\addons\a3l_dai.pbo - unknown 8:53:27 C:\server\A3Master\@A3L\addons\a3l_drugs.pbo - unknown 8:53:27 C:\server\A3Master\@A3L\addons\a3l_dumptruck.pbo - unknown 8:53:27 C:\server\A3Master\@A3L\addons\a3l_e350.pbo - unknown 8:53:27 C:\server\A3Master\@A3L\addons\a3l_emt.pbo - unknown 8:53:27 C:\server\A3Master\@A3L\addons\a3l_emt2.pbo - unknown 8:53:27 C:\server\A3Master\@A3L\addons\a3l_emtmain.pbo - unknown 8:53:27 C:\server\A3Master\@A3L\addons\a3l_emtmain_bottom.pbo - unknown 8:53:27 C:\server\A3Master\@A3L\addons\a3l_escort.pbo - unknown 8:53:27 C:\server\A3Master\@A3L\addons\a3l_evox.pbo - unknown 8:53:27 C:\server\A3Master\@A3L\addons\a3l_extinguisher.pbo - unknown 8:53:27 C:\server\A3Master\@A3L\addons\a3l_f350.pbo - unknown 8:53:27 C:\server\A3Master\@A3L\addons\a3l_factory.pbo - unknown 8:53:27 C:\server\A3Master\@A3L\addons\a3l_factorymachinery.pbo - unknown 8:53:27 C:\server\A3Master\@A3L\addons\a3l_fathead.pbo - unknown 8:53:27 C:\server\A3Master\@A3L\addons\a3l_ferrari458.pbo - unknown 8:53:27 C:\server\A3Master\@A3L\addons\a3l_firehelmet.pbo - unknown 8:53:27 C:\server\A3Master\@A3L\addons\a3l_flipcar.pbo - unknown 8:53:27 C:\server\A3Master\@A3L\addons\a3l_fordka.pbo - unknown 8:53:27 C:\server\A3Master\@A3L\addons\a3l_forsale.pbo - unknown 8:53:27 C:\server\A3Master\@A3L\addons\a3l_grandcaravan.pbo - unknown 8:53:27 C:\server\A3Master\@A3L\addons\a3l_grandcaravanuc.pbo - unknown 8:53:27 C:\server\A3Master\@A3L\addons\a3l_halloween.pbo - unknown 8:53:27 C:\server\A3Master\@A3L\addons\a3l_halloween_jigsaw.pbo - unknown 8:53:27 C:\server\A3Master\@A3L\addons\a3l_hammer.pbo - unknown 8:53:27 C:\server\A3Master\@A3L\addons\a3l_hardhat.pbo - unknown 8:53:27 C:\server\A3Master\@A3L\addons\a3l_hats.pbo - unknown 8:53:27 C:\server\A3Master\@A3L\addons\a3l_helmets.pbo - unknown 8:53:27 C:\server\A3Master\@A3L\addons\a3l_horse.pbo - unknown 8:53:27 C:\server\A3Master\@A3L\addons\a3l_hospitalbed.pbo - unknown 8:53:27 C:\server\A3Master\@A3L\addons\a3l_hospitalbed2015.pbo - unknown 8:53:27 C:\server\A3Master\@A3L\addons\a3l_hoverboard.pbo - unknown 8:53:27 C:\server\A3Master\@A3L\addons\a3l_hoverboard_pitbull.pbo - unknown 8:53:27 C:\server\A3Master\@A3L\addons\a3l_hyster60.pbo - unknown 8:53:27 C:\server\A3Master\@A3L\addons\a3l_jackhammer.pbo - unknown 8:53:27 C:\server\A3Master\@A3L\addons\a3l_jailbus.pbo - unknown 8:53:27 C:\server\A3Master\@A3L\addons\a3l_jeep.pbo - unknown 8:53:27 C:\server\A3Master\@A3L\addons\a3l_kartindoor.pbo - unknown 8:53:27 C:\server\A3Master\@A3L\addons\a3l_karts.pbo - unknown 8:53:27 C:\server\A3Master\@A3L\addons\a3l_ladder.pbo - unknown 8:53:27 C:\server\A3Master\@A3L\addons\a3l_laddertruck.pbo - unknown 8:53:27 C:\server\A3Master\@A3L\addons\a3l_license.pbo - unknown 8:53:27 C:\server\A3Master\@A3L\addons\a3l_mainbank.pbo - unknown 8:53:27 C:\server\A3Master\@A3L\addons\a3l_manumachine.pbo - unknown 8:53:27 C:\server\A3Master\@A3L\addons\a3l_map_markers.pbo - unknown 8:53:27 C:\server\A3Master\@A3L\addons\a3l_marketstall.pbo - unknown 8:53:27 C:\server\A3Master\@A3L\addons\a3l_moneypile.pbo - unknown 8:53:27 C:\server\A3Master\@A3L\addons\a3l_monstertruck.pbo - unknown 8:53:27 C:\server\A3Master\@A3L\addons\a3l_nightclub.pbo - unknown 8:53:27 C:\server\A3Master\@A3L\addons\a3l_paintballhelmet.pbo - unknown 8:53:27 C:\server\A3Master\@A3L\addons\a3l_patrolboat.pbo - unknown 8:53:27 C:\server\A3Master\@A3L\addons\a3l_pickaxe.pbo - unknown 8:53:27 C:\server\A3Master\@A3L\addons\a3l_pistolpack.pbo - unknown 8:53:27 C:\server\A3Master\@A3L\addons\a3l_polb.pbo - unknown 8:53:27 C:\server\A3Master\@A3L\addons\a3l_policehq.pbo - unknown 8:53:27 C:\server\A3Master\@A3L\addons\a3l_police_uniform.pbo - unknown 8:53:27 C:\server\A3Master\@A3L\addons\a3l_poloshirts.pbo - unknown 8:53:27 C:\server\A3Master\@A3L\addons\a3l_prison.pbo - unknown 8:53:27 C:\server\A3Master\@A3L\addons\a3l_prisonwall.pbo - unknown 8:53:27 C:\server\A3Master\@A3L\addons\a3l_prison_fence.pbo - unknown 8:53:27 C:\server\A3Master\@A3L\addons\a3l_priushellokitty.pbo - unknown 8:53:27 C:\server\A3Master\@A3L\addons\a3l_punto.pbo - unknown 8:53:27 C:\server\A3Master\@A3L\addons\a3l_racehelm.pbo - unknown 8:53:27 C:\server\A3Master\@A3L\addons\a3l_racehelmblack.pbo - unknown 8:53:27 C:\server\A3Master\@A3L\addons\a3l_radargun.pbo - unknown 8:53:27 C:\server\A3Master\@A3L\addons\a3l_ramps.pbo - unknown 8:53:27 C:\server\A3Master\@A3L\addons\a3l_rangemaster.pbo - unknown 8:53:27 C:\server\A3Master\@A3L\addons\a3l_regal.pbo - unknown 8:53:27 C:\server\A3Master\@A3L\addons\a3l_ridealong.pbo - unknown 8:53:27 C:\server\A3Master\@A3L\addons\a3l_ridealongvest.pbo - unknown 8:53:27 C:\server\A3Master\@A3L\addons\a3l_riflepack.pbo - unknown 8:53:27 C:\server\A3Master\@A3L\addons\a3l_rocks.pbo - unknown 8:53:27 C:\server\A3Master\@A3L\addons\a3l_rx7.pbo - unknown 8:53:27 C:\server\A3Master\@A3L\addons\a3l_sartroopergear.pbo - unknown 8:53:27 C:\server\A3Master\@A3L\addons\a3l_savepoint.pbo - unknown 8:53:27 C:\server\A3Master\@A3L\addons\a3l_schoolbus.pbo - unknown 8:53:27 C:\server\A3Master\@A3L\addons\a3l_sert.pbo - unknown 8:53:27 C:\server\A3Master\@A3L\addons\a3l_ships.pbo - unknown 8:53:27 C:\server\A3Master\@A3L\addons\a3l_sign.pbo - unknown 8:53:27 C:\server\A3Master\@A3L\addons\a3l_sign2.pbo - unknown 8:53:27 C:\server\A3Master\@A3L\addons\a3l_sign3.pbo - unknown 8:53:27 C:\server\A3Master\@A3L\addons\a3l_skateboard.pbo - unknown 8:53:27 C:\server\A3Master\@A3L\addons\a3l_sounds.pbo - unknown 8:53:27 C:\server\A3Master\@A3L\addons\a3l_spade.pbo - unknown 8:53:27 C:\server\A3Master\@A3L\addons\a3l_spanner.pbo - unknown 8:53:27 C:\server\A3Master\@A3L\addons\a3l_speedcam.pbo - unknown 8:53:27 C:\server\A3Master\@A3L\addons\a3l_speedyacht.pbo - unknown 8:53:27 C:\server\A3Master\@A3L\addons\a3l_stores.pbo - unknown 8:53:27 C:\server\A3Master\@A3L\addons\a3l_stretcher.pbo - unknown 8:53:27 C:\server\A3Master\@A3L\addons\a3l_suburban.pbo - unknown 8:53:27 C:\server\A3Master\@A3L\addons\a3l_suicidevest.pbo - unknown 8:53:27 C:\server\A3Master\@A3L\addons\a3l_swertvest.pbo - unknown 8:53:27 C:\server\A3Master\@A3L\addons\a3l_tahoe.pbo - unknown 8:53:27 C:\server\A3Master\@A3L\addons\a3l_tarmac.pbo - unknown 8:53:27 C:\server\A3Master\@A3L\addons\a3l_taser.pbo - unknown 8:53:27 C:\server\A3Master\@A3L\addons\a3l_taurus.pbo - unknown 8:53:27 C:\server\A3Master\@A3L\addons\a3l_towtruck.pbo - unknown 8:53:27 C:\server\A3Master\@A3L\addons\a3l_tug.pbo - unknown 8:53:27 C:\server\A3Master\@A3L\addons\a3l_tvcamera.pbo - unknown 8:53:27 C:\server\A3Master\@A3L\addons\a3l_unipd.pbo - unknown 8:53:27 C:\server\A3Master\@A3L\addons\a3l_uniswat.pbo - unknown 8:53:27 C:\server\A3Master\@A3L\addons\a3l_vestpd.pbo - unknown 8:53:27 C:\server\A3Master\@A3L\addons\a3l_vests.pbo - unknown 8:53:27 C:\server\A3Master\@A3L\addons\a3l_veyron.pbo - unknown 8:53:27 C:\server\A3Master\@A3L\addons\a3l_volkswagengolfgti.pbo - unknown 8:53:27 C:\server\A3Master\@A3L\addons\a3l_volvos60r.pbo - unknown 8:53:27 C:\server\A3Master\@A3L\addons\a3l_wedding.pbo - unknown 8:53:27 C:\server\A3Master\@A3L\addons\a3l_windmill.pbo - unknown 8:53:27 C:\server\A3Master\@A3L\addons\a3l_workbench.pbo - unknown 8:53:27 C:\server\A3Master\@A3L\addons\a3_bush.pbo - unknown 8:53:27 C:\server\A3Master\@A3L\addons\a3_plants.pbo - unknown 8:53:27 C:\server\A3Master\@A3L\addons\a3_trees.pbo - unknown 8:53:27 C:\server\A3Master\@A3L\addons\asdg_jointrails.pbo - unknown 8:53:27 C:\server\A3Master\@A3L\addons\b737.pbo - unknown 8:53:27 C:\server\A3Master\@A3L\addons\b747.pbo - unknown 8:53:27 C:\server\A3Master\@A3L\addons\bismarck_gasmask.pbo - unknown 8:53:27 C:\server\A3Master\@A3L\addons\bismarck_m24.pbo - unknown 8:53:27 C:\server\A3Master\@A3L\addons\bmw_m3_gtr.pbo - unknown 8:53:27 C:\server\A3Master\@A3L\addons\bravo93_ira.pbo - unknown 8:53:27 C:\server\A3Master\@A3L\addons\bravo93_uvf.pbo - unknown 8:53:27 C:\server\A3Master\@A3L\addons\bttf_animation.pbo - unknown 8:53:27 C:\server\A3Master\@A3L\addons\bwi_a3_t6.pbo - unknown 8:53:27 C:\server\A3Master\@A3L\addons\camaro.pbo - unknown 8:53:27 C:\server\A3Master\@A3L\addons\dar_explorerppv.pbo - unknown 8:53:27 C:\server\A3Master\@A3L\addons\d_cobalt.pbo - unknown 8:53:27 C:\server\A3Master\@A3L\addons\femal3.pbo - unknown 8:53:27 C:\server\A3Master\@A3L\addons\fhq_accessories.pbo - unknown 8:53:27 C:\server\A3Master\@A3L\addons\glider.pbo - unknown 8:53:27 C:\server\A3Master\@A3L\addons\hlc_core.pbo - unknown 8:53:27 C:\server\A3Master\@A3L\addons\hlc_wp_ak.pbo - unknown 8:53:27 C:\server\A3Master\@A3L\addons\hlc_wp_ar15.pbo - unknown 8:53:27 C:\server\A3Master\@A3L\addons\hlc_wp_mp5.pbo - unknown 8:53:27 C:\server\A3Master\@A3L\addons\il96.pbo - unknown 8:53:27 C:\server\A3Master\@A3L\addons\ivory_b206.pbo - unknown 8:53:27 C:\server\A3Master\@A3L\addons\ivory_crj200.pbo - unknown 8:53:27 C:\server\A3Master\@A3L\addons\ivory_erj135.pbo - unknown 8:53:27 C:\server\A3Master\@A3L\addons\ivory_prius.pbo - unknown 8:53:27 C:\server\A3Master\@A3L\addons\ivory_r8.pbo - unknown 8:53:27 C:\server\A3Master\@A3L\addons\ivory_r8spyder.pbo - unknown 8:53:27 C:\server\A3Master\@A3L\addons\ivory_rev.pbo - unknown 8:53:27 C:\server\A3Master\@A3L\addons\ivory_rev_police.pbo - unknown 8:53:27 C:\server\A3Master\@A3L\addons\ivory_t6a.pbo - unknown 8:53:27 C:\server\A3Master\@A3L\addons\ivory_uh1y.pbo - unknown 8:53:27 C:\server\A3Master\@A3L\addons\ivory_yak42d.pbo - unknown 8:53:27 C:\server\A3Master\@A3L\addons\joker_mask.pbo - unknown 8:53:27 C:\server\A3Master\@A3L\addons\jonzie_ambulanceextended.pbo - unknown 8:53:27 C:\server\A3Master\@A3L\addons\sounds.pbo - unknown 8:53:27 C:\server\A3Master\@A3L\addons\s_mclarenp1.pbo - unknown 8:53:27 C:\server\A3Master\@A3L\addons\s_porschers.pbo - unknown 8:53:27 C:\server\A3Master\@A3L\addons\s_rangerover.pbo - unknown 8:53:27 C:\server\A3Master\@A3L\addons\s_skyline.pbo - unknown 8:53:27 C:\server\A3Master\@A3L\addons\s_vantage.pbo - unknown 8:53:27 C:\server\A3Master\@A3L\addons\tu154m.pbo - unknown 8:53:27 C:\server\A3Master\@A3L\addons\turban.pbo - unknown 8:53:27 C:\server\A3Master\@A3L\addons\yak42.pbo - unknown 8:53:27 C:\server\A3Master\expansion\addons\air_f_exp.ebo - 102689 8:53:27 C:\server\A3Master\expansion\addons\anims_f_exp.ebo - 102702 8:53:27 C:\server\A3Master\expansion\addons\armor_f_exp.ebo - 101169 8:53:27 C:\server\A3Master\expansion\addons\boat_f_exp.ebo - 102349 8:53:27 C:\server\A3Master\expansion\addons\cargoposes_f_exp.ebo - 102649 8:53:27 C:\server\A3Master\expansion\addons\characters_f_exp.ebo - 102716 8:53:27 C:\server\A3Master\expansion\addons\data_f_exp.ebo - 102504 8:53:27 C:\server\A3Master\expansion\addons\dubbing_f_exp.ebo - 102566 8:53:27 C:\server\A3Master\expansion\addons\dubbing_radio_f_exp.ebo - 102344 8:53:27 C:\server\A3Master\expansion\addons\dubbing_radio_f_exp_data_chi.ebo - 102574 8:53:27 C:\server\A3Master\expansion\addons\dubbing_radio_f_exp_data_engfre.ebo - 102574 8:53:27 C:\server\A3Master\expansion\addons\dubbing_radio_f_exp_data_fre.ebo - 102574 8:53:27 C:\server\A3Master\expansion\addons\editorpreviews_f_exp.ebo - 101866 8:53:27 C:\server\A3Master\expansion\addons\functions_f_exp.ebo - 102377 8:53:27 C:\server\A3Master\expansion\addons\languagemissions_f_exp.ebo - 102617 8:53:27 C:\server\A3Master\expansion\addons\language_f_exp.ebo - 102617 8:53:27 C:\server\A3Master\expansion\addons\map_data_exp.ebo - 101774 8:53:27 C:\server\A3Master\expansion\addons\map_tanoabuka.ebo - 102697 8:53:27 C:\server\A3Master\expansion\addons\map_tanoabuka_data.ebo - 102638 8:53:27 C:\server\A3Master\expansion\addons\map_tanoabuka_data_layers.ebo - 102461 8:53:27 C:\server\A3Master\expansion\addons\map_tanoabuka_data_layers_00_00.ebo - 102461 8:53:27 C:\server\A3Master\expansion\addons\map_tanoa_scenes_f.ebo - 101568 8:53:27 C:\server\A3Master\expansion\addons\missions_f_exp.ebo - 102771 8:53:27 C:\server\A3Master\expansion\addons\missions_f_exp_data.ebo - 102647 8:53:27 C:\server\A3Master\expansion\addons\missions_f_exp_video.ebo - 102748 8:53:27 C:\server\A3Master\expansion\addons\modules_f_exp.ebo - 101172 8:53:27 C:\server\A3Master\expansion\addons\music_f_exp.ebo - 102056 8:53:27 C:\server\A3Master\expansion\addons\music_f_exp_music.ebo - 102056 8:53:27 C:\server\A3Master\expansion\addons\props_f_exp.ebo - 102514 8:53:27 C:\server\A3Master\expansion\addons\rocks_f_exp.ebo - 102694 8:53:27 C:\server\A3Master\expansion\addons\soft_f_exp.ebo - 102514 8:53:27 C:\server\A3Master\expansion\addons\sounds_f_exp.ebo - 102514 8:53:27 C:\server\A3Master\expansion\addons\static_f_exp.ebo - 101619 8:53:27 C:\server\A3Master\expansion\addons\structures_f_exp.ebo - 102320 8:53:27 C:\server\A3Master\expansion\addons\structures_f_exp_civilian.ebo - 102332 8:53:27 C:\server\A3Master\expansion\addons\structures_f_exp_commercial.ebo - 102337 8:53:27 C:\server\A3Master\expansion\addons\structures_f_exp_cultural.ebo - 102334 8:53:27 C:\server\A3Master\expansion\addons\structures_f_exp_data.ebo - 102341 8:53:27 C:\server\A3Master\expansion\addons\structures_f_exp_industrial.ebo - 102566 8:53:27 C:\server\A3Master\expansion\addons\structures_f_exp_infrastructure.ebo - 102649 8:53:27 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C:\server\A3Master\mark\addons\ui_f_mark.pbo - 99090 8:53:27 C:\server\A3Master\mark\addons\ui_f_mp_mark.pbo - 99090 8:53:27 C:\server\A3Master\mark\addons\weapons_f_mark.pbo - 102553 8:53:27 C:\server\A3Master\heli\addons\air_f_heli.pbo - 100981 8:53:27 C:\server\A3Master\heli\addons\anims_f_heli.pbo - 99082 8:53:27 C:\server\A3Master\heli\addons\boat_f_heli.pbo - 99082 8:53:27 C:\server\A3Master\heli\addons\cargoposes_f_heli.pbo - 102649 8:53:27 C:\server\A3Master\heli\addons\data_f_heli.pbo - 100892 8:53:27 C:\server\A3Master\heli\addons\dubbing_f_heli.pbo - 98398 8:53:27 C:\server\A3Master\heli\addons\functions_f_heli.pbo - 99082 8:53:27 C:\server\A3Master\heli\addons\languagemissions_f_heli.pbo - 102099 8:53:27 C:\server\A3Master\heli\addons\language_f_heli.pbo - 102099 8:53:27 C:\server\A3Master\heli\addons\missions_f_heli.pbo - 100701 8:53:27 C:\server\A3Master\heli\addons\missions_f_heli_data.pbo - 99082 8:53:27 C:\server\A3Master\heli\addons\missions_f_heli_video.pbo - 99082 8:53:27 C:\server\A3Master\heli\addons\modules_f_heli.pbo - 99085 8:53:27 C:\server\A3Master\heli\addons\music_f_heli.pbo - 98423 8:53:27 C:\server\A3Master\heli\addons\music_f_heli_music.pbo - 99086 8:53:27 C:\server\A3Master\heli\addons\soft_f_heli.pbo - 99086 8:53:27 C:\server\A3Master\heli\addons\sounds_f_heli.pbo - 99086 8:53:27 C:\server\A3Master\heli\addons\structures_f_heli.pbo - 101719 8:53:27 C:\server\A3Master\heli\addons\supplies_f_heli.pbo - 101719 8:53:27 C:\server\A3Master\heli\addons\ui_f_heli.pbo - 99090 8:53:27 C:\server\A3Master\kart\addons\anims_f_kart.pbo - 99082 8:53:27 C:\server\A3Master\kart\addons\characters_f_kart.pbo - 99082 8:53:27 C:\server\A3Master\kart\addons\data_f_kart.pbo - 100651 8:53:27 C:\server\A3Master\kart\addons\languagemissions_f_kart.pbo - 102099 8:53:27 C:\server\A3Master\kart\addons\language_f_kart.pbo - 102099 8:53:27 C:\server\A3Master\kart\addons\missions_f_kart.pbo - 100701 8:53:27 C:\server\A3Master\kart\addons\missions_f_kart_data.pbo - 99082 8:53:27 C:\server\A3Master\kart\addons\modules_f_kart.pbo - 99085 8:53:27 C:\server\A3Master\kart\addons\modules_f_kart_data.pbo - 99085 8:53:27 C:\server\A3Master\kart\addons\soft_f_kart.pbo - 99086 8:53:27 C:\server\A3Master\kart\addons\sounds_f_kart.pbo - 99086 8:53:27 C:\server\A3Master\kart\addons\structures_f_kart.pbo - 101717 8:53:27 C:\server\A3Master\kart\addons\ui_f_kart.pbo - 99090 8:53:27 C:\server\A3Master\kart\addons\weapons_f_kart.pbo - 99090 8:53:27 C:\server\A3Master\curator\addons\data_f_curator.pbo - 101811 8:53:27 C:\server\A3Master\curator\addons\functions_f_curator.pbo - 99082 8:53:27 C:\server\A3Master\curator\addons\language_f_curator.pbo - 102098 8:53:27 C:\server\A3Master\curator\addons\missions_f_curator.pbo - 101775 8:53:27 C:\server\A3Master\curator\addons\modules_f_curator.pbo - 99085 8:53:27 C:\server\A3Master\curator\addons\ui_f_curator.pbo - 102204 8:53:27 C:\server\A3Master\@life_server\addons\life_server.pbo - unknown 8:53:27 addons\3den.pbo - 102647 8:53:27 addons\3den_language.pbo - 102097 8:53:27 addons\a3.pbo - unknown 8:53:27 addons\air_f.pbo - 99988 8:53:27 addons\air_f_beta.pbo - 100272 8:53:27 addons\air_f_epb.pbo - 99941 8:53:27 addons\air_f_epc.pbo - 98395 8:53:27 addons\air_f_gamma.pbo - 98395 8:53:27 addons\animals_f.pbo - 100090 8:53:27 addons\animals_f_beta.pbo - 100090 8:53:27 addons\anims_f.pbo - 101995 8:53:27 addons\anims_f_bootcamp.pbo - 99081 8:53:27 addons\anims_f_data.pbo - 102560 8:53:27 addons\anims_f_epa.pbo - 99082 8:53:27 addons\anims_f_epc.pbo - 99082 8:53:27 addons\anims_f_exp_a.pbo - 99908 8:53:27 addons\armor_f.pbo - 99082 8:53:27 addons\armor_f_beta.pbo - 101707 8:53:27 addons\armor_f_epb.pbo - 99082 8:53:27 addons\armor_f_epc.pbo - 99082 8:53:27 addons\armor_f_gamma.pbo - 99082 8:53:27 addons\baseconfig_f.pbo - 99080 8:53:27 addons\boat_f.pbo - 99082 8:53:27 addons\boat_f_beta.pbo - 99082 8:53:27 addons\boat_f_epc.pbo - 101732 8:53:27 addons\boat_f_gamma.pbo - 101732 8:53:27 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101830 8:53:27 addons\structures_f_wrecks.pbo - 99089 8:53:27 addons\uifonts_f.pbo - 99090 8:53:27 addons\uifonts_f_data.pbo - 99090 8:53:27 addons\ui_f.pbo - 102687 8:53:27 addons\ui_f_bootcamp.pbo - 101548 8:53:27 addons\ui_f_data.pbo - 102242 8:53:27 addons\ui_f_exp_a.pbo - 99090 8:53:27 addons\weapons_f.pbo - 102566 8:53:27 addons\weapons_f_beta.pbo - 102192 8:53:27 addons\weapons_f_bootcamp.pbo - 99090 8:53:27 addons\weapons_f_epa.pbo - 99090 8:53:27 addons\weapons_f_epb.pbo - 99090 8:53:27 addons\weapons_f_epc.pbo - 99090 8:53:27 addons\weapons_f_gamma.pbo - 99090 8:53:27 8:53:27 ======================= 8:53:27 8:53:28 ============================================================================================= List of mods =============================================================================================== 8:53:28 modsReadOnly = true 8:53:28 safeModsActivated = false 8:53:28 customMods = true 8:53:28 hash = '7601EE86F1C6F79D6927EE70F485CFB701102DCC' 8:53:28 hashShort = 'affd338e' 8:53:28 name | modDir | default | origin | hash | hashShort | fullPath 8:53:28 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 8:53:28 Advanced Combat Environment 3.6.0 | @ace | false | GAME DIR | 1368a76fcbe50e8d8d1fd0cf0efa4d97401a05b1 | dd1ddb70 | C:\server\A3Master\@ace 8:53:28 Task Force Arrowhead Radio 0.9.8 | @task_force_radio | false | GAME DIR | 160601833061c05b7551d9c799921b9b93db624d | 55fdf75b | C:\server\A3Master\@task_force_radio 8:53:28 @Lakside | @Lakside | false | NOT FOUND | | | 8:53:28 Jonzie Vehicles | @Jonzie_mega_Mod_Pack | false | GAME DIR | ec6514290292c0870af7f43331958cc87cf7d3ff | 2a92706c | C:\server\A3Master\@Jonzie_mega_Mod_Pack 8:53:28 Community Base Addons v2.4.1 | @CBA_A3 | false | GAME DIR | 8e4ed5d47fb751c7e72c519b7f923580d181245b | adf2262 | C:\server\A3Master\@CBA_A3 8:53:28 Mattaust Buildings Pack | @customb | false | GAME DIR | 818e0531180ace0cbf2ae7f83d3167156bd77c6f | 391ffac | C:\server\A3Master\@customb 8:53:28 @Adam`s_Cars | @Adam`s_Cars | false | NOT FOUND | | | 8:53:28 @A3L | @A3L | false | GAME DIR | 144e140676df6f15c693dfb8d1fc3a39c7c5e47a | 9cf09d8c | C:\server\A3Master\@A3L 8:53:28 Arma 3 DLC Bundle | dlcbundle | true | NOT FOUND | | | 8:53:28 Arma 3 Apex | expansion | true | GAME DIR | 3b262d55f1bf131ac7ba7e8f52db442675e78deb | 734697dd | C:\server\A3Master\expansion 8:53:28 Arma 3 Marksmen | mark | true | GAME DIR | 6dc590a2267497ee172fb435fd058519f25cd960 | 64a11e26 | C:\server\A3Master\mark 8:53:28 Arma 3 Helicopters | heli | true | GAME DIR | 3ec66916054a5a3b6d08c28574e57d1a20a88796 | fa82f9ff | C:\server\A3Master\heli 8:53:28 Arma 3 Karts | kart | true | GAME DIR | 908c532399962c4c773274261398903a3ceaed91 | 688e112f | C:\server\A3Master\kart 8:53:28 Arma 3 Zeus | curator | true | GAME DIR | 5b1a121146e2ea4de6e30f2052c2a7b85f1c9ae3 | 31955d5 | C:\server\A3Master\curator 8:53:28 Arma 3 | A3 | true | NOT FOUND | | | 8:53:28 @life_server | @life_server | false | GAME DIR | da39a3ee5e6b4b0d3255bfef95601890afd80709 | 11fdd19c | C:\server\A3Master\@life_server 8:53:28 @extDB | @extDB | false | GAME DIR | | | C:\server\A3Master\@extDB 8:53:28 ========================================================================================================================================================================================================== 8:53:28 InitSound ... 8:53:28 InitSound - complete 8:53:28 PhysX3 SDK Init started ... 8:53:28 PhysX3 SDK Init ended. 8:53:37 Attempt to override final function - rscminimap_script 8:53:37 Attempt to override final function - rscdisplayloading_script 8:53:37 Attempt to override final function - rscdisplayloading_script 8:53:37 Attempt to override final function - rscdisplayloading_script 8:53:37 Attempt to override final function - rscdiary_script 8:53:37 Attempt to override final function - rscdisplaysinglemission_script 8:53:37 Attempt to override final function - rscdiary_script 8:53:38 Attempt to override final function - rscdisplayremotemissions_script 8:53:38 Attempt to override final function - rscdisplayloading_script 8:53:38 Attempt to override final function - rscdiary_script 8:53:38 Attempt to override final function - rscdiary_script 8:53:38 Attempt to override final function - rscdisplaystrategicmap_script 8:53:38 Attempt to override final function - rscdisplaycommon_script 8:53:38 Attempt to override final function - rscdisplaygarage_script 8:53:38 Attempt to override final function - rscdisplayhostsettings_script 8:53:38 Attempt to override final function - rscdisplayloading_script 8:53:40 Attempt to override final function - rscdisplaycurator_script 8:53:40 Attempt to override final function - display3deneditcomposition_script 8:53:40 Attempt to override final function - display3deneditattributes_script 8:53:40 Attempt to override final function - display3deneditattributes_script 8:53:40 Attempt to override final function - rscdisplayhostsettings_script 8:53:40 Attempt to override final function - rscdisplayattributes_script 8:53:40 Attempt to override final function - rscdisplayattributes_script 8:53:40 Attempt to override final function - rscdisplayattributes_script 8:53:40 Attempt to override final function - rscdisplayattributes_script 8:53:40 Attempt to override final function - rscdisplayattributes_script 8:53:40 Attempt to override final function - rscdisplayattributes_script 8:53:40 Attempt to override final function - rscdisplaycommon_script 8:53:40 Attempt to override final function - rscdisplaydebriefing_script 8:53:40 Attempt to override final function - rscunitinfo_script 8:53:40 Attempt to override final function - rscunitinfo_script 8:53:40 Attempt to override final function - rscunitinfo_script 8:53:40 Attempt to override final function - rscunitinfo_script 8:53:40 Attempt to override final function - rscunitinfo_script 8:53:40 Attempt to override final function - rscunitinfo_script 8:53:40 Attempt to override final function - rscunitinfo_script 8:53:40 Attempt to override final function - rscunitinfo_script 8:53:40 Attempt to override final function - rscunitinfo_script 8:53:40 Attempt to override final function - rscunitinfo_script 8:53:40 Attempt to override final function - rscunitinfo_script 8:53:40 Attempt to override final function - rscunitinfo_script 8:53:40 Attempt to override final function - rscunitinfo_script 8:53:40 Attempt to override final function - rscunitinfo_script 8:53:40 Attempt to override final function - rscunitinfo_script 8:53:40 Attempt to override final function - rscunitinfo_script 8:53:40 Attempt to override final function - rscunitinfo_script 8:53:40 Attempt to override final function - rscunitinfo_script 8:53:40 Attempt to override final function - rscunitinfo_script 8:53:40 Attempt to override final function - rscunitinfo_script 8:53:40 Attempt to override final function - rscunitinfo_script 8:53:40 Attempt to override final function - rscunitinfo_script 8:53:40 Attempt to override final function - rscunitinfo_script 8:53:40 Attempt to override final function - rscunitinfo_script 8:53:40 Attempt to override final function - rscunitinfo_script 8:53:40 Attempt to override final function - rscunitinfo_script 8:53:40 Attempt to override final function - rscunitinfo_script 8:53:40 Attempt to override final function - rscunitinfo_script 8:53:40 Attempt to override final function - rscunitinfo_script 8:53:40 Attempt to override final function - rscunitinfo_script 8:53:40 Attempt to override final function - rscunitinfo_script 8:53:40 Attempt to override final function - rscunitinfo_script 8:53:40 Attempt to override final function - rscunitinfo_script 8:53:40 Attempt to override final function - rscunitinfo_script 8:53:40 Attempt to override final function - rscunitinfo_script 8:53:40 Attempt to override final function - rscunitinfo_script 8:53:40 Attempt to override final function - rscunitinfo_script 8:53:40 Attempt to override final function - rscunitinfo_script 8:53:40 Attempt to override final function - rscunitinfo_script 8:53:40 Attempt to override final function - rscunitinfo_script 8:53:40 Attempt to override final function - rscunitinfo_script 8:53:40 Attempt to override final function - rscunitinfo_script 8:53:40 Attempt to override final function - rscunitinfo_script 8:53:40 Attempt to override final function - rscunitinfo_script 8:53:40 Attempt to override final function - rscunitinfo_script 8:53:40 Attempt to override final function - rscunitinfo_script 8:53:40 Attempt to override final function - rscunitinfo_script 8:53:40 Attempt to override final function - rscunitinfo_script 8:53:40 Attempt to override final function - rscunitinfo_script 8:53:40 Attempt to override final function - rscunitinfo_script 8:53:40 Attempt to override final function - rscunitinfo_script 8:53:40 Attempt to override final function - rscunitinfo_script 8:53:40 Attempt to override final function - rscunitinfo_script 8:53:40 Attempt to override final function - rscunitinfo_script 8:53:40 Attempt to override final function - rscunitinfo_script 8:53:40 Attempt to override final function - rscunitinfo_script 8:53:41 Attempt to override final function - rscunitinfo_script 8:53:41 Attempt to override final function - rscunitinfo_script 8:53:41 Attempt to override final function - rscunitinfo_script 8:53:41 Attempt to override final function - rscunitinfo_script 8:53:41 Attempt to override final function - rscunitinfo_script 8:53:41 Attempt to override final function - rscunitinfo_script 8:53:41 Attempt to override final function - rscunitinfo_script 8:53:41 Attempt to override final function - rscunitinfo_script 8:53:41 Attempt to override final function - rscunitinfo_script 8:53:41 Attempt to override final function - rscunitinfo_script 8:53:41 Attempt to override final function - rscunitinfo_script 8:53:41 Attempt to override final function - rscunitinfo_script 8:53:41 Attempt to override final function - rscunitinfo_script 8:53:41 Attempt to override final function - rscunitinfo_script 8:53:41 Attempt to override final function - rscunitinfo_script 8:53:41 Attempt to override final function - rscunitinfo_script 8:53:41 Attempt to override final function - rscunitinfo_script 8:53:41 Attempt to override final function - rscunitinfo_script 8:53:41 [0,291.876,0,"XEH: PreStart started."] 8:54:03 [0,314.02,0,"XEH: PreStart finished."] 8:54:03 [XEH]: A3L_POLB does not support Extended Event Handlers! Addon: @A3L 8:54:03 [XEH]: PD_black_FLIR_mh9 does not support Extended Event Handlers! Addon: @A3L 8:54:03 [XEH]: PD_sheriff_FLIR_mh9 does not support Extended Event Handlers! Addon: @A3L 8:54:03 [XEH]: PD_sheriff_mh9 does not support Extended Event Handlers! Addon: @A3L 8:54:03 [XEH]: civ_black_mh9 does not support Extended Event Handlers! Addon: @A3L 8:54:03 [XEH]: civ_green_mh9 does not support Extended Event Handlers! Addon: @A3L 8:54:03 [XEH]: civ_red_mh9 does not support Extended Event Handlers! Addon: @A3L 8:54:03 [XEH]: civ_blue_mh9 does not support Extended Event Handlers! Addon: @A3L 8:54:03 [XEH]: civ_blueline_mh9 does not support Extended Event Handlers! Addon: @A3L 8:54:03 [XEH]: civ_elliptical_mh9 does not support Extended Event Handlers! Addon: @A3L 8:54:03 [XEH]: civ_furious_mh9 does not support Extended Event Handlers! Addon: @A3L 8:54:03 [XEH]: civ_graywatcher_mh9 does not support Extended Event Handlers! Addon: @A3L 8:54:03 [XEH]: civ_jeans_mh9 does not support Extended Event Handlers! Addon: @A3L 8:54:03 [XEH]: civ_shadow_mh9 does not support Extended Event Handlers! Addon: @A3L 8:54:03 [XEH]: civ_speedy_mh9 does not support Extended Event Handlers! Addon: @A3L 8:54:03 [XEH]: civ_sunset_mh9 does not support Extended Event Handlers! Addon: @A3L 8:54:03 [XEH]: civ_vrana_mh9 does not support Extended Event Handlers! Addon: @A3L 8:54:03 [XEH]: civ_wasp_mh9 does not support Extended Event Handlers! Addon: @A3L 8:54:03 [XEH]: civ_wave_mh9 does not support Extended Event Handlers! Addon: @A3L 8:54:03 [XEH]: civ_ion_ch49 does not support Extended Event Handlers! Addon: @A3L 8:54:03 [XEH]: civ_daho_ch49 does not support Extended Event Handlers! Addon: @A3L 8:54:03 [XEH]: EMS_HUMMINGBIRD does not support Extended Event Handlers! Addon: @A3L 8:54:03 [XEH]: A3L_Stretcher_F does not support Extended Event Handlers! Addon: @A3L 8:54:03 [XEH]: b737 does not support Extended Event Handlers! Addon: @A3L 8:54:03 [XEH]: b747 does not support Extended Event Handlers! Addon: @A3L 8:54:03 [XEH]: il96 does not support Extended Event Handlers! Addon: @A3L 8:54:03 [XEH]: IVORY_ERJ135_BASE does not support Extended Event Handlers! Addon: @A3L 8:54:03 [XEH]: tu154 does not support Extended Event Handlers! Addon: @A3L 8:54:03 [XEH]: yak42 does not support Extended Event Handlers! Addon: @A3L 8:54:03 [XEH]: Bravo93_IRA_Soldier2 does not support Extended Event Handlers! Addon: @A3L 8:54:03 [XEH]: Bravo93_IRA_Soldier3 does not support Extended Event Handlers! Addon: @A3L 8:54:03 [XEH]: Bravo93_IRA_Soldier5 does not support Extended Event Handlers! Addon: @A3L 8:54:03 [XEH]: Bravo93_IRA_Soldier6 does not support Extended Event Handlers! Addon: @A3L 8:54:03 [XEH]: Bravo93_IRA_Soldier8 does not support Extended Event Handlers! Addon: @A3L 8:54:03 [XEH]: Bravo93_IRA_Soldier9 does not support Extended Event Handlers! Addon: @A3L 8:54:03 [XEH]: Bravo93_IRA_Soldier10 does not support Extended Event Handlers! Addon: @A3L 8:54:03 [XEH]: Bravo93_UVF_Soldier2 does not support Extended Event Handlers! Addon: @A3L 8:54:03 [XEH]: Bravo93_UVF_Soldier3 does not support Extended Event Handlers! Addon: @A3L 8:54:03 [XEH]: Bravo93_UVF_Soldier5 does not support Extended Event Handlers! Addon: @A3L 8:54:03 [XEH]: Bravo93_UVF_Soldier6 does not support Extended Event Handlers! Addon: @A3L 8:54:03 [XEH]: Bravo93_UVF_Soldier7 does not support Extended Event Handlers! Addon: @A3L 8:54:03 [XEH]: Bravo93_UVF_Soldier8 does not support Extended Event Handlers! Addon: @A3L 8:54:03 [XEH]: Bravo93_UVF_Soldier9 does not support Extended Event Handlers! Addon: @A3L 8:54:03 [XEH]: A3L_Bicycle_base does not support Extended Event Handlers! Addon: @A3L 8:54:03 [XEH]: A3L_Challenger_Base does not support Extended Event Handlers! Addon: @A3L 8:54:03 [XEH]: A3L_Charger_base does not support Extended Event Handlers! Addon: @A3L 8:54:03 [XEH]: A3L_Charger does not support Extended Event Handlers! Addon: @A3L 8:54:03 [XEH]: A3L_ChargerUC does not support Extended Event Handlers! Addon: @A3L 8:54:03 [XEH]: A3L_ChargerUCWhite does not support Extended Event Handlers! Addon: @A3L 8:54:03 [XEH]: A3L_ChargerLB does not support Extended Event Handlers! Addon: @A3L 8:54:03 [XEH]: A3L_CraneSeat does not support Extended Event Handlers! Addon: @A3L 8:54:03 [XEH]: A3L_CVPIFPBPD does not support Extended Event Handlers! Addon: @A3L 8:54:03 [XEH]: A3L_CVPIFPBCSO does not support Extended Event Handlers! Addon: @A3L 8:54:03 [XEH]: A3L_CVPIFPBFG does not support Extended Event Handlers! Addon: @A3L 8:54:03 [XEH]: A3L_CVPIFPBLBPD does not support Extended Event Handlers! Addon: @A3L 8:54:03 [XEH]: A3L_CVPIFPBLBCSO does not support Extended Event Handlers! Addon: @A3L 8:54:03 [XEH]: A3L_CVPIFPBLBFG does not support Extended Event Handlers! Addon: @A3L 8:54:03 [XEH]: A3L_CVPIUC does not support Extended Event Handlers! Addon: @A3L 8:54:03 [XEH]: A3L_CVPIUCBlack does not support Extended Event Handlers! Addon: @A3L 8:54:03 [XEH]: A3L_CVPIUCWhite does not support Extended Event Handlers! Addon: @A3L 8:54:03 [XEH]: A3L_CVPIUCGrey does not support Extended Event Handlers! Addon: @A3L 8:54:03 [XEH]: A3L_CVPIUCRed does not support Extended Event Handlers! Addon: @A3L 8:54:03 [XEH]: A3L_CVPIUCPink does not support Extended Event Handlers! Addon: @A3L 8:54:03 [XEH]: A3L_CVPIUCBlue does not support Extended Event Handlers! Addon: @A3L 8:54:03 [XEH]: A3L_CVPILBFD does not support Extended Event Handlers! Addon: @A3L 8:54:03 [XEH]: A3L_Dumptruck does not support Extended Event Handlers! Addon: @A3L 8:54:03 [XEH]: A3L_AmberLamps does not support Extended Event Handlers! Addon: @A3L 8:54:03 [XEH]: A3L_EvoXFPBLBPD does not support Extended Event Handlers! Addon: @A3L 8:54:03 [XEH]: A3L_EvoXFPBLBSO does not support Extended Event Handlers! Addon: @A3L 8:54:03 [XEH]: A3L_EvoXWhite does not support Extended Event Handlers! Addon: @A3L 8:54:03 [XEH]: A3L_EvoXBlack does not support Extended Event Handlers! Addon: @A3L 8:54:03 [XEH]: A3L_EvoXRed does not support Extended Event Handlers! Addon: @A3L 8:54:03 [XEH]: A3L_F350_base does not support Extended Event Handlers! Addon: @A3L 8:54:03 [XEH]: A3L_GrandCaravanUC does not support Extended Event Handlers! Addon: @A3L 8:54:03 [XEH]: A3L_GrandCaravanUCBlack does not support Extended Event Handlers! Addon: @A3L 8:54:03 [XEH]: A3L_Hyster60_base does not support Extended Event Handlers! Addon: @A3L 8:54:03 [XEH]: A3L_LadderTruck_base does not support Extended Event Handlers! Addon: @A3L 8:54:03 [XEH]: A3L_Ship does not support Extended Event Handlers! Addon: @A3L 8:54:03 [XEH]: A3L_JetSki does not support Extended Event Handlers! Addon: @A3L 8:54:03 [XEH]: A3L_Tahoe_Base does not support Extended Event Handlers! Addon: @A3L 8:54:03 [XEH]: A3L_TahoeLBPB does not support Extended Event Handlers! Addon: @A3L 8:54:03 [XEH]: A3L_TahoeUCPB does not support Extended Event Handlers! Addon: @A3L 8:54:03 [XEH]: A3L_TahoeUC does not support Extended Event Handlers! Addon: @A3L 8:54:03 [XEH]: A3L_TahoeUCGMPB does not support Extended Event Handlers! Addon: @A3L 8:54:03 [XEH]: A3L_TahoeCSOLBPB does not support Extended Event Handlers! Addon: @A3L 8:54:03 [XEH]: A3L_TahoeWhite does not support Extended Event Handlers! Addon: @A3L 8:54:03 [XEH]: A3L_TahoeRed does not support Extended Event Handlers! Addon: @A3L 8:54:03 [XEH]: A3L_TahoeBlue does not support Extended Event Handlers! Addon: @A3L 8:54:03 [XEH]: A3L_Taurus_base does not support Extended Event Handlers! Addon: @A3L 8:54:03 [XEH]: A3L_Towtruck does not support Extended Event Handlers! Addon: @A3L 8:54:03 [XEH]: S_MclarenP1_BaseClass does not support Extended Event Handlers! Addon: @A3L 8:54:03 [XEH]: A3L_Veyron does not support Extended Event Handlers! Addon: @A3L 8:54:03 [XEH]: bwi_a3_t6a_BASE does not support Extended Event Handlers! Addon: @A3L 8:54:03 [XEH]: D_Cobalt_Base does not support Extended Event Handlers! Addon: @A3L 8:54:03 [XEH]: DAR_ExplorerPolice does not support Extended Event Handlers! Addon: @A3L 8:54:03 [XEH]: DAR_ExplorerPoliceStealth does not support Extended Event Handlers! Addon: @A3L 8:54:03 [XEH]: IVORY_PRIUS does not support Extended Event Handlers! Addon: @A3L 8:54:03 [XEH]: IVORY_R8 does not support Extended Event Handlers! Addon: @A3L 8:54:03 [XEH]: IVORY_R8SPYDER does not support Extended Event Handlers! Addon: @A3L 8:54:03 [XEH]: IVORY_REV does not support Extended Event Handlers! Addon: @A3L 8:54:03 [XEH]: IVORY_UH1Y_BASE does not support Extended Event Handlers! Addon: @A3L 8:54:03 [XEH]: Jonzie_Public_truck_base does not support Extended Event Handlers! Addon: @Jonzie_mega_Mod_Pack 8:54:03 [XEH]: Jonzie_Public_Prime_Mover does not support Extended Event Handlers! Addon: @Jonzie_mega_Mod_Pack 8:54:03 [XEH]: Jonzie_Public_Trailer_Base does not support Extended Event Handlers! Addon: @Jonzie_mega_Mod_Pack 8:54:03 [XEH]: Jonzie_Dolly does not support Extended Event Handlers! Addon: @Jonzie_mega_Mod_Pack 8:54:03 [XEH]: Jonzie_Tow_Truck does not support Extended Event Handlers! Addon: @Jonzie_mega_Mod_Pack 8:54:03 [XEH]: Jonzie_Flat_Bed does not support Extended Event Handlers! Addon: @Jonzie_mega_Mod_Pack 8:54:03 [XEH]: Jonzie_Log_Truck does not support Extended Event Handlers! Addon: @Jonzie_mega_Mod_Pack 8:54:03 [XEH]: Jonzie_Box_Truck does not support Extended Event Handlers! Addon: @Jonzie_mega_Mod_Pack 8:54:03 [XEH]: Jonzie_Curtain does not support Extended Event Handlers! Addon: @Jonzie_mega_Mod_Pack 8:54:03 [XEH]: S_Rangerover_Red does not support Extended Event Handlers! Addon: @A3L 8:54:03 [XEH]: S_Rangerover_Black does not support Extended Event Handlers! Addon: @A3L 8:54:03 [XEH]: S_Rangerover_Blue does not support Extended Event Handlers! Addon: @A3L 8:54:03 [XEH]: S_Rangerover_Green does not support Extended Event Handlers! Addon: @A3L 8:54:03 [XEH]: S_Rangerover_Purple does not support Extended Event Handlers! Addon: @A3L 8:54:03 [XEH]: S_Rangerover_Grey does not support Extended Event Handlers! Addon: @A3L 8:54:03 [XEH]: S_Rangerover_Orange does not support Extended Event Handlers! Addon: @A3L 8:54:03 [XEH]: S_Rangerover_White does not support Extended Event Handlers! Addon: @A3L 8:54:03 [XEH]: S_Skyline_BaseClass does not support Extended Event Handlers! Addon: @A3L 8:54:03 [XEH]: A3L_AMC does not support Extended Event Handlers! Addon: @A3L 8:54:03 [XEH]: A3L_Delorean does not support Extended Event Handlers! Addon: @A3L 8:54:03 [XEH]: A3L_DeloreanCiv does not support Extended Event Handlers! Addon: @A3L 8:54:03 [XEH]: A3L_FordKa does not support Extended Event Handlers! Addon: @A3L 8:54:03 [XEH]: A3L_Suburban does not support Extended Event Handlers! Addon: @A3L 8:54:03 [XEH]: A3L_SuburbanCSO does not support Extended Event Handlers! Addon: @A3L 8:54:03 [XEH]: A3L_SuburbanFG does not support Extended Event Handlers! Addon: @A3L 8:54:03 [XEH]: A3L_SuburbanEMS does not support Extended Event Handlers! Addon: @A3L 8:54:03 [XEH]: A3L_SuburbanWhite does not support Extended Event Handlers! Addon: @A3L 8:54:03 [XEH]: A3L_SuburbanBlue does not support Extended Event Handlers! Addon: @A3L 8:54:03 [XEH]: A3L_SuburbanRed does not support Extended Event Handlers! Addon: @A3L 8:54:03 [XEH]: A3L_SuburbanBlack does not support Extended Event Handlers! Addon: @A3L 8:54:03 [XEH]: A3L_SuburbanGrey does not support Extended Event Handlers! Addon: @A3L 8:54:03 [XEH]: A3L_SuburbanOrange does not support Extended Event Handlers! Addon: @A3L 8:54:03 [XEH]: Camaro_base does not support Extended Event Handlers! Addon: @A3L 8:54:03 [XEH]: Land_PowerLine_01_pole_junction_F does not support Extended Event Handlers! Addon: expansion 8:54:03 [XEH]: Land_PowerLine_01_pole_lamp_F does not support Extended Event Handlers! Addon: expansion 8:54:03 [XEH]: Land_PowerLine_01_pole_lamp_off_F does not support Extended Event Handlers! Addon: expansion 8:54:03 [XEH]: Land_PowerLine_01_pole_small_F does not support Extended Event Handlers! Addon: expansion 8:54:03 [XEH]: Land_PowerLine_01_pole_tall_F does not support Extended Event Handlers! Addon: expansion 8:54:03 [XEH]: Land_PowerLine_01_pole_transformer_F does not support Extended Event Handlers! Addon: expansion 8:54:03 [XEH]: Plane_Civil_01_base_F does not support Extended Event Handlers! Addon: expansion 8:54:03 [XEH]: B_CTRG_Miller_F does not support Extended Event Handlers! Addon: expansion 8:54:03 [XEH]: A3L_CarCarrier does not support Extended Event Handlers! Addon: @A3L 8:54:03 [XEH]: Max_pilot_blue does not support Extended Event Handlers! Addon: @A3L 8:54:03 [XEH]: Max_pilot_black does not support Extended Event Handlers! Addon: @A3L 8:54:03 [XEH]: Max_pilot_yellow does not support Extended Event Handlers! Addon: @A3L 8:54:03 [XEH]: Max_pilot_red does not support Extended Event Handlers! Addon: @A3L 8:54:03 [XEH]: Max_pilot_green does not support Extended Event Handlers! Addon: @A3L 8:54:03 [XEH]: max_BMW_M3_GTR does not support Extended Event Handlers! Addon: @A3L 8:54:03 [XEH]: max_BMW_M3_GTR1 does not support Extended Event Handlers! Addon: @A3L 8:54:03 [XEH]: max_BMW_M3_GTR2 does not support Extended Event Handlers! Addon: @A3L 8:54:03 [XEH]: max_BMW_M3_GTR3 does not support Extended Event Handlers! Addon: @A3L 8:54:03 [XEH]: max_BMW_M3_GTR4 does not support Extended Event Handlers! Addon: @A3L 8:54:04 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/ItemCore.scope'. 8:54:04 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:04 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/ItemCore.model'. 8:54:04 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:04 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/ItemCore.simulation'. 8:54:04 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:04 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/ItemCore.accuracy'. 8:54:04 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:04 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/ItemCore.camouflage'. 8:54:04 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:04 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/ItemCore.audible'. 8:54:04 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:04 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/ItemCore.displayName'. 8:54:04 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:04 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/ItemCore.textSingular'. 8:54:04 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:04 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/ItemCore.speechSingular'. 8:54:04 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/ItemCore.textPlural'. 8:54:04 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:04 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/ItemCore.speechPlural'. 8:54:04 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/ItemCore.maxDetectRange'. 8:54:04 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:04 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/ItemCore.detectSkill'. 8:54:04 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:04 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/ItemCore.mineAlertIconRange'. 8:54:04 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:04 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/ItemCore.weaponSlots'. 8:54:04 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:04 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/ItemCore.spotableNightLightsOff'. 8:54:04 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:04 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/ItemCore.spotableDarkNightLightsOff'. 8:54:04 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:04 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/ItemCore.spotableNightLightsOn'. 8:54:04 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:04 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/ItemCore.nameSound'. 8:54:04 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:04 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/ItemCore.side'. 8:54:04 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:04 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/ItemCore.destrType'. 8:54:04 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:04 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/ItemCore.picture'. 8:54:04 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:04 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/ItemCore.portrait'. 8:54:04 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:04 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/ItemCore.icon'. 8:54:04 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:04 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/ItemCore.cost'. 8:54:04 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:04 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/ItemCore.fuelCapacity'. 8:54:04 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:04 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/ItemCore.fuelConsumptionRate'. 8:54:04 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:04 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/ItemCore.armor'. 8:54:04 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:04 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/ItemCore.crewCrashProtection'. 8:54:04 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:04 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/ItemCore.damageResistance'. 8:54:04 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:04 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/ItemCore.extCameraPosition'. 8:54:04 Warning Message: []: '/' not an array 8:54:04 Cannot evaluate '' - no file 8:54:04 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/ItemCore.extCameraPosition'. 8:54:04 Warning Message: []: '/' not an array 8:54:04 Cannot evaluate '' - no file 8:54:04 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/ItemCore.extCameraPosition'. 8:54:04 Warning Message: []: '/' not an array 8:54:04 Cannot evaluate '' - no file 8:54:04 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/ItemCore.groupCameraPosition'. 8:54:04 Warning Message: []: '/' not an array 8:54:04 Cannot evaluate '' - no file 8:54:04 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/ItemCore.groupCameraPosition'. 8:54:04 Warning Message: []: '/' not an array 8:54:04 Cannot evaluate '' - no file 8:54:04 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/ItemCore.groupCameraPosition'. 8:54:04 Warning Message: []: '/' not an array 8:54:04 Cannot evaluate '' - no file 8:54:04 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/ItemCore.maxSpeed'. 8:54:04 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:04 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/ItemCore.limitedSpeedCoef'. 8:54:04 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:04 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/ItemCore.secondaryExplosion'. 8:54:04 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:04 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/ItemCore.sensitivity'. 8:54:04 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:04 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/ItemCore.sensitivityEar'. 8:54:04 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:04 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/ItemCore.brakeDistance'. 8:54:04 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:04 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/ItemCore.precision'. 8:54:04 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:04 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/ItemCore.formationX'. 8:54:04 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:04 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/ItemCore.formationZ'. 8:54:04 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:04 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/ItemCore.formationTime'. 8:54:04 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:04 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/ItemCore.steerAheadSimul'. 8:54:04 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:04 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/ItemCore.steerAheadPlan'. 8:54:04 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:04 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/ItemCore.driverCanEject'. 8:54:04 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:04 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/ItemCore.cargoCanEject'. 8:54:04 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:04 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/ItemCore.ViewPilot'. 8:54:04 Warning Message: No entry '.initAngleY'. 8:54:04 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:04 Warning Message: No entry '.minAngleY'. 8:54:04 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:04 Warning Message: No entry '.maxAngleY'. 8:54:04 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:04 Warning Message: No entry '.initAngleX'. 8:54:04 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:04 Warning Message: No entry '.minAngleX'. 8:54:04 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:04 Warning Message: No entry '.maxAngleX'. 8:54:04 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:04 Warning Message: No entry '.initFov'. 8:54:04 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:04 Warning Message: No entry '.minFov'. 8:54:04 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:04 Warning Message: No entry '.maxFov'. 8:54:04 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:04 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/ItemCore.HeadLimits'. 8:54:04 Warning Message: No entry '.initAngleY'. 8:54:04 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:04 Warning Message: No entry '.minAngleY'. 8:54:04 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:04 Warning Message: No entry '.maxAngleY'. 8:54:04 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:04 Warning Message: No entry '.initAngleX'. 8:54:04 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:04 Warning Message: No entry '.minAngleX'. 8:54:04 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:04 Warning Message: No entry '.maxAngleX'. 8:54:04 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:04 Warning Message: No entry '.minAngleZ'. 8:54:04 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:04 Warning Message: No entry '.maxAngleZ'. 8:54:04 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:04 Warning Message: No entry '.rotZRadius'. 8:54:04 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:04 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/ItemCore.PilotSpec'. 8:54:04 Warning Message: No entry '.showHeadPhones'. 8:54:04 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:04 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/ItemCore.predictTurnSimul'. 8:54:04 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:04 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/ItemCore.predictTurnPlan'. 8:54:04 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:04 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/ItemCore.minFireTime'. 8:54:04 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:04 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/ItemCore.enableWatch'. 8:54:04 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:04 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/ItemCore.enableRadio'. 8:54:04 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:04 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/ItemCore.transportFuel'. 8:54:04 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:04 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/ItemCore.transportRepair'. 8:54:04 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:04 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/ItemCore.transportAmmo'. 8:54:04 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:04 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/ItemCore.transportMaxWeapons'. 8:54:04 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:04 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/ItemCore.transportMaxMagazines'. 8:54:04 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:04 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/ItemCore.transportMaxBackpacks'. 8:54:04 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:04 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/ItemCore.lockDetectionSystem'. 8:54:04 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:04 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/ItemCore.incomingMissileDetectionSystem'. 8:54:04 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:04 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/ItemCore.allowTabLock'. 8:54:04 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:04 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/ItemCore.showAllTargets'. 8:54:04 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:04 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/ItemCore.TransportWeapons'. 8:54:04 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/ItemCore.TransportMagazines'. 8:54:04 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/ItemCore.alwaysTarget'. 8:54:04 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:04 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/ItemCore.irTarget'. 8:54:04 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:04 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/ItemCore.irScanToEyeFactor'. 8:54:04 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:04 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/ItemCore.irScanRangeMin'. 8:54:04 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:04 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/ItemCore.irScanRangeMax'. 8:54:04 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:04 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/ItemCore.nightVision'. 8:54:04 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:04 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/ItemCore.laserScanner'. 8:54:04 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:04 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/ItemCore.laserTarget'. 8:54:04 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:04 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/ItemCore.nvTarget'. 8:54:04 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:04 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/ItemCore.artilleryTarget'. 8:54:04 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:04 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/ItemCore.artilleryScanner'. 8:54:04 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:04 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/ItemCore.nvScanner'. 8:54:04 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:04 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/ItemCore.commanderCanSee'. 8:54:04 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:04 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/ItemCore.driverCanSee'. 8:54:04 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:04 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/ItemCore.gunnerCanSee'. 8:54:04 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:04 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/ItemCore.radarType'. 8:54:04 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:04 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/ItemCore.attendant'. 8:54:04 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:04 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/ItemCore.engineer'. 8:54:04 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:04 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/ItemCore.uavHacker'. 8:54:04 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:04 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/ItemCore.preferRoads'. 8:54:04 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:04 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/ItemCore.unitInfoType'. 8:54:04 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:04 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/ItemCore.hideUnitInfo'. 8:54:04 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:04 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/ItemCore.soundEngine'. 8:54:04 Warning Message: Size: '/' not an array 8:54:04 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/ItemCore.soundEnviron'. 8:54:04 Warning Message: Size: '/' not an array 8:54:04 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/ItemCore.soundDammage'. 8:54:04 Warning Message: Size: '/' not an array 8:54:04 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/ItemCore.soundGetIn'. 8:54:04 Warning Message: Size: '/' not an array 8:54:04 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/ItemCore.soundGetOut'. 8:54:04 Warning Message: Size: '/' not an array 8:54:04 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/ItemCore.soundServo'. 8:54:04 Warning Message: Size: '/' not an array 8:54:04 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/ItemCore.soundEngineOnInt'. 8:54:04 Warning Message: Size: '/' not an array 8:54:04 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/ItemCore.soundEngineOffInt'. 8:54:04 Warning Message: Size: '/' not an array 8:54:04 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/ItemCore.soundEngineOnExt'. 8:54:04 Warning Message: Size: '/' not an array 8:54:04 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/ItemCore.soundEngineOffExt'. 8:54:04 Warning Message: Size: '/' not an array 8:54:04 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/ItemCore.soundLocked'. 8:54:04 Warning Message: Size: '/' not an array 8:54:04 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/ItemCore.soundIncommingMissile'. 8:54:04 Warning Message: Size: '/' not an array 8:54:04 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/ItemCore.soundGearUp'. 8:54:04 Warning Message: Size: '/' not an array 8:54:04 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/ItemCore.soundGearDown'. 8:54:04 Warning Message: Size: '/' not an array 8:54:04 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/ItemCore.soundFlapsUp'. 8:54:04 Warning Message: Size: '/' not an array 8:54:04 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/ItemCore.soundFlapsDown'. 8:54:04 Warning Message: Size: '/' not an array 8:54:04 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/ItemCore.soundCrashes'. 8:54:04 Warning Message: Size: '/' not an array 8:54:04 Warning Message: Size: '/' not an array 8:54:04 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/ItemCore.soundLandCrashes'. 8:54:04 Warning Message: Size: '/' not an array 8:54:04 Warning Message: Size: '/' not an array 8:54:04 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/ItemCore.soundWaterCrashes'. 8:54:04 Warning Message: Size: '/' not an array 8:54:04 Warning Message: Size: '/' not an array 8:54:04 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/ItemCore.soundWoodCrash'. 8:54:04 Warning Message: Size: '/' not an array 8:54:04 Warning Message: Size: '/' not an array 8:54:04 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/ItemCore.soundBushCrash'. 8:54:04 Warning Message: Size: '/' not an array 8:54:04 Warning Message: Size: '/' not an array 8:54:04 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/ItemCore.soundBuildingCrash'. 8:54:04 Warning Message: Size: '/' not an array 8:54:04 Warning Message: Size: '/' not an array 8:54:04 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/ItemCore.soundArmorCrash'. 8:54:04 Warning Message: Size: '/' not an array 8:54:04 Warning Message: Size: '/' not an array 8:54:04 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/ItemCore.SoundEnvironExt'. 8:54:04 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/ItemCore.SoundGear'. 8:54:04 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/ItemCore.SoundEquipment'. 8:54:04 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/ItemCore.weapons'. 8:54:04 Warning Message: Size: '/' not an array 8:54:04 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/ItemCore.magazines'. 8:54:04 Warning Message: Size: '/' not an array 8:54:04 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/ItemCore.threat'. 8:54:04 Warning Message: []: '/' not an array 8:54:04 Cannot evaluate '' - no file 8:54:04 Warning Message: []: '/' not an array 8:54:04 Cannot evaluate '' - no file 8:54:04 Warning Message: []: '/' not an array 8:54:04 Cannot evaluate '' - no file 8:54:04 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/ItemCore.type'. 8:54:04 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:04 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/ItemCore.HeadAimDown'. 8:54:04 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:04 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/InventoryItem_Base_F.scope'. 8:54:04 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:04 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/InventoryItem_Base_F.model'. 8:54:04 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:04 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/InventoryItem_Base_F.simulation'. 8:54:04 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:04 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/InventoryItem_Base_F.accuracy'. 8:54:04 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:04 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/InventoryItem_Base_F.camouflage'. 8:54:04 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:04 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/InventoryItem_Base_F.audible'. 8:54:04 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:04 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/InventoryItem_Base_F.displayName'. 8:54:04 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:04 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/InventoryItem_Base_F.textSingular'. 8:54:04 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:04 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/InventoryItem_Base_F.speechSingular'. 8:54:04 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/InventoryItem_Base_F.textPlural'. 8:54:04 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:04 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/InventoryItem_Base_F.speechPlural'. 8:54:04 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/InventoryItem_Base_F.maxDetectRange'. 8:54:04 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:04 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/InventoryItem_Base_F.detectSkill'. 8:54:04 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:04 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/InventoryItem_Base_F.mineAlertIconRange'. 8:54:04 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:04 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/InventoryItem_Base_F.weaponSlots'. 8:54:04 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:04 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/InventoryItem_Base_F.spotableNightLightsOff'. 8:54:04 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:04 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/InventoryItem_Base_F.spotableDarkNightLightsOff'. 8:54:04 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:04 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/InventoryItem_Base_F.spotableNightLightsOn'. 8:54:04 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:04 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/InventoryItem_Base_F.nameSound'. 8:54:04 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:04 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/InventoryItem_Base_F.side'. 8:54:04 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:04 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/InventoryItem_Base_F.destrType'. 8:54:04 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:04 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/InventoryItem_Base_F.picture'. 8:54:04 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:04 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/InventoryItem_Base_F.portrait'. 8:54:04 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:04 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/InventoryItem_Base_F.icon'. 8:54:04 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:04 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/InventoryItem_Base_F.cost'. 8:54:04 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:04 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/InventoryItem_Base_F.fuelCapacity'. 8:54:04 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:04 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/InventoryItem_Base_F.fuelConsumptionRate'. 8:54:04 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:04 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/InventoryItem_Base_F.armor'. 8:54:04 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:04 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/InventoryItem_Base_F.crewCrashProtection'. 8:54:04 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:04 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/InventoryItem_Base_F.damageResistance'. 8:54:04 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:04 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/InventoryItem_Base_F.extCameraPosition'. 8:54:04 Warning Message: []: '/' not an array 8:54:04 Cannot evaluate '' - no file 8:54:04 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/InventoryItem_Base_F.extCameraPosition'. 8:54:04 Warning Message: []: '/' not an array 8:54:04 Cannot evaluate '' - no file 8:54:04 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/InventoryItem_Base_F.extCameraPosition'. 8:54:04 Warning Message: []: '/' not an array 8:54:04 Cannot evaluate '' - no file 8:54:04 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/InventoryItem_Base_F.groupCameraPosition'. 8:54:04 Warning Message: []: '/' not an array 8:54:04 Cannot evaluate '' - no file 8:54:04 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/InventoryItem_Base_F.groupCameraPosition'. 8:54:04 Warning Message: []: '/' not an array 8:54:04 Cannot evaluate '' - no file 8:54:04 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/InventoryItem_Base_F.groupCameraPosition'. 8:54:04 Warning Message: []: '/' not an array 8:54:04 Cannot evaluate '' - no file 8:54:04 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/InventoryItem_Base_F.maxSpeed'. 8:54:04 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:04 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/InventoryItem_Base_F.limitedSpeedCoef'. 8:54:04 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:04 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/InventoryItem_Base_F.secondaryExplosion'. 8:54:04 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:04 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/InventoryItem_Base_F.sensitivity'. 8:54:04 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:04 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/InventoryItem_Base_F.sensitivityEar'. 8:54:04 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:04 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/InventoryItem_Base_F.brakeDistance'. 8:54:04 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:04 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/InventoryItem_Base_F.precision'. 8:54:04 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:04 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/InventoryItem_Base_F.formationX'. 8:54:04 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:04 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/InventoryItem_Base_F.formationZ'. 8:54:04 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:04 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/InventoryItem_Base_F.formationTime'. 8:54:04 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:04 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/InventoryItem_Base_F.steerAheadSimul'. 8:54:04 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:04 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/InventoryItem_Base_F.steerAheadPlan'. 8:54:04 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:04 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/InventoryItem_Base_F.driverCanEject'. 8:54:04 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:04 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/InventoryItem_Base_F.cargoCanEject'. 8:54:04 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:04 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/InventoryItem_Base_F.ViewPilot'. 8:54:04 Warning Message: No entry '.initAngleY'. 8:54:04 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:04 Warning Message: No entry '.minAngleY'. 8:54:04 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:04 Warning Message: No entry '.maxAngleY'. 8:54:04 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:04 Warning Message: No entry '.initAngleX'. 8:54:04 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:04 Warning Message: No entry '.minAngleX'. 8:54:04 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:04 Warning Message: No entry '.maxAngleX'. 8:54:04 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:04 Warning Message: No entry '.initFov'. 8:54:04 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:04 Warning Message: No entry '.minFov'. 8:54:04 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:04 Warning Message: No entry '.maxFov'. 8:54:04 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:04 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/InventoryItem_Base_F.HeadLimits'. 8:54:04 Warning Message: No entry '.initAngleY'. 8:54:04 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:04 Warning Message: No entry '.minAngleY'. 8:54:04 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:04 Warning Message: No entry '.maxAngleY'. 8:54:04 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:04 Warning Message: No entry '.initAngleX'. 8:54:04 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:04 Warning Message: No entry '.minAngleX'. 8:54:04 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:04 Warning Message: No entry '.maxAngleX'. 8:54:04 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:04 Warning Message: No entry '.minAngleZ'. 8:54:04 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:04 Warning Message: No entry '.maxAngleZ'. 8:54:04 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:04 Warning Message: No entry '.rotZRadius'. 8:54:04 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:04 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/InventoryItem_Base_F.PilotSpec'. 8:54:04 Warning Message: No entry '.showHeadPhones'. 8:54:04 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:04 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/InventoryItem_Base_F.predictTurnSimul'. 8:54:04 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:04 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/InventoryItem_Base_F.predictTurnPlan'. 8:54:04 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:04 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/InventoryItem_Base_F.minFireTime'. 8:54:04 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:04 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/InventoryItem_Base_F.enableWatch'. 8:54:04 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:04 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/InventoryItem_Base_F.enableRadio'. 8:54:04 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:04 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/InventoryItem_Base_F.transportFuel'. 8:54:04 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:04 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/InventoryItem_Base_F.transportRepair'. 8:54:04 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:04 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/InventoryItem_Base_F.transportAmmo'. 8:54:04 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:04 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/InventoryItem_Base_F.transportMaxWeapons'. 8:54:04 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:04 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/InventoryItem_Base_F.transportMaxMagazines'. 8:54:04 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:04 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/InventoryItem_Base_F.transportMaxBackpacks'. 8:54:04 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:04 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/InventoryItem_Base_F.lockDetectionSystem'. 8:54:04 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:04 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/InventoryItem_Base_F.incomingMissileDetectionSystem'. 8:54:04 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:04 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/InventoryItem_Base_F.allowTabLock'. 8:54:04 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:04 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/InventoryItem_Base_F.showAllTargets'. 8:54:04 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:04 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/InventoryItem_Base_F.TransportWeapons'. 8:54:04 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/InventoryItem_Base_F.TransportMagazines'. 8:54:04 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/InventoryItem_Base_F.alwaysTarget'. 8:54:04 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:04 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/InventoryItem_Base_F.irTarget'. 8:54:04 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:04 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/InventoryItem_Base_F.irScanToEyeFactor'. 8:54:04 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:04 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/InventoryItem_Base_F.irScanRangeMin'. 8:54:04 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:04 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/InventoryItem_Base_F.irScanRangeMax'. 8:54:04 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:04 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/InventoryItem_Base_F.nightVision'. 8:54:04 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:04 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/InventoryItem_Base_F.laserScanner'. 8:54:04 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:04 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/InventoryItem_Base_F.laserTarget'. 8:54:04 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:04 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/InventoryItem_Base_F.nvTarget'. 8:54:04 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:04 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/InventoryItem_Base_F.artilleryTarget'. 8:54:04 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:04 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/InventoryItem_Base_F.artilleryScanner'. 8:54:04 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:04 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/InventoryItem_Base_F.nvScanner'. 8:54:04 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:04 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/InventoryItem_Base_F.commanderCanSee'. 8:54:04 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:04 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/InventoryItem_Base_F.driverCanSee'. 8:54:04 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:04 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/InventoryItem_Base_F.gunnerCanSee'. 8:54:04 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:04 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/InventoryItem_Base_F.radarType'. 8:54:04 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:04 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/InventoryItem_Base_F.attendant'. 8:54:04 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:04 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/InventoryItem_Base_F.engineer'. 8:54:04 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:04 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/InventoryItem_Base_F.uavHacker'. 8:54:04 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:04 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/InventoryItem_Base_F.preferRoads'. 8:54:04 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:04 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/InventoryItem_Base_F.unitInfoType'. 8:54:04 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:04 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/InventoryItem_Base_F.hideUnitInfo'. 8:54:04 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:04 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/InventoryItem_Base_F.soundEngine'. 8:54:04 Warning Message: Size: '/' not an array 8:54:04 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/InventoryItem_Base_F.soundEnviron'. 8:54:04 Warning Message: Size: '/' not an array 8:54:04 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/InventoryItem_Base_F.soundDammage'. 8:54:04 Warning Message: Size: '/' not an array 8:54:04 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/InventoryItem_Base_F.soundGetIn'. 8:54:04 Warning Message: Size: '/' not an array 8:54:04 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/InventoryItem_Base_F.soundGetOut'. 8:54:04 Warning Message: Size: '/' not an array 8:54:04 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/InventoryItem_Base_F.soundServo'. 8:54:04 Warning Message: Size: '/' not an array 8:54:04 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/InventoryItem_Base_F.soundEngineOnInt'. 8:54:04 Warning Message: Size: '/' not an array 8:54:04 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/InventoryItem_Base_F.soundEngineOffInt'. 8:54:04 Warning Message: Size: '/' not an array 8:54:04 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/InventoryItem_Base_F.soundEngineOnExt'. 8:54:04 Warning Message: Size: '/' not an array 8:54:04 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/InventoryItem_Base_F.soundEngineOffExt'. 8:54:04 Warning Message: Size: '/' not an array 8:54:04 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/InventoryItem_Base_F.soundLocked'. 8:54:04 Warning Message: Size: '/' not an array 8:54:04 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/InventoryItem_Base_F.soundIncommingMissile'. 8:54:04 Warning Message: Size: '/' not an array 8:54:04 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/InventoryItem_Base_F.soundGearUp'. 8:54:04 Warning Message: Size: '/' not an array 8:54:04 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/InventoryItem_Base_F.soundGearDown'. 8:54:04 Warning Message: Size: '/' not an array 8:54:04 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/InventoryItem_Base_F.soundFlapsUp'. 8:54:04 Warning Message: Size: '/' not an array 8:54:04 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/InventoryItem_Base_F.soundFlapsDown'. 8:54:04 Warning Message: Size: '/' not an array 8:54:04 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/InventoryItem_Base_F.soundCrashes'. 8:54:04 Warning Message: Size: '/' not an array 8:54:04 Warning Message: Size: '/' not an array 8:54:04 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/InventoryItem_Base_F.soundLandCrashes'. 8:54:04 Warning Message: Size: '/' not an array 8:54:04 Warning Message: Size: '/' not an array 8:54:04 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/InventoryItem_Base_F.soundWaterCrashes'. 8:54:04 Warning Message: Size: '/' not an array 8:54:04 Warning Message: Size: '/' not an array 8:54:04 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/InventoryItem_Base_F.soundWoodCrash'. 8:54:04 Warning Message: Size: '/' not an array 8:54:04 Warning Message: Size: '/' not an array 8:54:04 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/InventoryItem_Base_F.soundBushCrash'. 8:54:04 Warning Message: Size: '/' not an array 8:54:04 Warning Message: Size: '/' not an array 8:54:04 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/InventoryItem_Base_F.soundBuildingCrash'. 8:54:04 Warning Message: Size: '/' not an array 8:54:04 Warning Message: Size: '/' not an array 8:54:04 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/InventoryItem_Base_F.soundArmorCrash'. 8:54:04 Warning Message: Size: '/' not an array 8:54:04 Warning Message: Size: '/' not an array 8:54:04 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/InventoryItem_Base_F.SoundEnvironExt'. 8:54:04 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/InventoryItem_Base_F.SoundGear'. 8:54:04 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/InventoryItem_Base_F.SoundEquipment'. 8:54:04 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/InventoryItem_Base_F.weapons'. 8:54:04 Warning Message: Size: '/' not an array 8:54:04 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/InventoryItem_Base_F.magazines'. 8:54:04 Warning Message: Size: '/' not an array 8:54:04 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/InventoryItem_Base_F.threat'. 8:54:04 Warning Message: []: '/' not an array 8:54:04 Cannot evaluate '' - no file 8:54:04 Warning Message: []: '/' not an array 8:54:04 Cannot evaluate '' - no file 8:54:04 Warning Message: []: '/' not an array 8:54:04 Cannot evaluate '' - no file 8:54:04 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/InventoryItem_Base_F.type'. 8:54:04 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:04 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/InventoryItem_Base_F.HeadAimDown'. 8:54:04 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:04 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/HeadgearItem.scope'. 8:54:04 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:04 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/HeadgearItem.model'. 8:54:04 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:04 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/HeadgearItem.simulation'. 8:54:04 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:04 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/HeadgearItem.accuracy'. 8:54:04 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:04 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/HeadgearItem.camouflage'. 8:54:04 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:04 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/HeadgearItem.audible'. 8:54:04 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:04 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/HeadgearItem.displayName'. 8:54:04 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:04 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/HeadgearItem.textSingular'. 8:54:04 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:04 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/HeadgearItem.speechSingular'. 8:54:04 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/HeadgearItem.textPlural'. 8:54:04 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:04 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/HeadgearItem.speechPlural'. 8:54:04 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/HeadgearItem.maxDetectRange'. 8:54:04 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:04 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/HeadgearItem.detectSkill'. 8:54:04 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:04 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/HeadgearItem.mineAlertIconRange'. 8:54:04 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:04 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/HeadgearItem.weaponSlots'. 8:54:04 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:04 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/HeadgearItem.spotableNightLightsOff'. 8:54:04 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:04 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/HeadgearItem.spotableDarkNightLightsOff'. 8:54:04 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:04 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/HeadgearItem.spotableNightLightsOn'. 8:54:04 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:04 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/HeadgearItem.nameSound'. 8:54:04 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:04 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/HeadgearItem.side'. 8:54:04 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:04 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/HeadgearItem.destrType'. 8:54:04 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:04 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/HeadgearItem.picture'. 8:54:04 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:04 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/HeadgearItem.portrait'. 8:54:04 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:04 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/HeadgearItem.icon'. 8:54:04 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:04 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/HeadgearItem.cost'. 8:54:04 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:04 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/HeadgearItem.fuelCapacity'. 8:54:04 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:04 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/HeadgearItem.fuelConsumptionRate'. 8:54:04 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:04 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/HeadgearItem.armor'. 8:54:04 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:04 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/HeadgearItem.crewCrashProtection'. 8:54:04 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:04 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/HeadgearItem.damageResistance'. 8:54:04 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:04 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/HeadgearItem.extCameraPosition'. 8:54:04 Warning Message: []: '/' not an array 8:54:04 Cannot evaluate '' - no file 8:54:04 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/HeadgearItem.extCameraPosition'. 8:54:04 Warning Message: []: '/' not an array 8:54:04 Cannot evaluate '' - no file 8:54:04 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/HeadgearItem.extCameraPosition'. 8:54:04 Warning Message: []: '/' not an array 8:54:04 Cannot evaluate '' - no file 8:54:04 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/HeadgearItem.groupCameraPosition'. 8:54:04 Warning Message: []: '/' not an array 8:54:04 Cannot evaluate '' - no file 8:54:04 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/HeadgearItem.groupCameraPosition'. 8:54:04 Warning Message: []: '/' not an array 8:54:04 Cannot evaluate '' - no file 8:54:04 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/HeadgearItem.groupCameraPosition'. 8:54:04 Warning Message: []: '/' not an array 8:54:04 Cannot evaluate '' - no file 8:54:04 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/HeadgearItem.maxSpeed'. 8:54:04 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:04 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/HeadgearItem.limitedSpeedCoef'. 8:54:04 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:04 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/HeadgearItem.secondaryExplosion'. 8:54:04 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:04 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/HeadgearItem.sensitivity'. 8:54:04 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:04 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/HeadgearItem.sensitivityEar'. 8:54:04 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:04 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/HeadgearItem.brakeDistance'. 8:54:04 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:04 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/HeadgearItem.precision'. 8:54:04 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:04 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/HeadgearItem.formationX'. 8:54:04 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:04 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/HeadgearItem.formationZ'. 8:54:04 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:04 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/HeadgearItem.formationTime'. 8:54:04 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:04 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/HeadgearItem.steerAheadSimul'. 8:54:04 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:04 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/HeadgearItem.steerAheadPlan'. 8:54:04 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:04 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/HeadgearItem.driverCanEject'. 8:54:04 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:04 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/HeadgearItem.cargoCanEject'. 8:54:04 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:04 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/HeadgearItem.ViewPilot'. 8:54:04 Warning Message: No entry '.initAngleY'. 8:54:04 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:04 Warning Message: No entry '.minAngleY'. 8:54:04 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:04 Warning Message: No entry '.maxAngleY'. 8:54:04 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:04 Warning Message: No entry '.initAngleX'. 8:54:04 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:04 Warning Message: No entry '.minAngleX'. 8:54:04 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:04 Warning Message: No entry '.maxAngleX'. 8:54:04 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:04 Warning Message: No entry '.initFov'. 8:54:04 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:04 Warning Message: No entry '.minFov'. 8:54:04 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:04 Warning Message: No entry '.maxFov'. 8:54:04 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:04 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/HeadgearItem.HeadLimits'. 8:54:04 Warning Message: No entry '.initAngleY'. 8:54:04 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:04 Warning Message: No entry '.minAngleY'. 8:54:04 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:04 Warning Message: No entry '.maxAngleY'. 8:54:04 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:04 Warning Message: No entry '.initAngleX'. 8:54:04 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:04 Warning Message: No entry '.minAngleX'. 8:54:04 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:04 Warning Message: No entry '.maxAngleX'. 8:54:04 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:04 Warning Message: No entry '.minAngleZ'. 8:54:04 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:04 Warning Message: No entry '.maxAngleZ'. 8:54:04 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:04 Warning Message: No entry '.rotZRadius'. 8:54:04 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:04 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/HeadgearItem.PilotSpec'. 8:54:04 Warning Message: No entry '.showHeadPhones'. 8:54:04 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:04 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/HeadgearItem.predictTurnSimul'. 8:54:04 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:04 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/HeadgearItem.predictTurnPlan'. 8:54:04 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:04 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/HeadgearItem.minFireTime'. 8:54:04 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:04 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/HeadgearItem.enableWatch'. 8:54:04 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:04 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/HeadgearItem.enableRadio'. 8:54:04 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:04 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/HeadgearItem.transportFuel'. 8:54:04 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:04 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/HeadgearItem.transportRepair'. 8:54:04 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:04 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/HeadgearItem.transportAmmo'. 8:54:04 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:04 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/HeadgearItem.transportMaxWeapons'. 8:54:04 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:04 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/HeadgearItem.transportMaxMagazines'. 8:54:04 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:04 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/HeadgearItem.transportMaxBackpacks'. 8:54:04 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:04 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/HeadgearItem.lockDetectionSystem'. 8:54:04 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:04 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/HeadgearItem.incomingMissileDetectionSystem'. 8:54:04 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:04 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/HeadgearItem.allowTabLock'. 8:54:04 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:04 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/HeadgearItem.showAllTargets'. 8:54:04 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:04 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/HeadgearItem.TransportWeapons'. 8:54:04 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/HeadgearItem.TransportMagazines'. 8:54:04 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/HeadgearItem.alwaysTarget'. 8:54:04 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:04 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/HeadgearItem.irTarget'. 8:54:04 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:04 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/HeadgearItem.irScanToEyeFactor'. 8:54:04 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:04 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/HeadgearItem.irScanRangeMin'. 8:54:04 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:04 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/HeadgearItem.irScanRangeMax'. 8:54:04 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:04 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/HeadgearItem.nightVision'. 8:54:04 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:04 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/HeadgearItem.laserScanner'. 8:54:04 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:04 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/HeadgearItem.laserTarget'. 8:54:04 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:04 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/HeadgearItem.nvTarget'. 8:54:04 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:04 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/HeadgearItem.artilleryTarget'. 8:54:04 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:04 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/HeadgearItem.artilleryScanner'. 8:54:04 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:04 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/HeadgearItem.nvScanner'. 8:54:04 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:04 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/HeadgearItem.commanderCanSee'. 8:54:04 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:04 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/HeadgearItem.driverCanSee'. 8:54:04 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:04 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/HeadgearItem.gunnerCanSee'. 8:54:04 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:04 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/HeadgearItem.radarType'. 8:54:04 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:04 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/HeadgearItem.attendant'. 8:54:04 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:04 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/HeadgearItem.engineer'. 8:54:04 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:04 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/HeadgearItem.uavHacker'. 8:54:04 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:04 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/HeadgearItem.preferRoads'. 8:54:04 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:04 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/HeadgearItem.unitInfoType'. 8:54:04 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:04 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/HeadgearItem.hideUnitInfo'. 8:54:04 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:04 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/HeadgearItem.soundEngine'. 8:54:04 Warning Message: Size: '/' not an array 8:54:04 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/HeadgearItem.soundEnviron'. 8:54:04 Warning Message: Size: '/' not an array 8:54:04 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/HeadgearItem.soundDammage'. 8:54:04 Warning Message: Size: '/' not an array 8:54:04 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/HeadgearItem.soundGetIn'. 8:54:04 Warning Message: Size: '/' not an array 8:54:04 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/HeadgearItem.soundGetOut'. 8:54:04 Warning Message: Size: '/' not an array 8:54:04 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/HeadgearItem.soundServo'. 8:54:04 Warning Message: Size: '/' not an array 8:54:04 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/HeadgearItem.soundEngineOnInt'. 8:54:04 Warning Message: Size: '/' not an array 8:54:04 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/HeadgearItem.soundEngineOffInt'. 8:54:04 Warning Message: Size: '/' not an array 8:54:04 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/HeadgearItem.soundEngineOnExt'. 8:54:04 Warning Message: Size: '/' not an array 8:54:04 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/HeadgearItem.soundEngineOffExt'. 8:54:04 Warning Message: Size: '/' not an array 8:54:04 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/HeadgearItem.soundLocked'. 8:54:04 Warning Message: Size: '/' not an array 8:54:04 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/HeadgearItem.soundIncommingMissile'. 8:54:04 Warning Message: Size: '/' not an array 8:54:04 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/HeadgearItem.soundGearUp'. 8:54:04 Warning Message: Size: '/' not an array 8:54:04 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/HeadgearItem.soundGearDown'. 8:54:04 Warning Message: Size: '/' not an array 8:54:04 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/HeadgearItem.soundFlapsUp'. 8:54:04 Warning Message: Size: '/' not an array 8:54:04 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/HeadgearItem.soundFlapsDown'. 8:54:04 Warning Message: Size: '/' not an array 8:54:04 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/HeadgearItem.soundCrashes'. 8:54:04 Warning Message: Size: '/' not an array 8:54:04 Warning Message: Size: '/' not an array 8:54:04 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/HeadgearItem.soundLandCrashes'. 8:54:04 Warning Message: Size: '/' not an array 8:54:04 Warning Message: Size: '/' not an array 8:54:04 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/HeadgearItem.soundWaterCrashes'. 8:54:04 Warning Message: Size: '/' not an array 8:54:04 Warning Message: Size: '/' not an array 8:54:04 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/HeadgearItem.soundWoodCrash'. 8:54:04 Warning Message: Size: '/' not an array 8:54:04 Warning Message: Size: '/' not an array 8:54:04 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/HeadgearItem.soundBushCrash'. 8:54:04 Warning Message: Size: '/' not an array 8:54:04 Warning Message: Size: '/' not an array 8:54:04 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/HeadgearItem.soundBuildingCrash'. 8:54:04 Warning Message: Size: '/' not an array 8:54:04 Warning Message: Size: '/' not an array 8:54:04 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/HeadgearItem.soundArmorCrash'. 8:54:04 Warning Message: Size: '/' not an array 8:54:04 Warning Message: Size: '/' not an array 8:54:04 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/HeadgearItem.SoundEnvironExt'. 8:54:04 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/HeadgearItem.SoundGear'. 8:54:04 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/HeadgearItem.SoundEquipment'. 8:54:04 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/HeadgearItem.weapons'. 8:54:04 Warning Message: Size: '/' not an array 8:54:04 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/HeadgearItem.magazines'. 8:54:04 Warning Message: Size: '/' not an array 8:54:04 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/HeadgearItem.threat'. 8:54:04 Warning Message: []: '/' not an array 8:54:04 Cannot evaluate '' - no file 8:54:04 Warning Message: []: '/' not an array 8:54:04 Cannot evaluate '' - no file 8:54:04 Warning Message: []: '/' not an array 8:54:04 Cannot evaluate '' - no file 8:54:04 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/HeadgearItem.type'. 8:54:04 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:04 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/HeadgearItem.HeadAimDown'. 8:54:04 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:05 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgWeapons/ItemInfo.scope'. 8:54:05 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:05 Warning Message: Error: creating weapon ItemInfo with scope=private 8:54:05 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgWeapons/ItemInfo.displayName'. 8:54:05 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:05 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgWeapons/ItemInfo.nameSound'. 8:54:05 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:05 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgWeapons/ItemInfo.type'. 8:54:05 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:05 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgWeapons/ItemInfo.picture'. 8:54:05 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:05 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgWeapons/ItemInfo.Library'. 8:54:05 Warning Message: No entry '.libTextDesc'. 8:54:05 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:05 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgWeapons/ItemInfo.model'. 8:54:05 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:05 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgWeapons/ItemInfo.simulation'. 8:54:05 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:05 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgWeapons/ItemInfo.fireLightDuration'. 8:54:05 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:05 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgWeapons/ItemInfo.fireLightIntensity'. 8:54:05 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:05 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgWeapons/ItemInfo.fireLightDiffuse'. 8:54:05 Warning Message: Size: '/' not an array 8:54:05 Warning Message: Size: '/' not an array 8:54:05 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgWeapons/ItemInfo.fireLightAmbient'. 8:54:05 Warning Message: Size: '/' not an array 8:54:05 Warning Message: Size: '/' not an array 8:54:05 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgWeapons/ItemInfo.weaponLockDelay'. 8:54:05 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:05 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgWeapons/ItemInfo.weaponLockSystem'. 8:54:05 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:05 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgWeapons/ItemInfo.cmImmunity'. 8:54:05 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:05 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgWeapons/ItemInfo.weight'. 8:54:05 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:05 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgWeapons/ItemInfo.lockingTargetSound'. 8:54:05 Warning Message: Size: '/' not an array 8:54:05 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgWeapons/ItemInfo.lockedTargetSound'. 8:54:05 Warning Message: Size: '/' not an array 8:54:05 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgWeapons/ItemInfo.detectRange'. 8:54:05 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:05 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgWeapons/ItemInfo.muzzles'. 8:54:05 Warning Message: Size: '/' not an array 8:54:05 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgWeapons/WeaponSlotsInfo.scope'. 8:54:05 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:05 Warning Message: Error: creating weapon WeaponSlotsInfo with scope=private 8:54:05 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgWeapons/WeaponSlotsInfo.displayName'. 8:54:05 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:05 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgWeapons/WeaponSlotsInfo.nameSound'. 8:54:05 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:05 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgWeapons/WeaponSlotsInfo.type'. 8:54:05 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:05 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgWeapons/WeaponSlotsInfo.picture'. 8:54:05 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:05 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgWeapons/WeaponSlotsInfo.Library'. 8:54:05 Warning Message: No entry '.libTextDesc'. 8:54:05 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:05 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgWeapons/WeaponSlotsInfo.model'. 8:54:05 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:05 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgWeapons/WeaponSlotsInfo.simulation'. 8:54:05 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:05 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgWeapons/WeaponSlotsInfo.fireLightDuration'. 8:54:05 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:05 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgWeapons/WeaponSlotsInfo.fireLightIntensity'. 8:54:05 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:05 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgWeapons/WeaponSlotsInfo.fireLightDiffuse'. 8:54:05 Warning Message: Size: '/' not an array 8:54:05 Warning Message: Size: '/' not an array 8:54:05 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgWeapons/WeaponSlotsInfo.fireLightAmbient'. 8:54:05 Warning Message: Size: '/' not an array 8:54:05 Warning Message: Size: '/' not an array 8:54:05 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgWeapons/WeaponSlotsInfo.weaponLockDelay'. 8:54:05 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:05 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgWeapons/WeaponSlotsInfo.weaponLockSystem'. 8:54:05 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:05 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgWeapons/WeaponSlotsInfo.cmImmunity'. 8:54:05 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:05 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgWeapons/WeaponSlotsInfo.weight'. 8:54:05 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:05 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgWeapons/WeaponSlotsInfo.lockingTargetSound'. 8:54:05 Warning Message: Size: '/' not an array 8:54:05 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgWeapons/WeaponSlotsInfo.lockedTargetSound'. 8:54:05 Warning Message: Size: '/' not an array 8:54:05 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgWeapons/WeaponSlotsInfo.detectRange'. 8:54:05 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:05 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgWeapons/WeaponSlotsInfo.muzzles'. 8:54:05 Warning Message: Size: '/' not an array 8:54:05 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgWeapons.Single'. 8:54:05 Warning Message: No entry '.scope'. 8:54:05 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:05 Warning Message: Error: creating weapon Single with scope=private 8:54:05 Warning Message: No entry '.displayName'. 8:54:05 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:05 Warning Message: No entry '.nameSound'. 8:54:05 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:05 Warning Message: No entry '.type'. 8:54:05 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:05 Warning Message: No entry '.picture'. 8:54:05 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:05 Warning Message: No entry '.Library'. 8:54:05 Warning Message: No entry '.libTextDesc'. 8:54:05 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:05 Warning Message: No entry '.model'. 8:54:05 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:05 Warning Message: No entry '.simulation'. 8:54:05 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:05 Warning Message: No entry '.fireLightDuration'. 8:54:05 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:05 Warning Message: No entry '.fireLightIntensity'. 8:54:05 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:05 Warning Message: No entry '.fireLightDiffuse'. 8:54:05 Warning Message: Size: '/' not an array 8:54:05 Warning Message: Size: '/' not an array 8:54:05 Warning Message: No entry '.fireLightAmbient'. 8:54:05 Warning Message: Size: '/' not an array 8:54:05 Warning Message: Size: '/' not an array 8:54:05 Warning Message: No entry '.weaponLockDelay'. 8:54:05 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:05 Warning Message: No entry '.weaponLockSystem'. 8:54:05 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:05 Warning Message: No entry '.cmImmunity'. 8:54:05 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:05 Warning Message: No entry '.weight'. 8:54:05 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:05 Warning Message: No entry '.lockingTargetSound'. 8:54:05 Warning Message: Size: '/' not an array 8:54:05 Warning Message: No entry '.lockedTargetSound'. 8:54:05 Warning Message: Size: '/' not an array 8:54:05 Warning Message: No entry '.detectRange'. 8:54:05 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:05 Warning Message: No entry '.muzzles'. 8:54:05 Warning Message: Size: '/' not an array 8:54:05 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgWeapons.FullAuto'. 8:54:05 Warning Message: No entry '.scope'. 8:54:05 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:05 Warning Message: Error: creating weapon FullAuto with scope=private 8:54:05 Warning Message: No entry '.displayName'. 8:54:05 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:05 Warning Message: No entry '.nameSound'. 8:54:05 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:05 Warning Message: No entry '.type'. 8:54:05 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:05 Warning Message: No entry '.picture'. 8:54:05 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:05 Warning Message: No entry '.Library'. 8:54:05 Warning Message: No entry '.libTextDesc'. 8:54:05 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:05 Warning Message: No entry '.model'. 8:54:05 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:05 Warning Message: No entry '.simulation'. 8:54:05 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:05 Warning Message: No entry '.fireLightDuration'. 8:54:05 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:05 Warning Message: No entry '.fireLightIntensity'. 8:54:05 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:05 Warning Message: No entry '.fireLightDiffuse'. 8:54:05 Warning Message: Size: '/' not an array 8:54:05 Warning Message: Size: '/' not an array 8:54:05 Warning Message: No entry '.fireLightAmbient'. 8:54:05 Warning Message: Size: '/' not an array 8:54:05 Warning Message: Size: '/' not an array 8:54:05 Warning Message: No entry '.weaponLockDelay'. 8:54:05 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:05 Warning Message: No entry '.weaponLockSystem'. 8:54:05 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:05 Warning Message: No entry '.cmImmunity'. 8:54:05 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:05 Warning Message: No entry '.weight'. 8:54:05 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:05 Warning Message: No entry '.lockingTargetSound'. 8:54:05 Warning Message: Size: '/' not an array 8:54:05 Warning Message: No entry '.lockedTargetSound'. 8:54:05 Warning Message: Size: '/' not an array 8:54:05 Warning Message: No entry '.detectRange'. 8:54:05 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:05 Warning Message: No entry '.muzzles'. 8:54:05 Warning Message: Size: '/' not an array 8:54:05 Warning Message: Error: creating weapon GL_3GL_F with scope=private 8:54:05 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgWeapons.Single'. 8:54:05 Warning Message: No entry '.scope'. 8:54:05 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:05 Warning Message: Error: creating weapon Single with scope=private 8:54:05 Warning Message: No entry '.displayName'. 8:54:05 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:05 Warning Message: No entry '.nameSound'. 8:54:05 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:05 Warning Message: No entry '.type'. 8:54:05 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:05 Warning Message: No entry '.picture'. 8:54:05 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:05 Warning Message: No entry '.Library'. 8:54:05 Warning Message: No entry '.libTextDesc'. 8:54:05 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:05 Warning Message: No entry '.model'. 8:54:05 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:05 Warning Message: No entry '.simulation'. 8:54:05 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:05 Warning Message: No entry '.fireLightDuration'. 8:54:05 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:05 Warning Message: No entry '.fireLightIntensity'. 8:54:05 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:05 Warning Message: No entry '.fireLightDiffuse'. 8:54:05 Warning Message: Size: '/' not an array 8:54:05 Warning Message: Size: '/' not an array 8:54:05 Warning Message: No entry '.fireLightAmbient'. 8:54:05 Warning Message: Size: '/' not an array 8:54:05 Warning Message: Size: '/' not an array 8:54:05 Warning Message: No entry '.weaponLockDelay'. 8:54:05 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:05 Warning Message: No entry '.weaponLockSystem'. 8:54:05 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:05 Warning Message: No entry '.cmImmunity'. 8:54:05 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:05 Warning Message: No entry '.weight'. 8:54:05 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:05 Warning Message: No entry '.lockingTargetSound'. 8:54:05 Warning Message: Size: '/' not an array 8:54:05 Warning Message: No entry '.lockedTargetSound'. 8:54:05 Warning Message: Size: '/' not an array 8:54:05 Warning Message: No entry '.detectRange'. 8:54:05 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:05 Warning Message: No entry '.muzzles'. 8:54:05 Warning Message: Size: '/' not an array 8:54:06 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgWeapons.Single'. 8:54:06 Warning Message: No entry '.scope'. 8:54:06 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:06 Warning Message: Error: creating weapon Single with scope=private 8:54:06 Warning Message: No entry '.displayName'. 8:54:06 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:06 Warning Message: No entry '.nameSound'. 8:54:06 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:06 Warning Message: No entry '.type'. 8:54:06 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:06 Warning Message: No entry '.picture'. 8:54:06 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:06 Warning Message: No entry '.Library'. 8:54:06 Warning Message: No entry '.libTextDesc'. 8:54:06 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:06 Warning Message: No entry '.model'. 8:54:06 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:06 Warning Message: No entry '.simulation'. 8:54:06 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:06 Warning Message: No entry '.fireLightDuration'. 8:54:06 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:06 Warning Message: No entry '.fireLightIntensity'. 8:54:06 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:06 Warning Message: No entry '.fireLightDiffuse'. 8:54:06 Warning Message: Size: '/' not an array 8:54:06 Warning Message: Size: '/' not an array 8:54:06 Warning Message: No entry '.fireLightAmbient'. 8:54:06 Warning Message: Size: '/' not an array 8:54:06 Warning Message: Size: '/' not an array 8:54:06 Warning Message: No entry '.weaponLockDelay'. 8:54:06 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:06 Warning Message: No entry '.weaponLockSystem'. 8:54:06 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:06 Warning Message: No entry '.cmImmunity'. 8:54:06 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:06 Warning Message: No entry '.weight'. 8:54:06 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:06 Warning Message: No entry '.lockingTargetSound'. 8:54:06 Warning Message: Size: '/' not an array 8:54:06 Warning Message: No entry '.lockedTargetSound'. 8:54:06 Warning Message: Size: '/' not an array 8:54:06 Warning Message: No entry '.detectRange'. 8:54:06 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:06 Warning Message: No entry '.muzzles'. 8:54:06 Warning Message: Size: '/' not an array 8:54:06 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgWeapons.Single'. 8:54:06 Warning Message: No entry '.scope'. 8:54:06 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:06 Warning Message: Error: creating weapon Single with scope=private 8:54:06 Warning Message: No entry '.displayName'. 8:54:06 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:06 Warning Message: No entry '.nameSound'. 8:54:06 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:06 Warning Message: No entry '.type'. 8:54:06 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:06 Warning Message: No entry '.picture'. 8:54:06 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:06 Warning Message: No entry '.Library'. 8:54:06 Warning Message: No entry '.libTextDesc'. 8:54:06 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:06 Warning Message: No entry '.model'. 8:54:06 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:06 Warning Message: No entry '.simulation'. 8:54:06 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:06 Warning Message: No entry '.fireLightDuration'. 8:54:06 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:06 Warning Message: No entry '.fireLightIntensity'. 8:54:06 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:06 Warning Message: No entry '.fireLightDiffuse'. 8:54:06 Warning Message: Size: '/' not an array 8:54:06 Warning Message: Size: '/' not an array 8:54:06 Warning Message: No entry '.fireLightAmbient'. 8:54:06 Warning Message: Size: '/' not an array 8:54:06 Warning Message: Size: '/' not an array 8:54:06 Warning Message: No entry '.weaponLockDelay'. 8:54:06 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:06 Warning Message: No entry '.weaponLockSystem'. 8:54:06 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:06 Warning Message: No entry '.cmImmunity'. 8:54:06 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:06 Warning Message: No entry '.weight'. 8:54:06 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:06 Warning Message: No entry '.lockingTargetSound'. 8:54:06 Warning Message: Size: '/' not an array 8:54:06 Warning Message: No entry '.lockedTargetSound'. 8:54:06 Warning Message: Size: '/' not an array 8:54:06 Warning Message: No entry '.detectRange'. 8:54:06 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:06 Warning Message: No entry '.muzzles'. 8:54:06 Warning Message: Size: '/' not an array 8:54:06 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgWeapons.FullAuto'. 8:54:06 Warning Message: No entry '.scope'. 8:54:06 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:06 Warning Message: Error: creating weapon FullAuto with scope=private 8:54:06 Warning Message: No entry '.displayName'. 8:54:06 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:06 Warning Message: No entry '.nameSound'. 8:54:06 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:06 Warning Message: No entry '.type'. 8:54:06 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:06 Warning Message: No entry '.picture'. 8:54:06 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:06 Warning Message: No entry '.Library'. 8:54:06 Warning Message: No entry '.libTextDesc'. 8:54:06 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:06 Warning Message: No entry '.model'. 8:54:06 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:06 Warning Message: No entry '.simulation'. 8:54:06 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:06 Warning Message: No entry '.fireLightDuration'. 8:54:06 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:06 Warning Message: No entry '.fireLightIntensity'. 8:54:06 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:06 Warning Message: No entry '.fireLightDiffuse'. 8:54:06 Warning Message: Size: '/' not an array 8:54:06 Warning Message: Size: '/' not an array 8:54:06 Warning Message: No entry '.fireLightAmbient'. 8:54:06 Warning Message: Size: '/' not an array 8:54:06 Warning Message: Size: '/' not an array 8:54:06 Warning Message: No entry '.weaponLockDelay'. 8:54:06 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:06 Warning Message: No entry '.weaponLockSystem'. 8:54:06 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:06 Warning Message: No entry '.cmImmunity'. 8:54:06 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:06 Warning Message: No entry '.weight'. 8:54:06 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:06 Warning Message: No entry '.lockingTargetSound'. 8:54:06 Warning Message: Size: '/' not an array 8:54:06 Warning Message: No entry '.lockedTargetSound'. 8:54:06 Warning Message: Size: '/' not an array 8:54:06 Warning Message: No entry '.detectRange'. 8:54:06 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:06 Warning Message: No entry '.muzzles'. 8:54:06 Warning Message: Size: '/' not an array 8:54:06 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgWeapons.Single'. 8:54:06 Warning Message: No entry '.scope'. 8:54:06 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:06 Warning Message: Error: creating weapon Single with scope=private 8:54:06 Warning Message: No entry '.displayName'. 8:54:06 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:06 Warning Message: No entry '.nameSound'. 8:54:06 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:06 Warning Message: No entry '.type'. 8:54:06 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:06 Warning Message: No entry '.picture'. 8:54:06 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:06 Warning Message: No entry '.Library'. 8:54:06 Warning Message: No entry '.libTextDesc'. 8:54:06 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:06 Warning Message: No entry '.model'. 8:54:06 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:06 Warning Message: No entry '.simulation'. 8:54:06 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:06 Warning Message: No entry '.fireLightDuration'. 8:54:06 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:06 Warning Message: No entry '.fireLightIntensity'. 8:54:06 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:06 Warning Message: No entry '.fireLightDiffuse'. 8:54:06 Warning Message: Size: '/' not an array 8:54:06 Warning Message: Size: '/' not an array 8:54:06 Warning Message: No entry '.fireLightAmbient'. 8:54:06 Warning Message: Size: '/' not an array 8:54:06 Warning Message: Size: '/' not an array 8:54:06 Warning Message: No entry '.weaponLockDelay'. 8:54:06 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:06 Warning Message: No entry '.weaponLockSystem'. 8:54:06 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:06 Warning Message: No entry '.cmImmunity'. 8:54:06 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:06 Warning Message: No entry '.weight'. 8:54:06 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:06 Warning Message: No entry '.lockingTargetSound'. 8:54:06 Warning Message: Size: '/' not an array 8:54:06 Warning Message: No entry '.lockedTargetSound'. 8:54:06 Warning Message: Size: '/' not an array 8:54:06 Warning Message: No entry '.detectRange'. 8:54:06 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:06 Warning Message: No entry '.muzzles'. 8:54:06 Warning Message: Size: '/' not an array 8:54:06 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgWeapons.FullAuto'. 8:54:06 Warning Message: No entry '.scope'. 8:54:06 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:06 Warning Message: Error: creating weapon FullAuto with scope=private 8:54:06 Warning Message: No entry '.displayName'. 8:54:06 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:06 Warning Message: No entry '.nameSound'. 8:54:06 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:06 Warning Message: No entry '.type'. 8:54:06 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:06 Warning Message: No entry '.picture'. 8:54:06 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:06 Warning Message: No entry '.Library'. 8:54:06 Warning Message: No entry '.libTextDesc'. 8:54:06 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:06 Warning Message: No entry '.model'. 8:54:06 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:06 Warning Message: No entry '.simulation'. 8:54:06 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:06 Warning Message: No entry '.fireLightDuration'. 8:54:06 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:06 Warning Message: No entry '.fireLightIntensity'. 8:54:06 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:06 Warning Message: No entry '.fireLightDiffuse'. 8:54:06 Warning Message: Size: '/' not an array 8:54:06 Warning Message: Size: '/' not an array 8:54:06 Warning Message: No entry '.fireLightAmbient'. 8:54:06 Warning Message: Size: '/' not an array 8:54:06 Warning Message: Size: '/' not an array 8:54:06 Warning Message: No entry '.weaponLockDelay'. 8:54:06 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:06 Warning Message: No entry '.weaponLockSystem'. 8:54:06 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:06 Warning Message: No entry '.cmImmunity'. 8:54:06 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:06 Warning Message: No entry '.weight'. 8:54:06 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:06 Warning Message: No entry '.lockingTargetSound'. 8:54:06 Warning Message: Size: '/' not an array 8:54:06 Warning Message: No entry '.lockedTargetSound'. 8:54:06 Warning Message: Size: '/' not an array 8:54:06 Warning Message: No entry '.detectRange'. 8:54:06 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:06 Warning Message: No entry '.muzzles'. 8:54:06 Warning Message: Size: '/' not an array 8:54:06 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgWeapons.Single'. 8:54:06 Warning Message: No entry '.scope'. 8:54:06 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:06 Warning Message: Error: creating weapon Single with scope=private 8:54:06 Warning Message: No entry '.displayName'. 8:54:06 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:06 Warning Message: No entry '.nameSound'. 8:54:06 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:06 Warning Message: No entry '.type'. 8:54:06 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:06 Warning Message: No entry '.picture'. 8:54:06 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:06 Warning Message: No entry '.Library'. 8:54:06 Warning Message: No entry '.libTextDesc'. 8:54:06 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:06 Warning Message: No entry '.model'. 8:54:06 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:06 Warning Message: No entry '.simulation'. 8:54:06 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:06 Warning Message: No entry '.fireLightDuration'. 8:54:06 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:06 Warning Message: No entry '.fireLightIntensity'. 8:54:06 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:06 Warning Message: No entry '.fireLightDiffuse'. 8:54:06 Warning Message: Size: '/' not an array 8:54:06 Warning Message: Size: '/' not an array 8:54:06 Warning Message: No entry '.fireLightAmbient'. 8:54:06 Warning Message: Size: '/' not an array 8:54:06 Warning Message: Size: '/' not an array 8:54:06 Warning Message: No entry '.weaponLockDelay'. 8:54:06 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:06 Warning Message: No entry '.weaponLockSystem'. 8:54:06 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:06 Warning Message: No entry '.cmImmunity'. 8:54:06 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:06 Warning Message: No entry '.weight'. 8:54:06 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:06 Warning Message: No entry '.lockingTargetSound'. 8:54:06 Warning Message: Size: '/' not an array 8:54:06 Warning Message: No entry '.lockedTargetSound'. 8:54:06 Warning Message: Size: '/' not an array 8:54:06 Warning Message: No entry '.detectRange'. 8:54:06 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:06 Warning Message: No entry '.muzzles'. 8:54:06 Warning Message: Size: '/' not an array 8:54:07 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgWeapons.Single'. 8:54:07 Warning Message: No entry '.scope'. 8:54:07 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:07 Warning Message: Error: creating weapon Single with scope=private 8:54:07 Warning Message: No entry '.displayName'. 8:54:07 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:07 Warning Message: No entry '.nameSound'. 8:54:07 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:07 Warning Message: No entry '.type'. 8:54:07 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:07 Warning Message: No entry '.picture'. 8:54:07 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:07 Warning Message: No entry '.Library'. 8:54:07 Warning Message: No entry '.libTextDesc'. 8:54:07 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:07 Warning Message: No entry '.model'. 8:54:07 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:07 Warning Message: No entry '.simulation'. 8:54:07 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:07 Warning Message: No entry '.fireLightDuration'. 8:54:07 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:07 Warning Message: No entry '.fireLightIntensity'. 8:54:07 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:07 Warning Message: No entry '.fireLightDiffuse'. 8:54:07 Warning Message: Size: '/' not an array 8:54:07 Warning Message: Size: '/' not an array 8:54:07 Warning Message: No entry '.fireLightAmbient'. 8:54:07 Warning Message: Size: '/' not an array 8:54:07 Warning Message: Size: '/' not an array 8:54:07 Warning Message: No entry '.weaponLockDelay'. 8:54:07 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:07 Warning Message: No entry '.weaponLockSystem'. 8:54:07 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:07 Warning Message: No entry '.cmImmunity'. 8:54:07 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:07 Warning Message: No entry '.weight'. 8:54:07 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:07 Warning Message: No entry '.lockingTargetSound'. 8:54:07 Warning Message: Size: '/' not an array 8:54:07 Warning Message: No entry '.lockedTargetSound'. 8:54:07 Warning Message: Size: '/' not an array 8:54:07 Warning Message: No entry '.detectRange'. 8:54:07 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:07 Warning Message: No entry '.muzzles'. 8:54:07 Warning Message: Size: '/' not an array 8:54:07 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgWeapons.Single'. 8:54:07 Warning Message: No entry '.scope'. 8:54:07 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:07 Warning Message: Error: creating weapon Single with scope=private 8:54:07 Warning Message: No entry '.displayName'. 8:54:07 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:07 Warning Message: No entry '.nameSound'. 8:54:07 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:07 Warning Message: No entry '.type'. 8:54:07 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:07 Warning Message: No entry '.picture'. 8:54:07 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:07 Warning Message: No entry '.Library'. 8:54:07 Warning Message: No entry '.libTextDesc'. 8:54:07 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:07 Warning Message: No entry '.model'. 8:54:07 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:07 Warning Message: No entry '.simulation'. 8:54:07 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:07 Warning Message: No entry '.fireLightDuration'. 8:54:07 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:07 Warning Message: No entry '.fireLightIntensity'. 8:54:07 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:07 Warning Message: No entry '.fireLightDiffuse'. 8:54:07 Warning Message: Size: '/' not an array 8:54:07 Warning Message: Size: '/' not an array 8:54:07 Warning Message: No entry '.fireLightAmbient'. 8:54:07 Warning Message: Size: '/' not an array 8:54:07 Warning Message: Size: '/' not an array 8:54:07 Warning Message: No entry '.weaponLockDelay'. 8:54:07 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:07 Warning Message: No entry '.weaponLockSystem'. 8:54:07 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:07 Warning Message: No entry '.cmImmunity'. 8:54:07 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:07 Warning Message: No entry '.weight'. 8:54:07 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:07 Warning Message: No entry '.lockingTargetSound'. 8:54:07 Warning Message: Size: '/' not an array 8:54:07 Warning Message: No entry '.lockedTargetSound'. 8:54:07 Warning Message: Size: '/' not an array 8:54:07 Warning Message: No entry '.detectRange'. 8:54:07 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:07 Warning Message: No entry '.muzzles'. 8:54:07 Warning Message: Size: '/' not an array 8:54:07 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/H_HelmetB_plain_mcamo.scope'. 8:54:07 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:07 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/H_HelmetB_plain_mcamo.model'. 8:54:07 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:07 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/H_HelmetB_plain_mcamo.simulation'. 8:54:07 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:07 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/H_HelmetB_plain_mcamo.accuracy'. 8:54:07 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:07 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/H_HelmetB_plain_mcamo.camouflage'. 8:54:07 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:07 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/H_HelmetB_plain_mcamo.audible'. 8:54:07 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:07 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/H_HelmetB_plain_mcamo.displayName'. 8:54:07 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:07 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/H_HelmetB_plain_mcamo.textSingular'. 8:54:07 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:07 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/H_HelmetB_plain_mcamo.speechSingular'. 8:54:07 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/H_HelmetB_plain_mcamo.textPlural'. 8:54:07 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:07 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/H_HelmetB_plain_mcamo.speechPlural'. 8:54:07 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/H_HelmetB_plain_mcamo.maxDetectRange'. 8:54:07 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:07 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/H_HelmetB_plain_mcamo.detectSkill'. 8:54:07 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:07 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/H_HelmetB_plain_mcamo.mineAlertIconRange'. 8:54:07 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:07 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/H_HelmetB_plain_mcamo.weaponSlots'. 8:54:07 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:07 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/H_HelmetB_plain_mcamo.spotableNightLightsOff'. 8:54:07 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:07 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/H_HelmetB_plain_mcamo.spotableDarkNightLightsOff'. 8:54:07 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:07 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/H_HelmetB_plain_mcamo.spotableNightLightsOn'. 8:54:07 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:07 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/H_HelmetB_plain_mcamo.nameSound'. 8:54:07 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:07 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/H_HelmetB_plain_mcamo.side'. 8:54:07 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:07 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/H_HelmetB_plain_mcamo.destrType'. 8:54:07 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:07 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/H_HelmetB_plain_mcamo.picture'. 8:54:07 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:07 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/H_HelmetB_plain_mcamo.portrait'. 8:54:07 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:07 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/H_HelmetB_plain_mcamo.icon'. 8:54:07 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:07 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/H_HelmetB_plain_mcamo.cost'. 8:54:07 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:07 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/H_HelmetB_plain_mcamo.fuelCapacity'. 8:54:07 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:07 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/H_HelmetB_plain_mcamo.fuelConsumptionRate'. 8:54:07 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:07 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/H_HelmetB_plain_mcamo.armor'. 8:54:07 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:07 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/H_HelmetB_plain_mcamo.crewCrashProtection'. 8:54:07 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:07 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/H_HelmetB_plain_mcamo.damageResistance'. 8:54:07 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:07 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/H_HelmetB_plain_mcamo.extCameraPosition'. 8:54:07 Warning Message: []: '/' not an array 8:54:07 Cannot evaluate '' - no file 8:54:07 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/H_HelmetB_plain_mcamo.extCameraPosition'. 8:54:07 Warning Message: []: '/' not an array 8:54:07 Cannot evaluate '' - no file 8:54:07 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/H_HelmetB_plain_mcamo.extCameraPosition'. 8:54:07 Warning Message: []: '/' not an array 8:54:07 Cannot evaluate '' - no file 8:54:07 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/H_HelmetB_plain_mcamo.groupCameraPosition'. 8:54:07 Warning Message: []: '/' not an array 8:54:07 Cannot evaluate '' - no file 8:54:07 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/H_HelmetB_plain_mcamo.groupCameraPosition'. 8:54:07 Warning Message: []: '/' not an array 8:54:07 Cannot evaluate '' - no file 8:54:07 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/H_HelmetB_plain_mcamo.groupCameraPosition'. 8:54:07 Warning Message: []: '/' not an array 8:54:07 Cannot evaluate '' - no file 8:54:07 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/H_HelmetB_plain_mcamo.maxSpeed'. 8:54:07 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:07 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/H_HelmetB_plain_mcamo.limitedSpeedCoef'. 8:54:07 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:07 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/H_HelmetB_plain_mcamo.secondaryExplosion'. 8:54:07 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:07 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/H_HelmetB_plain_mcamo.sensitivity'. 8:54:07 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:07 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/H_HelmetB_plain_mcamo.sensitivityEar'. 8:54:07 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:07 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/H_HelmetB_plain_mcamo.brakeDistance'. 8:54:07 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:07 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/H_HelmetB_plain_mcamo.precision'. 8:54:07 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:07 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/H_HelmetB_plain_mcamo.formationX'. 8:54:07 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:07 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/H_HelmetB_plain_mcamo.formationZ'. 8:54:07 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:07 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/H_HelmetB_plain_mcamo.formationTime'. 8:54:07 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:07 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/H_HelmetB_plain_mcamo.steerAheadSimul'. 8:54:07 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:07 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/H_HelmetB_plain_mcamo.steerAheadPlan'. 8:54:07 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:07 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/H_HelmetB_plain_mcamo.driverCanEject'. 8:54:07 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:07 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/H_HelmetB_plain_mcamo.cargoCanEject'. 8:54:07 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:07 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/H_HelmetB_plain_mcamo.ViewPilot'. 8:54:07 Warning Message: No entry '.initAngleY'. 8:54:07 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:07 Warning Message: No entry '.minAngleY'. 8:54:07 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:07 Warning Message: No entry '.maxAngleY'. 8:54:07 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:07 Warning Message: No entry '.initAngleX'. 8:54:07 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:07 Warning Message: No entry '.minAngleX'. 8:54:07 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:07 Warning Message: No entry '.maxAngleX'. 8:54:07 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:07 Warning Message: No entry '.initFov'. 8:54:07 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:07 Warning Message: No entry '.minFov'. 8:54:07 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:07 Warning Message: No entry '.maxFov'. 8:54:07 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:07 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/H_HelmetB_plain_mcamo.HeadLimits'. 8:54:07 Warning Message: No entry '.initAngleY'. 8:54:07 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:07 Warning Message: No entry '.minAngleY'. 8:54:07 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:07 Warning Message: No entry '.maxAngleY'. 8:54:07 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:07 Warning Message: No entry '.initAngleX'. 8:54:07 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:07 Warning Message: No entry '.minAngleX'. 8:54:07 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:07 Warning Message: No entry '.maxAngleX'. 8:54:07 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:07 Warning Message: No entry '.minAngleZ'. 8:54:07 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:07 Warning Message: No entry '.maxAngleZ'. 8:54:07 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:07 Warning Message: No entry '.rotZRadius'. 8:54:07 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:07 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/H_HelmetB_plain_mcamo.PilotSpec'. 8:54:07 Warning Message: No entry '.showHeadPhones'. 8:54:07 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:07 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/H_HelmetB_plain_mcamo.predictTurnSimul'. 8:54:07 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:07 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/H_HelmetB_plain_mcamo.predictTurnPlan'. 8:54:07 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:07 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/H_HelmetB_plain_mcamo.minFireTime'. 8:54:07 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:07 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/H_HelmetB_plain_mcamo.enableWatch'. 8:54:07 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:07 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/H_HelmetB_plain_mcamo.enableRadio'. 8:54:07 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:07 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/H_HelmetB_plain_mcamo.transportFuel'. 8:54:07 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:07 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/H_HelmetB_plain_mcamo.transportRepair'. 8:54:07 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:07 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/H_HelmetB_plain_mcamo.transportAmmo'. 8:54:07 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:07 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/H_HelmetB_plain_mcamo.transportMaxWeapons'. 8:54:07 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:07 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/H_HelmetB_plain_mcamo.transportMaxMagazines'. 8:54:07 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:07 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/H_HelmetB_plain_mcamo.transportMaxBackpacks'. 8:54:07 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:07 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/H_HelmetB_plain_mcamo.lockDetectionSystem'. 8:54:07 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:07 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/H_HelmetB_plain_mcamo.incomingMissileDetectionSystem'. 8:54:07 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:07 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/H_HelmetB_plain_mcamo.allowTabLock'. 8:54:07 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:07 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/H_HelmetB_plain_mcamo.showAllTargets'. 8:54:07 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:07 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/H_HelmetB_plain_mcamo.TransportWeapons'. 8:54:07 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/H_HelmetB_plain_mcamo.TransportMagazines'. 8:54:07 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/H_HelmetB_plain_mcamo.alwaysTarget'. 8:54:07 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:07 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/H_HelmetB_plain_mcamo.irTarget'. 8:54:07 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:07 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/H_HelmetB_plain_mcamo.irScanToEyeFactor'. 8:54:07 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:07 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/H_HelmetB_plain_mcamo.irScanRangeMin'. 8:54:07 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:07 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/H_HelmetB_plain_mcamo.irScanRangeMax'. 8:54:07 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:07 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/H_HelmetB_plain_mcamo.nightVision'. 8:54:07 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:07 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/H_HelmetB_plain_mcamo.laserScanner'. 8:54:07 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:07 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/H_HelmetB_plain_mcamo.laserTarget'. 8:54:07 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:07 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/H_HelmetB_plain_mcamo.nvTarget'. 8:54:07 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:07 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/H_HelmetB_plain_mcamo.artilleryTarget'. 8:54:07 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:07 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/H_HelmetB_plain_mcamo.artilleryScanner'. 8:54:07 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:07 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/H_HelmetB_plain_mcamo.nvScanner'. 8:54:07 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:07 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/H_HelmetB_plain_mcamo.commanderCanSee'. 8:54:07 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:07 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/H_HelmetB_plain_mcamo.driverCanSee'. 8:54:07 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:07 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/H_HelmetB_plain_mcamo.gunnerCanSee'. 8:54:07 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:07 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/H_HelmetB_plain_mcamo.radarType'. 8:54:07 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:07 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/H_HelmetB_plain_mcamo.attendant'. 8:54:07 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:07 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/H_HelmetB_plain_mcamo.engineer'. 8:54:07 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:07 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/H_HelmetB_plain_mcamo.uavHacker'. 8:54:07 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:07 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/H_HelmetB_plain_mcamo.preferRoads'. 8:54:07 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:07 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/H_HelmetB_plain_mcamo.unitInfoType'. 8:54:07 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:07 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/H_HelmetB_plain_mcamo.hideUnitInfo'. 8:54:07 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:07 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/H_HelmetB_plain_mcamo.soundEngine'. 8:54:07 Warning Message: Size: '/' not an array 8:54:07 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/H_HelmetB_plain_mcamo.soundEnviron'. 8:54:07 Warning Message: Size: '/' not an array 8:54:07 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/H_HelmetB_plain_mcamo.soundDammage'. 8:54:07 Warning Message: Size: '/' not an array 8:54:07 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/H_HelmetB_plain_mcamo.soundGetIn'. 8:54:07 Warning Message: Size: '/' not an array 8:54:07 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/H_HelmetB_plain_mcamo.soundGetOut'. 8:54:07 Warning Message: Size: '/' not an array 8:54:07 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/H_HelmetB_plain_mcamo.soundServo'. 8:54:07 Warning Message: Size: '/' not an array 8:54:07 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/H_HelmetB_plain_mcamo.soundEngineOnInt'. 8:54:07 Warning Message: Size: '/' not an array 8:54:07 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/H_HelmetB_plain_mcamo.soundEngineOffInt'. 8:54:07 Warning Message: Size: '/' not an array 8:54:07 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/H_HelmetB_plain_mcamo.soundEngineOnExt'. 8:54:07 Warning Message: Size: '/' not an array 8:54:07 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/H_HelmetB_plain_mcamo.soundEngineOffExt'. 8:54:07 Warning Message: Size: '/' not an array 8:54:07 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/H_HelmetB_plain_mcamo.soundLocked'. 8:54:07 Warning Message: Size: '/' not an array 8:54:07 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/H_HelmetB_plain_mcamo.soundIncommingMissile'. 8:54:07 Warning Message: Size: '/' not an array 8:54:07 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/H_HelmetB_plain_mcamo.soundGearUp'. 8:54:07 Warning Message: Size: '/' not an array 8:54:07 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/H_HelmetB_plain_mcamo.soundGearDown'. 8:54:07 Warning Message: Size: '/' not an array 8:54:07 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/H_HelmetB_plain_mcamo.soundFlapsUp'. 8:54:07 Warning Message: Size: '/' not an array 8:54:07 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/H_HelmetB_plain_mcamo.soundFlapsDown'. 8:54:07 Warning Message: Size: '/' not an array 8:54:07 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/H_HelmetB_plain_mcamo.soundCrashes'. 8:54:07 Warning Message: Size: '/' not an array 8:54:07 Warning Message: Size: '/' not an array 8:54:07 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/H_HelmetB_plain_mcamo.soundLandCrashes'. 8:54:07 Warning Message: Size: '/' not an array 8:54:07 Warning Message: Size: '/' not an array 8:54:07 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/H_HelmetB_plain_mcamo.soundWaterCrashes'. 8:54:07 Warning Message: Size: '/' not an array 8:54:07 Warning Message: Size: '/' not an array 8:54:07 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/H_HelmetB_plain_mcamo.soundWoodCrash'. 8:54:07 Warning Message: Size: '/' not an array 8:54:07 Warning Message: Size: '/' not an array 8:54:07 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/H_HelmetB_plain_mcamo.soundBushCrash'. 8:54:07 Warning Message: Size: '/' not an array 8:54:07 Warning Message: Size: '/' not an array 8:54:07 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/H_HelmetB_plain_mcamo.soundBuildingCrash'. 8:54:07 Warning Message: Size: '/' not an array 8:54:07 Warning Message: Size: '/' not an array 8:54:07 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/H_HelmetB_plain_mcamo.soundArmorCrash'. 8:54:07 Warning Message: Size: '/' not an array 8:54:07 Warning Message: Size: '/' not an array 8:54:07 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/H_HelmetB_plain_mcamo.SoundEnvironExt'. 8:54:07 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/H_HelmetB_plain_mcamo.SoundGear'. 8:54:07 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/H_HelmetB_plain_mcamo.SoundEquipment'. 8:54:07 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/H_HelmetB_plain_mcamo.weapons'. 8:54:07 Warning Message: Size: '/' not an array 8:54:07 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/H_HelmetB_plain_mcamo.magazines'. 8:54:07 Warning Message: Size: '/' not an array 8:54:07 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/H_HelmetB_plain_mcamo.threat'. 8:54:07 Warning Message: []: '/' not an array 8:54:07 Cannot evaluate '' - no file 8:54:07 Warning Message: []: '/' not an array 8:54:07 Cannot evaluate '' - no file 8:54:07 Warning Message: []: '/' not an array 8:54:07 Cannot evaluate '' - no file 8:54:07 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/H_HelmetB_plain_mcamo.type'. 8:54:07 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:07 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/H_HelmetB_plain_mcamo.HeadAimDown'. 8:54:07 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:07 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/H_Cap_headphones.scope'. 8:54:07 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:07 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/H_Cap_headphones.model'. 8:54:07 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:07 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/H_Cap_headphones.simulation'. 8:54:07 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:07 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/H_Cap_headphones.accuracy'. 8:54:07 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:07 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/H_Cap_headphones.camouflage'. 8:54:07 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:07 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/H_Cap_headphones.audible'. 8:54:07 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:07 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/H_Cap_headphones.displayName'. 8:54:07 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:07 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/H_Cap_headphones.textSingular'. 8:54:07 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:07 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/H_Cap_headphones.speechSingular'. 8:54:07 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/H_Cap_headphones.textPlural'. 8:54:07 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:07 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/H_Cap_headphones.speechPlural'. 8:54:07 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/H_Cap_headphones.maxDetectRange'. 8:54:07 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:07 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/H_Cap_headphones.detectSkill'. 8:54:07 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:07 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/H_Cap_headphones.mineAlertIconRange'. 8:54:07 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:07 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/H_Cap_headphones.weaponSlots'. 8:54:07 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:07 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/H_Cap_headphones.spotableNightLightsOff'. 8:54:07 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:07 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/H_Cap_headphones.spotableDarkNightLightsOff'. 8:54:07 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:07 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/H_Cap_headphones.spotableNightLightsOn'. 8:54:07 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:07 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/H_Cap_headphones.nameSound'. 8:54:07 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:07 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/H_Cap_headphones.side'. 8:54:07 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:07 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/H_Cap_headphones.destrType'. 8:54:07 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:07 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/H_Cap_headphones.picture'. 8:54:07 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:07 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/H_Cap_headphones.portrait'. 8:54:07 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:07 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/H_Cap_headphones.icon'. 8:54:07 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:07 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/H_Cap_headphones.cost'. 8:54:07 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:07 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/H_Cap_headphones.fuelCapacity'. 8:54:07 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:07 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/H_Cap_headphones.fuelConsumptionRate'. 8:54:07 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:07 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/H_Cap_headphones.armor'. 8:54:07 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:07 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/H_Cap_headphones.crewCrashProtection'. 8:54:07 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:07 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/H_Cap_headphones.damageResistance'. 8:54:07 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:07 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/H_Cap_headphones.extCameraPosition'. 8:54:07 Warning Message: []: '/' not an array 8:54:07 Cannot evaluate '' - no file 8:54:07 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/H_Cap_headphones.extCameraPosition'. 8:54:07 Warning Message: []: '/' not an array 8:54:07 Cannot evaluate '' - no file 8:54:07 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/H_Cap_headphones.extCameraPosition'. 8:54:07 Warning Message: []: '/' not an array 8:54:07 Cannot evaluate '' - no file 8:54:07 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/H_Cap_headphones.groupCameraPosition'. 8:54:07 Warning Message: []: '/' not an array 8:54:07 Cannot evaluate '' - no file 8:54:07 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/H_Cap_headphones.groupCameraPosition'. 8:54:07 Warning Message: []: '/' not an array 8:54:07 Cannot evaluate '' - no file 8:54:07 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/H_Cap_headphones.groupCameraPosition'. 8:54:07 Warning Message: []: '/' not an array 8:54:07 Cannot evaluate '' - no file 8:54:07 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/H_Cap_headphones.maxSpeed'. 8:54:07 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:07 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/H_Cap_headphones.limitedSpeedCoef'. 8:54:07 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:07 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/H_Cap_headphones.secondaryExplosion'. 8:54:07 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:07 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/H_Cap_headphones.sensitivity'. 8:54:07 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:07 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/H_Cap_headphones.sensitivityEar'. 8:54:07 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:07 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/H_Cap_headphones.brakeDistance'. 8:54:07 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:07 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/H_Cap_headphones.precision'. 8:54:07 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:07 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/H_Cap_headphones.formationX'. 8:54:07 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:07 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/H_Cap_headphones.formationZ'. 8:54:07 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:07 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/H_Cap_headphones.formationTime'. 8:54:07 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:07 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/H_Cap_headphones.steerAheadSimul'. 8:54:07 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:07 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/H_Cap_headphones.steerAheadPlan'. 8:54:07 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:07 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/H_Cap_headphones.driverCanEject'. 8:54:07 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:07 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/H_Cap_headphones.cargoCanEject'. 8:54:07 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:07 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/H_Cap_headphones.ViewPilot'. 8:54:07 Warning Message: No entry '.initAngleY'. 8:54:07 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:07 Warning Message: No entry '.minAngleY'. 8:54:07 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:07 Warning Message: No entry '.maxAngleY'. 8:54:07 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:07 Warning Message: No entry '.initAngleX'. 8:54:07 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:07 Warning Message: No entry '.minAngleX'. 8:54:07 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:07 Warning Message: No entry '.maxAngleX'. 8:54:07 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:07 Warning Message: No entry '.initFov'. 8:54:07 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:07 Warning Message: No entry '.minFov'. 8:54:07 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:07 Warning Message: No entry '.maxFov'. 8:54:07 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:07 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/H_Cap_headphones.HeadLimits'. 8:54:07 Warning Message: No entry '.initAngleY'. 8:54:07 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:07 Warning Message: No entry '.minAngleY'. 8:54:07 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:07 Warning Message: No entry '.maxAngleY'. 8:54:07 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:07 Warning Message: No entry '.initAngleX'. 8:54:07 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:07 Warning Message: No entry '.minAngleX'. 8:54:07 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:07 Warning Message: No entry '.maxAngleX'. 8:54:07 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:07 Warning Message: No entry '.minAngleZ'. 8:54:07 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:07 Warning Message: No entry '.maxAngleZ'. 8:54:07 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:07 Warning Message: No entry '.rotZRadius'. 8:54:07 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:07 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/H_Cap_headphones.PilotSpec'. 8:54:07 Warning Message: No entry '.showHeadPhones'. 8:54:07 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:07 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/H_Cap_headphones.predictTurnSimul'. 8:54:07 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:07 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/H_Cap_headphones.predictTurnPlan'. 8:54:07 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:07 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/H_Cap_headphones.minFireTime'. 8:54:07 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:07 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/H_Cap_headphones.enableWatch'. 8:54:07 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:07 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/H_Cap_headphones.enableRadio'. 8:54:07 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:07 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/H_Cap_headphones.transportFuel'. 8:54:07 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:07 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/H_Cap_headphones.transportRepair'. 8:54:07 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:07 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/H_Cap_headphones.transportAmmo'. 8:54:07 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:07 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/H_Cap_headphones.transportMaxWeapons'. 8:54:07 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:07 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/H_Cap_headphones.transportMaxMagazines'. 8:54:07 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:07 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/H_Cap_headphones.transportMaxBackpacks'. 8:54:07 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:07 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/H_Cap_headphones.lockDetectionSystem'. 8:54:07 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:07 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/H_Cap_headphones.incomingMissileDetectionSystem'. 8:54:07 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:07 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/H_Cap_headphones.allowTabLock'. 8:54:07 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:07 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/H_Cap_headphones.showAllTargets'. 8:54:07 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:07 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/H_Cap_headphones.TransportWeapons'. 8:54:07 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/H_Cap_headphones.TransportMagazines'. 8:54:07 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/H_Cap_headphones.alwaysTarget'. 8:54:07 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:07 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/H_Cap_headphones.irTarget'. 8:54:07 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:07 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/H_Cap_headphones.irScanToEyeFactor'. 8:54:07 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:07 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/H_Cap_headphones.irScanRangeMin'. 8:54:07 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:07 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/H_Cap_headphones.irScanRangeMax'. 8:54:07 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:07 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/H_Cap_headphones.nightVision'. 8:54:07 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:07 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/H_Cap_headphones.laserScanner'. 8:54:07 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:07 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/H_Cap_headphones.laserTarget'. 8:54:07 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:07 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/H_Cap_headphones.nvTarget'. 8:54:07 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:07 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/H_Cap_headphones.artilleryTarget'. 8:54:07 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:07 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/H_Cap_headphones.artilleryScanner'. 8:54:07 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:07 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/H_Cap_headphones.nvScanner'. 8:54:07 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:07 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/H_Cap_headphones.commanderCanSee'. 8:54:07 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:07 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/H_Cap_headphones.driverCanSee'. 8:54:07 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:07 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/H_Cap_headphones.gunnerCanSee'. 8:54:07 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:07 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/H_Cap_headphones.radarType'. 8:54:07 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:07 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/H_Cap_headphones.attendant'. 8:54:07 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:07 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/H_Cap_headphones.engineer'. 8:54:07 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:07 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/H_Cap_headphones.uavHacker'. 8:54:07 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:07 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/H_Cap_headphones.preferRoads'. 8:54:07 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:07 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/H_Cap_headphones.unitInfoType'. 8:54:07 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:07 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/H_Cap_headphones.hideUnitInfo'. 8:54:07 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:07 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/H_Cap_headphones.soundEngine'. 8:54:07 Warning Message: Size: '/' not an array 8:54:07 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/H_Cap_headphones.soundEnviron'. 8:54:07 Warning Message: Size: '/' not an array 8:54:07 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/H_Cap_headphones.soundDammage'. 8:54:07 Warning Message: Size: '/' not an array 8:54:07 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/H_Cap_headphones.soundGetIn'. 8:54:07 Warning Message: Size: '/' not an array 8:54:07 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/H_Cap_headphones.soundGetOut'. 8:54:07 Warning Message: Size: '/' not an array 8:54:07 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/H_Cap_headphones.soundServo'. 8:54:07 Warning Message: Size: '/' not an array 8:54:07 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/H_Cap_headphones.soundEngineOnInt'. 8:54:07 Warning Message: Size: '/' not an array 8:54:07 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/H_Cap_headphones.soundEngineOffInt'. 8:54:07 Warning Message: Size: '/' not an array 8:54:07 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/H_Cap_headphones.soundEngineOnExt'. 8:54:07 Warning Message: Size: '/' not an array 8:54:07 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/H_Cap_headphones.soundEngineOffExt'. 8:54:07 Warning Message: Size: '/' not an array 8:54:07 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/H_Cap_headphones.soundLocked'. 8:54:07 Warning Message: Size: '/' not an array 8:54:07 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/H_Cap_headphones.soundIncommingMissile'. 8:54:07 Warning Message: Size: '/' not an array 8:54:07 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/H_Cap_headphones.soundGearUp'. 8:54:07 Warning Message: Size: '/' not an array 8:54:07 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/H_Cap_headphones.soundGearDown'. 8:54:07 Warning Message: Size: '/' not an array 8:54:07 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/H_Cap_headphones.soundFlapsUp'. 8:54:07 Warning Message: Size: '/' not an array 8:54:07 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/H_Cap_headphones.soundFlapsDown'. 8:54:07 Warning Message: Size: '/' not an array 8:54:07 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/H_Cap_headphones.soundCrashes'. 8:54:07 Warning Message: Size: '/' not an array 8:54:07 Warning Message: Size: '/' not an array 8:54:07 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/H_Cap_headphones.soundLandCrashes'. 8:54:07 Warning Message: Size: '/' not an array 8:54:07 Warning Message: Size: '/' not an array 8:54:07 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/H_Cap_headphones.soundWaterCrashes'. 8:54:07 Warning Message: Size: '/' not an array 8:54:07 Warning Message: Size: '/' not an array 8:54:07 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/H_Cap_headphones.soundWoodCrash'. 8:54:07 Warning Message: Size: '/' not an array 8:54:07 Warning Message: Size: '/' not an array 8:54:07 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/H_Cap_headphones.soundBushCrash'. 8:54:07 Warning Message: Size: '/' not an array 8:54:07 Warning Message: Size: '/' not an array 8:54:07 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/H_Cap_headphones.soundBuildingCrash'. 8:54:07 Warning Message: Size: '/' not an array 8:54:07 Warning Message: Size: '/' not an array 8:54:07 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/H_Cap_headphones.soundArmorCrash'. 8:54:07 Warning Message: Size: '/' not an array 8:54:07 Warning Message: Size: '/' not an array 8:54:07 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/H_Cap_headphones.SoundEnvironExt'. 8:54:07 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/H_Cap_headphones.SoundGear'. 8:54:07 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/H_Cap_headphones.SoundEquipment'. 8:54:07 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/H_Cap_headphones.weapons'. 8:54:07 Warning Message: Size: '/' not an array 8:54:07 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/H_Cap_headphones.magazines'. 8:54:07 Warning Message: Size: '/' not an array 8:54:07 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/H_Cap_headphones.threat'. 8:54:07 Warning Message: []: '/' not an array 8:54:07 Cannot evaluate '' - no file 8:54:07 Warning Message: []: '/' not an array 8:54:07 Cannot evaluate '' - no file 8:54:07 Warning Message: []: '/' not an array 8:54:07 Cannot evaluate '' - no file 8:54:07 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/H_Cap_headphones.type'. 8:54:07 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:07 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/H_Cap_headphones.HeadAimDown'. 8:54:07 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:07 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/H_HelmetB_plain_blk.scope'. 8:54:07 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:07 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/H_HelmetB_plain_blk.model'. 8:54:07 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:07 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/H_HelmetB_plain_blk.simulation'. 8:54:07 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:07 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/H_HelmetB_plain_blk.accuracy'. 8:54:07 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:07 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/H_HelmetB_plain_blk.camouflage'. 8:54:07 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:07 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/H_HelmetB_plain_blk.audible'. 8:54:07 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:07 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/H_HelmetB_plain_blk.displayName'. 8:54:07 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:07 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/H_HelmetB_plain_blk.textSingular'. 8:54:07 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:07 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/H_HelmetB_plain_blk.speechSingular'. 8:54:07 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/H_HelmetB_plain_blk.textPlural'. 8:54:07 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:07 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/H_HelmetB_plain_blk.speechPlural'. 8:54:07 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/H_HelmetB_plain_blk.maxDetectRange'. 8:54:07 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:07 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/H_HelmetB_plain_blk.detectSkill'. 8:54:07 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:07 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/H_HelmetB_plain_blk.mineAlertIconRange'. 8:54:07 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:07 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/H_HelmetB_plain_blk.weaponSlots'. 8:54:07 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:07 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/H_HelmetB_plain_blk.spotableNightLightsOff'. 8:54:07 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:07 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/H_HelmetB_plain_blk.spotableDarkNightLightsOff'. 8:54:07 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:07 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/H_HelmetB_plain_blk.spotableNightLightsOn'. 8:54:07 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:07 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/H_HelmetB_plain_blk.nameSound'. 8:54:07 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:07 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/H_HelmetB_plain_blk.side'. 8:54:07 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:07 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/H_HelmetB_plain_blk.destrType'. 8:54:07 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:07 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/H_HelmetB_plain_blk.picture'. 8:54:07 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:07 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/H_HelmetB_plain_blk.portrait'. 8:54:07 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:07 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/H_HelmetB_plain_blk.icon'. 8:54:07 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:07 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/H_HelmetB_plain_blk.cost'. 8:54:07 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:07 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/H_HelmetB_plain_blk.fuelCapacity'. 8:54:07 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:07 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/H_HelmetB_plain_blk.fuelConsumptionRate'. 8:54:07 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:07 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/H_HelmetB_plain_blk.armor'. 8:54:07 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:07 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/H_HelmetB_plain_blk.crewCrashProtection'. 8:54:07 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:07 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/H_HelmetB_plain_blk.damageResistance'. 8:54:07 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:07 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/H_HelmetB_plain_blk.extCameraPosition'. 8:54:07 Warning Message: []: '/' not an array 8:54:07 Cannot evaluate '' - no file 8:54:07 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/H_HelmetB_plain_blk.extCameraPosition'. 8:54:07 Warning Message: []: '/' not an array 8:54:07 Cannot evaluate '' - no file 8:54:07 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/H_HelmetB_plain_blk.extCameraPosition'. 8:54:07 Warning Message: []: '/' not an array 8:54:07 Cannot evaluate '' - no file 8:54:07 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/H_HelmetB_plain_blk.groupCameraPosition'. 8:54:07 Warning Message: []: '/' not an array 8:54:07 Cannot evaluate '' - no file 8:54:07 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/H_HelmetB_plain_blk.groupCameraPosition'. 8:54:07 Warning Message: []: '/' not an array 8:54:07 Cannot evaluate '' - no file 8:54:07 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/H_HelmetB_plain_blk.groupCameraPosition'. 8:54:07 Warning Message: []: '/' not an array 8:54:07 Cannot evaluate '' - no file 8:54:07 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/H_HelmetB_plain_blk.maxSpeed'. 8:54:07 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:07 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/H_HelmetB_plain_blk.limitedSpeedCoef'. 8:54:07 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:07 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/H_HelmetB_plain_blk.secondaryExplosion'. 8:54:07 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:07 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/H_HelmetB_plain_blk.sensitivity'. 8:54:07 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:07 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/H_HelmetB_plain_blk.sensitivityEar'. 8:54:07 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:07 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/H_HelmetB_plain_blk.brakeDistance'. 8:54:07 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:07 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/H_HelmetB_plain_blk.precision'. 8:54:07 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:07 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/H_HelmetB_plain_blk.formationX'. 8:54:07 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:07 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/H_HelmetB_plain_blk.formationZ'. 8:54:07 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:07 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/H_HelmetB_plain_blk.formationTime'. 8:54:07 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:07 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/H_HelmetB_plain_blk.steerAheadSimul'. 8:54:07 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:07 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/H_HelmetB_plain_blk.steerAheadPlan'. 8:54:07 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:07 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/H_HelmetB_plain_blk.driverCanEject'. 8:54:07 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:07 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/H_HelmetB_plain_blk.cargoCanEject'. 8:54:07 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:07 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/H_HelmetB_plain_blk.ViewPilot'. 8:54:07 Warning Message: No entry '.initAngleY'. 8:54:07 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:07 Warning Message: No entry '.minAngleY'. 8:54:07 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:07 Warning Message: No entry '.maxAngleY'. 8:54:07 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:07 Warning Message: No entry '.initAngleX'. 8:54:07 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:07 Warning Message: No entry '.minAngleX'. 8:54:07 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:07 Warning Message: No entry '.maxAngleX'. 8:54:07 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:07 Warning Message: No entry '.initFov'. 8:54:07 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:07 Warning Message: No entry '.minFov'. 8:54:07 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:07 Warning Message: No entry '.maxFov'. 8:54:07 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:07 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/H_HelmetB_plain_blk.HeadLimits'. 8:54:07 Warning Message: No entry '.initAngleY'. 8:54:07 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:07 Warning Message: No entry '.minAngleY'. 8:54:07 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:07 Warning Message: No entry '.maxAngleY'. 8:54:07 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:07 Warning Message: No entry '.initAngleX'. 8:54:07 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:07 Warning Message: No entry '.minAngleX'. 8:54:07 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:07 Warning Message: No entry '.maxAngleX'. 8:54:07 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:07 Warning Message: No entry '.minAngleZ'. 8:54:07 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:07 Warning Message: No entry '.maxAngleZ'. 8:54:07 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:07 Warning Message: No entry '.rotZRadius'. 8:54:07 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:07 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/H_HelmetB_plain_blk.PilotSpec'. 8:54:07 Warning Message: No entry '.showHeadPhones'. 8:54:07 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:07 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/H_HelmetB_plain_blk.predictTurnSimul'. 8:54:07 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:07 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/H_HelmetB_plain_blk.predictTurnPlan'. 8:54:07 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:07 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/H_HelmetB_plain_blk.minFireTime'. 8:54:07 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:07 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/H_HelmetB_plain_blk.enableWatch'. 8:54:07 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:07 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/H_HelmetB_plain_blk.enableRadio'. 8:54:07 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:07 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/H_HelmetB_plain_blk.transportFuel'. 8:54:07 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:07 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/H_HelmetB_plain_blk.transportRepair'. 8:54:07 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:07 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/H_HelmetB_plain_blk.transportAmmo'. 8:54:07 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:07 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/H_HelmetB_plain_blk.transportMaxWeapons'. 8:54:07 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:07 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/H_HelmetB_plain_blk.transportMaxMagazines'. 8:54:07 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:07 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/H_HelmetB_plain_blk.transportMaxBackpacks'. 8:54:07 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:07 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/H_HelmetB_plain_blk.lockDetectionSystem'. 8:54:07 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:07 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/H_HelmetB_plain_blk.incomingMissileDetectionSystem'. 8:54:07 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:07 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/H_HelmetB_plain_blk.allowTabLock'. 8:54:07 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:07 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/H_HelmetB_plain_blk.showAllTargets'. 8:54:07 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:07 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/H_HelmetB_plain_blk.TransportWeapons'. 8:54:07 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/H_HelmetB_plain_blk.TransportMagazines'. 8:54:07 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/H_HelmetB_plain_blk.alwaysTarget'. 8:54:07 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:07 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/H_HelmetB_plain_blk.irTarget'. 8:54:07 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:07 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/H_HelmetB_plain_blk.irScanToEyeFactor'. 8:54:07 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:07 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/H_HelmetB_plain_blk.irScanRangeMin'. 8:54:07 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:07 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/H_HelmetB_plain_blk.irScanRangeMax'. 8:54:07 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:07 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/H_HelmetB_plain_blk.nightVision'. 8:54:07 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:07 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/H_HelmetB_plain_blk.laserScanner'. 8:54:07 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:07 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/H_HelmetB_plain_blk.laserTarget'. 8:54:07 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:07 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/H_HelmetB_plain_blk.nvTarget'. 8:54:07 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:07 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/H_HelmetB_plain_blk.artilleryTarget'. 8:54:07 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:07 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/H_HelmetB_plain_blk.artilleryScanner'. 8:54:07 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:07 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/H_HelmetB_plain_blk.nvScanner'. 8:54:07 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:07 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/H_HelmetB_plain_blk.commanderCanSee'. 8:54:07 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:07 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/H_HelmetB_plain_blk.driverCanSee'. 8:54:07 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:07 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/H_HelmetB_plain_blk.gunnerCanSee'. 8:54:07 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:07 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/H_HelmetB_plain_blk.radarType'. 8:54:07 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:07 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/H_HelmetB_plain_blk.attendant'. 8:54:07 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:07 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/H_HelmetB_plain_blk.engineer'. 8:54:07 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:07 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/H_HelmetB_plain_blk.uavHacker'. 8:54:07 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:07 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/H_HelmetB_plain_blk.preferRoads'. 8:54:07 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:07 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/H_HelmetB_plain_blk.unitInfoType'. 8:54:07 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:07 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/H_HelmetB_plain_blk.hideUnitInfo'. 8:54:07 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:07 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/H_HelmetB_plain_blk.soundEngine'. 8:54:07 Warning Message: Size: '/' not an array 8:54:07 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/H_HelmetB_plain_blk.soundEnviron'. 8:54:07 Warning Message: Size: '/' not an array 8:54:07 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/H_HelmetB_plain_blk.soundDammage'. 8:54:07 Warning Message: Size: '/' not an array 8:54:07 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/H_HelmetB_plain_blk.soundGetIn'. 8:54:07 Warning Message: Size: '/' not an array 8:54:07 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/H_HelmetB_plain_blk.soundGetOut'. 8:54:07 Warning Message: Size: '/' not an array 8:54:07 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/H_HelmetB_plain_blk.soundServo'. 8:54:07 Warning Message: Size: '/' not an array 8:54:07 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/H_HelmetB_plain_blk.soundEngineOnInt'. 8:54:07 Warning Message: Size: '/' not an array 8:54:07 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/H_HelmetB_plain_blk.soundEngineOffInt'. 8:54:07 Warning Message: Size: '/' not an array 8:54:07 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/H_HelmetB_plain_blk.soundEngineOnExt'. 8:54:07 Warning Message: Size: '/' not an array 8:54:07 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/H_HelmetB_plain_blk.soundEngineOffExt'. 8:54:07 Warning Message: Size: '/' not an array 8:54:07 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/H_HelmetB_plain_blk.soundLocked'. 8:54:07 Warning Message: Size: '/' not an array 8:54:07 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/H_HelmetB_plain_blk.soundIncommingMissile'. 8:54:07 Warning Message: Size: '/' not an array 8:54:07 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/H_HelmetB_plain_blk.soundGearUp'. 8:54:07 Warning Message: Size: '/' not an array 8:54:07 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/H_HelmetB_plain_blk.soundGearDown'. 8:54:07 Warning Message: Size: '/' not an array 8:54:07 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/H_HelmetB_plain_blk.soundFlapsUp'. 8:54:07 Warning Message: Size: '/' not an array 8:54:07 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/H_HelmetB_plain_blk.soundFlapsDown'. 8:54:07 Warning Message: Size: '/' not an array 8:54:07 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/H_HelmetB_plain_blk.soundCrashes'. 8:54:07 Warning Message: Size: '/' not an array 8:54:07 Warning Message: Size: '/' not an array 8:54:07 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/H_HelmetB_plain_blk.soundLandCrashes'. 8:54:07 Warning Message: Size: '/' not an array 8:54:07 Warning Message: Size: '/' not an array 8:54:07 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/H_HelmetB_plain_blk.soundWaterCrashes'. 8:54:07 Warning Message: Size: '/' not an array 8:54:07 Warning Message: Size: '/' not an array 8:54:07 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/H_HelmetB_plain_blk.soundWoodCrash'. 8:54:07 Warning Message: Size: '/' not an array 8:54:07 Warning Message: Size: '/' not an array 8:54:07 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/H_HelmetB_plain_blk.soundBushCrash'. 8:54:07 Warning Message: Size: '/' not an array 8:54:07 Warning Message: Size: '/' not an array 8:54:07 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/H_HelmetB_plain_blk.soundBuildingCrash'. 8:54:07 Warning Message: Size: '/' not an array 8:54:07 Warning Message: Size: '/' not an array 8:54:07 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/H_HelmetB_plain_blk.soundArmorCrash'. 8:54:07 Warning Message: Size: '/' not an array 8:54:07 Warning Message: Size: '/' not an array 8:54:07 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/H_HelmetB_plain_blk.SoundEnvironExt'. 8:54:07 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/H_HelmetB_plain_blk.SoundGear'. 8:54:07 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/H_HelmetB_plain_blk.SoundEquipment'. 8:54:07 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/H_HelmetB_plain_blk.weapons'. 8:54:07 Warning Message: Size: '/' not an array 8:54:07 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/H_HelmetB_plain_blk.magazines'. 8:54:07 Warning Message: Size: '/' not an array 8:54:07 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/H_HelmetB_plain_blk.threat'. 8:54:07 Warning Message: []: '/' not an array 8:54:07 Cannot evaluate '' - no file 8:54:07 Warning Message: []: '/' not an array 8:54:07 Cannot evaluate '' - no file 8:54:07 Warning Message: []: '/' not an array 8:54:07 Cannot evaluate '' - no file 8:54:07 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/H_HelmetB_plain_blk.type'. 8:54:07 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:07 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/H_HelmetB_plain_blk.HeadAimDown'. 8:54:07 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:07 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/V_PlateCarrier1_rgr.scope'. 8:54:07 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:07 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/V_PlateCarrier1_rgr.model'. 8:54:07 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:07 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/V_PlateCarrier1_rgr.simulation'. 8:54:07 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:07 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/V_PlateCarrier1_rgr.accuracy'. 8:54:07 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:07 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/V_PlateCarrier1_rgr.camouflage'. 8:54:07 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:07 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/V_PlateCarrier1_rgr.audible'. 8:54:07 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:07 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/V_PlateCarrier1_rgr.displayName'. 8:54:07 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:07 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/V_PlateCarrier1_rgr.textSingular'. 8:54:07 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:07 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/V_PlateCarrier1_rgr.speechSingular'. 8:54:07 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/V_PlateCarrier1_rgr.textPlural'. 8:54:07 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:07 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/V_PlateCarrier1_rgr.speechPlural'. 8:54:07 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/V_PlateCarrier1_rgr.maxDetectRange'. 8:54:07 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:07 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/V_PlateCarrier1_rgr.detectSkill'. 8:54:07 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:07 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/V_PlateCarrier1_rgr.mineAlertIconRange'. 8:54:07 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:07 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/V_PlateCarrier1_rgr.weaponSlots'. 8:54:07 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:07 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/V_PlateCarrier1_rgr.spotableNightLightsOff'. 8:54:07 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:07 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/V_PlateCarrier1_rgr.spotableDarkNightLightsOff'. 8:54:07 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:07 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/V_PlateCarrier1_rgr.spotableNightLightsOn'. 8:54:07 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:07 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/V_PlateCarrier1_rgr.nameSound'. 8:54:07 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:07 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/V_PlateCarrier1_rgr.side'. 8:54:07 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:07 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/V_PlateCarrier1_rgr.destrType'. 8:54:07 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:07 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/V_PlateCarrier1_rgr.picture'. 8:54:07 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:07 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/V_PlateCarrier1_rgr.portrait'. 8:54:07 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:07 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/V_PlateCarrier1_rgr.icon'. 8:54:07 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:07 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/V_PlateCarrier1_rgr.cost'. 8:54:07 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:07 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/V_PlateCarrier1_rgr.fuelCapacity'. 8:54:07 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:07 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/V_PlateCarrier1_rgr.fuelConsumptionRate'. 8:54:07 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:07 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/V_PlateCarrier1_rgr.armor'. 8:54:07 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:07 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/V_PlateCarrier1_rgr.crewCrashProtection'. 8:54:07 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:07 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/V_PlateCarrier1_rgr.damageResistance'. 8:54:07 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:07 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/V_PlateCarrier1_rgr.extCameraPosition'. 8:54:07 Warning Message: []: '/' not an array 8:54:07 Cannot evaluate '' - no file 8:54:07 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/V_PlateCarrier1_rgr.extCameraPosition'. 8:54:07 Warning Message: []: '/' not an array 8:54:07 Cannot evaluate '' - no file 8:54:07 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/V_PlateCarrier1_rgr.extCameraPosition'. 8:54:07 Warning Message: []: '/' not an array 8:54:07 Cannot evaluate '' - no file 8:54:07 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/V_PlateCarrier1_rgr.groupCameraPosition'. 8:54:07 Warning Message: []: '/' not an array 8:54:07 Cannot evaluate '' - no file 8:54:07 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/V_PlateCarrier1_rgr.groupCameraPosition'. 8:54:07 Warning Message: []: '/' not an array 8:54:07 Cannot evaluate '' - no file 8:54:07 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/V_PlateCarrier1_rgr.groupCameraPosition'. 8:54:07 Warning Message: []: '/' not an array 8:54:07 Cannot evaluate '' - no file 8:54:07 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/V_PlateCarrier1_rgr.maxSpeed'. 8:54:07 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:07 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/V_PlateCarrier1_rgr.limitedSpeedCoef'. 8:54:07 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:07 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/V_PlateCarrier1_rgr.secondaryExplosion'. 8:54:07 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:07 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/V_PlateCarrier1_rgr.sensitivity'. 8:54:07 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:07 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/V_PlateCarrier1_rgr.sensitivityEar'. 8:54:07 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:07 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/V_PlateCarrier1_rgr.brakeDistance'. 8:54:07 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:07 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/V_PlateCarrier1_rgr.precision'. 8:54:07 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:07 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/V_PlateCarrier1_rgr.formationX'. 8:54:07 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:07 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/V_PlateCarrier1_rgr.formationZ'. 8:54:07 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:07 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/V_PlateCarrier1_rgr.formationTime'. 8:54:07 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:07 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/V_PlateCarrier1_rgr.steerAheadSimul'. 8:54:07 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:07 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/V_PlateCarrier1_rgr.steerAheadPlan'. 8:54:07 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:07 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/V_PlateCarrier1_rgr.driverCanEject'. 8:54:07 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:07 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/V_PlateCarrier1_rgr.cargoCanEject'. 8:54:07 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:07 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/V_PlateCarrier1_rgr.ViewPilot'. 8:54:07 Warning Message: No entry '.initAngleY'. 8:54:07 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:07 Warning Message: No entry '.minAngleY'. 8:54:07 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:07 Warning Message: No entry '.maxAngleY'. 8:54:07 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:07 Warning Message: No entry '.initAngleX'. 8:54:07 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:07 Warning Message: No entry '.minAngleX'. 8:54:07 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:07 Warning Message: No entry '.maxAngleX'. 8:54:07 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:07 Warning Message: No entry '.initFov'. 8:54:07 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:07 Warning Message: No entry '.minFov'. 8:54:07 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:07 Warning Message: No entry '.maxFov'. 8:54:07 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:07 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/V_PlateCarrier1_rgr.HeadLimits'. 8:54:07 Warning Message: No entry '.initAngleY'. 8:54:07 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:07 Warning Message: No entry '.minAngleY'. 8:54:07 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:07 Warning Message: No entry '.maxAngleY'. 8:54:07 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:07 Warning Message: No entry '.initAngleX'. 8:54:07 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:07 Warning Message: No entry '.minAngleX'. 8:54:07 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:07 Warning Message: No entry '.maxAngleX'. 8:54:07 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:07 Warning Message: No entry '.minAngleZ'. 8:54:07 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:07 Warning Message: No entry '.maxAngleZ'. 8:54:07 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:07 Warning Message: No entry '.rotZRadius'. 8:54:07 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:07 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/V_PlateCarrier1_rgr.PilotSpec'. 8:54:07 Warning Message: No entry '.showHeadPhones'. 8:54:07 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:07 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/V_PlateCarrier1_rgr.predictTurnSimul'. 8:54:07 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:07 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/V_PlateCarrier1_rgr.predictTurnPlan'. 8:54:07 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:07 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/V_PlateCarrier1_rgr.minFireTime'. 8:54:07 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:07 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/V_PlateCarrier1_rgr.enableWatch'. 8:54:07 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:07 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/V_PlateCarrier1_rgr.enableRadio'. 8:54:07 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:07 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/V_PlateCarrier1_rgr.transportFuel'. 8:54:07 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:07 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/V_PlateCarrier1_rgr.transportRepair'. 8:54:07 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:07 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/V_PlateCarrier1_rgr.transportAmmo'. 8:54:07 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:07 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/V_PlateCarrier1_rgr.transportMaxWeapons'. 8:54:07 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:07 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/V_PlateCarrier1_rgr.transportMaxMagazines'. 8:54:07 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:07 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/V_PlateCarrier1_rgr.transportMaxBackpacks'. 8:54:07 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:07 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/V_PlateCarrier1_rgr.lockDetectionSystem'. 8:54:07 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:07 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/V_PlateCarrier1_rgr.incomingMissileDetectionSystem'. 8:54:07 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:07 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/V_PlateCarrier1_rgr.allowTabLock'. 8:54:07 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:07 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/V_PlateCarrier1_rgr.showAllTargets'. 8:54:07 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:07 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/V_PlateCarrier1_rgr.TransportWeapons'. 8:54:07 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/V_PlateCarrier1_rgr.TransportMagazines'. 8:54:07 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/V_PlateCarrier1_rgr.alwaysTarget'. 8:54:07 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:07 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/V_PlateCarrier1_rgr.irTarget'. 8:54:07 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:07 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/V_PlateCarrier1_rgr.irScanToEyeFactor'. 8:54:07 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:07 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/V_PlateCarrier1_rgr.irScanRangeMin'. 8:54:07 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:07 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/V_PlateCarrier1_rgr.irScanRangeMax'. 8:54:07 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:07 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/V_PlateCarrier1_rgr.nightVision'. 8:54:07 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:07 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/V_PlateCarrier1_rgr.laserScanner'. 8:54:07 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:07 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/V_PlateCarrier1_rgr.laserTarget'. 8:54:07 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:07 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/V_PlateCarrier1_rgr.nvTarget'. 8:54:07 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:07 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/V_PlateCarrier1_rgr.artilleryTarget'. 8:54:07 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:07 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/V_PlateCarrier1_rgr.artilleryScanner'. 8:54:07 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:07 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/V_PlateCarrier1_rgr.nvScanner'. 8:54:07 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:07 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/V_PlateCarrier1_rgr.commanderCanSee'. 8:54:07 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:07 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/V_PlateCarrier1_rgr.driverCanSee'. 8:54:07 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:07 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/V_PlateCarrier1_rgr.gunnerCanSee'. 8:54:07 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:07 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/V_PlateCarrier1_rgr.radarType'. 8:54:07 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:07 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/V_PlateCarrier1_rgr.attendant'. 8:54:07 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:07 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/V_PlateCarrier1_rgr.engineer'. 8:54:07 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:07 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/V_PlateCarrier1_rgr.uavHacker'. 8:54:07 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:07 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/V_PlateCarrier1_rgr.preferRoads'. 8:54:07 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:07 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/V_PlateCarrier1_rgr.unitInfoType'. 8:54:07 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:07 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/V_PlateCarrier1_rgr.hideUnitInfo'. 8:54:07 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:07 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/V_PlateCarrier1_rgr.soundEngine'. 8:54:07 Warning Message: Size: '/' not an array 8:54:07 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/V_PlateCarrier1_rgr.soundEnviron'. 8:54:07 Warning Message: Size: '/' not an array 8:54:07 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/V_PlateCarrier1_rgr.soundDammage'. 8:54:07 Warning Message: Size: '/' not an array 8:54:07 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/V_PlateCarrier1_rgr.soundGetIn'. 8:54:07 Warning Message: Size: '/' not an array 8:54:07 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/V_PlateCarrier1_rgr.soundGetOut'. 8:54:07 Warning Message: Size: '/' not an array 8:54:07 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/V_PlateCarrier1_rgr.soundServo'. 8:54:07 Warning Message: Size: '/' not an array 8:54:07 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/V_PlateCarrier1_rgr.soundEngineOnInt'. 8:54:07 Warning Message: Size: '/' not an array 8:54:07 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/V_PlateCarrier1_rgr.soundEngineOffInt'. 8:54:07 Warning Message: Size: '/' not an array 8:54:07 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/V_PlateCarrier1_rgr.soundEngineOnExt'. 8:54:07 Warning Message: Size: '/' not an array 8:54:07 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/V_PlateCarrier1_rgr.soundEngineOffExt'. 8:54:07 Warning Message: Size: '/' not an array 8:54:07 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/V_PlateCarrier1_rgr.soundLocked'. 8:54:07 Warning Message: Size: '/' not an array 8:54:07 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/V_PlateCarrier1_rgr.soundIncommingMissile'. 8:54:07 Warning Message: Size: '/' not an array 8:54:07 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/V_PlateCarrier1_rgr.soundGearUp'. 8:54:07 Warning Message: Size: '/' not an array 8:54:07 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/V_PlateCarrier1_rgr.soundGearDown'. 8:54:07 Warning Message: Size: '/' not an array 8:54:07 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/V_PlateCarrier1_rgr.soundFlapsUp'. 8:54:07 Warning Message: Size: '/' not an array 8:54:07 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/V_PlateCarrier1_rgr.soundFlapsDown'. 8:54:07 Warning Message: Size: '/' not an array 8:54:07 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/V_PlateCarrier1_rgr.soundCrashes'. 8:54:07 Warning Message: Size: '/' not an array 8:54:07 Warning Message: Size: '/' not an array 8:54:07 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/V_PlateCarrier1_rgr.soundLandCrashes'. 8:54:07 Warning Message: Size: '/' not an array 8:54:07 Warning Message: Size: '/' not an array 8:54:07 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/V_PlateCarrier1_rgr.soundWaterCrashes'. 8:54:07 Warning Message: Size: '/' not an array 8:54:07 Warning Message: Size: '/' not an array 8:54:07 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/V_PlateCarrier1_rgr.soundWoodCrash'. 8:54:07 Warning Message: Size: '/' not an array 8:54:07 Warning Message: Size: '/' not an array 8:54:07 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/V_PlateCarrier1_rgr.soundBushCrash'. 8:54:07 Warning Message: Size: '/' not an array 8:54:07 Warning Message: Size: '/' not an array 8:54:07 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/V_PlateCarrier1_rgr.soundBuildingCrash'. 8:54:07 Warning Message: Size: '/' not an array 8:54:07 Warning Message: Size: '/' not an array 8:54:07 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/V_PlateCarrier1_rgr.soundArmorCrash'. 8:54:07 Warning Message: Size: '/' not an array 8:54:07 Warning Message: Size: '/' not an array 8:54:07 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/V_PlateCarrier1_rgr.SoundEnvironExt'. 8:54:07 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/V_PlateCarrier1_rgr.SoundGear'. 8:54:07 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/V_PlateCarrier1_rgr.SoundEquipment'. 8:54:07 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/V_PlateCarrier1_rgr.weapons'. 8:54:07 Warning Message: Size: '/' not an array 8:54:07 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/V_PlateCarrier1_rgr.magazines'. 8:54:07 Warning Message: Size: '/' not an array 8:54:07 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/V_PlateCarrier1_rgr.threat'. 8:54:07 Warning Message: []: '/' not an array 8:54:07 Cannot evaluate '' - no file 8:54:07 Warning Message: []: '/' not an array 8:54:07 Cannot evaluate '' - no file 8:54:07 Warning Message: []: '/' not an array 8:54:07 Cannot evaluate '' - no file 8:54:07 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/V_PlateCarrier1_rgr.type'. 8:54:07 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:07 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/V_PlateCarrier1_rgr.HeadAimDown'. 8:54:07 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:07 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgWeapons.Single'. 8:54:07 Warning Message: No entry '.scope'. 8:54:07 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:07 Warning Message: Error: creating weapon Single with scope=private 8:54:07 Warning Message: No entry '.displayName'. 8:54:07 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:07 Warning Message: No entry '.nameSound'. 8:54:07 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:07 Warning Message: No entry '.type'. 8:54:07 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:07 Warning Message: No entry '.picture'. 8:54:07 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:07 Warning Message: No entry '.Library'. 8:54:07 Warning Message: No entry '.libTextDesc'. 8:54:07 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:07 Warning Message: No entry '.model'. 8:54:07 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:07 Warning Message: No entry '.simulation'. 8:54:07 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:07 Warning Message: No entry '.fireLightDuration'. 8:54:07 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:07 Warning Message: No entry '.fireLightIntensity'. 8:54:07 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:07 Warning Message: No entry '.fireLightDiffuse'. 8:54:07 Warning Message: Size: '/' not an array 8:54:07 Warning Message: Size: '/' not an array 8:54:07 Warning Message: No entry '.fireLightAmbient'. 8:54:07 Warning Message: Size: '/' not an array 8:54:07 Warning Message: Size: '/' not an array 8:54:07 Warning Message: No entry '.weaponLockDelay'. 8:54:07 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:07 Warning Message: No entry '.weaponLockSystem'. 8:54:07 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:07 Warning Message: No entry '.cmImmunity'. 8:54:07 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:07 Warning Message: No entry '.weight'. 8:54:07 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:07 Warning Message: No entry '.lockingTargetSound'. 8:54:07 Warning Message: Size: '/' not an array 8:54:07 Warning Message: No entry '.lockedTargetSound'. 8:54:07 Warning Message: Size: '/' not an array 8:54:07 Warning Message: No entry '.detectRange'. 8:54:07 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:07 Warning Message: No entry '.muzzles'. 8:54:07 Warning Message: Size: '/' not an array 8:54:07 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgWeapons.FullAuto'. 8:54:07 Warning Message: No entry '.scope'. 8:54:07 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:07 Warning Message: Error: creating weapon FullAuto with scope=private 8:54:07 Warning Message: No entry '.displayName'. 8:54:07 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:07 Warning Message: No entry '.nameSound'. 8:54:07 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:07 Warning Message: No entry '.type'. 8:54:07 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:07 Warning Message: No entry '.picture'. 8:54:07 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:07 Warning Message: No entry '.Library'. 8:54:07 Warning Message: No entry '.libTextDesc'. 8:54:07 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:07 Warning Message: No entry '.model'. 8:54:07 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:07 Warning Message: No entry '.simulation'. 8:54:07 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:07 Warning Message: No entry '.fireLightDuration'. 8:54:07 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:07 Warning Message: No entry '.fireLightIntensity'. 8:54:07 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:07 Warning Message: No entry '.fireLightDiffuse'. 8:54:07 Warning Message: Size: '/' not an array 8:54:07 Warning Message: Size: '/' not an array 8:54:07 Warning Message: No entry '.fireLightAmbient'. 8:54:07 Warning Message: Size: '/' not an array 8:54:07 Warning Message: Size: '/' not an array 8:54:07 Warning Message: No entry '.weaponLockDelay'. 8:54:07 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:07 Warning Message: No entry '.weaponLockSystem'. 8:54:07 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:07 Warning Message: No entry '.cmImmunity'. 8:54:07 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:07 Warning Message: No entry '.weight'. 8:54:07 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:07 Warning Message: No entry '.lockingTargetSound'. 8:54:07 Warning Message: Size: '/' not an array 8:54:07 Warning Message: No entry '.lockedTargetSound'. 8:54:07 Warning Message: Size: '/' not an array 8:54:07 Warning Message: No entry '.detectRange'. 8:54:07 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:07 Warning Message: No entry '.muzzles'. 8:54:07 Warning Message: Size: '/' not an array 8:54:07 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgWeapons.Single'. 8:54:07 Warning Message: No entry '.scope'. 8:54:07 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:07 Warning Message: Error: creating weapon Single with scope=private 8:54:07 Warning Message: No entry '.displayName'. 8:54:07 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:07 Warning Message: No entry '.nameSound'. 8:54:07 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:07 Warning Message: No entry '.type'. 8:54:07 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:07 Warning Message: No entry '.picture'. 8:54:07 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:07 Warning Message: No entry '.Library'. 8:54:07 Warning Message: No entry '.libTextDesc'. 8:54:07 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:07 Warning Message: No entry '.model'. 8:54:07 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:07 Warning Message: No entry '.simulation'. 8:54:07 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:07 Warning Message: No entry '.fireLightDuration'. 8:54:07 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:07 Warning Message: No entry '.fireLightIntensity'. 8:54:07 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:07 Warning Message: No entry '.fireLightDiffuse'. 8:54:07 Warning Message: Size: '/' not an array 8:54:07 Warning Message: Size: '/' not an array 8:54:07 Warning Message: No entry '.fireLightAmbient'. 8:54:07 Warning Message: Size: '/' not an array 8:54:07 Warning Message: Size: '/' not an array 8:54:07 Warning Message: No entry '.weaponLockDelay'. 8:54:07 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:07 Warning Message: No entry '.weaponLockSystem'. 8:54:07 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:07 Warning Message: No entry '.cmImmunity'. 8:54:07 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:07 Warning Message: No entry '.weight'. 8:54:07 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:07 Warning Message: No entry '.lockingTargetSound'. 8:54:07 Warning Message: Size: '/' not an array 8:54:07 Warning Message: No entry '.lockedTargetSound'. 8:54:07 Warning Message: Size: '/' not an array 8:54:07 Warning Message: No entry '.detectRange'. 8:54:07 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:07 Warning Message: No entry '.muzzles'. 8:54:07 Warning Message: Size: '/' not an array 8:54:07 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgWeapons.FullAuto'. 8:54:07 Warning Message: No entry '.scope'. 8:54:07 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:07 Warning Message: Error: creating weapon FullAuto with scope=private 8:54:07 Warning Message: No entry '.displayName'. 8:54:07 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:07 Warning Message: No entry '.nameSound'. 8:54:07 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:07 Warning Message: No entry '.type'. 8:54:07 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:07 Warning Message: No entry '.picture'. 8:54:07 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:07 Warning Message: No entry '.Library'. 8:54:07 Warning Message: No entry '.libTextDesc'. 8:54:07 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:07 Warning Message: No entry '.model'. 8:54:07 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:07 Warning Message: No entry '.simulation'. 8:54:07 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:07 Warning Message: No entry '.fireLightDuration'. 8:54:07 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:07 Warning Message: No entry '.fireLightIntensity'. 8:54:07 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:07 Warning Message: No entry '.fireLightDiffuse'. 8:54:07 Warning Message: Size: '/' not an array 8:54:07 Warning Message: Size: '/' not an array 8:54:07 Warning Message: No entry '.fireLightAmbient'. 8:54:07 Warning Message: Size: '/' not an array 8:54:07 Warning Message: Size: '/' not an array 8:54:07 Warning Message: No entry '.weaponLockDelay'. 8:54:07 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:07 Warning Message: No entry '.weaponLockSystem'. 8:54:07 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:07 Warning Message: No entry '.cmImmunity'. 8:54:07 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:07 Warning Message: No entry '.weight'. 8:54:07 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:07 Warning Message: No entry '.lockingTargetSound'. 8:54:07 Warning Message: Size: '/' not an array 8:54:07 Warning Message: No entry '.lockedTargetSound'. 8:54:07 Warning Message: Size: '/' not an array 8:54:07 Warning Message: No entry '.detectRange'. 8:54:07 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:07 Warning Message: No entry '.muzzles'. 8:54:07 Warning Message: Size: '/' not an array 8:54:07 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgWeapons.Single'. 8:54:07 Warning Message: No entry '.scope'. 8:54:07 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:07 Warning Message: Error: creating weapon Single with scope=private 8:54:07 Warning Message: No entry '.displayName'. 8:54:07 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:07 Warning Message: No entry '.nameSound'. 8:54:07 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:07 Warning Message: No entry '.type'. 8:54:07 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:07 Warning Message: No entry '.picture'. 8:54:07 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:07 Warning Message: No entry '.Library'. 8:54:07 Warning Message: No entry '.libTextDesc'. 8:54:07 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:07 Warning Message: No entry '.model'. 8:54:07 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:07 Warning Message: No entry '.simulation'. 8:54:07 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:07 Warning Message: No entry '.fireLightDuration'. 8:54:07 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:07 Warning Message: No entry '.fireLightIntensity'. 8:54:07 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:07 Warning Message: No entry '.fireLightDiffuse'. 8:54:07 Warning Message: Size: '/' not an array 8:54:07 Warning Message: Size: '/' not an array 8:54:07 Warning Message: No entry '.fireLightAmbient'. 8:54:07 Warning Message: Size: '/' not an array 8:54:07 Warning Message: Size: '/' not an array 8:54:07 Warning Message: No entry '.weaponLockDelay'. 8:54:07 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:07 Warning Message: No entry '.weaponLockSystem'. 8:54:07 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:07 Warning Message: No entry '.cmImmunity'. 8:54:07 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:07 Warning Message: No entry '.weight'. 8:54:07 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:07 Warning Message: No entry '.lockingTargetSound'. 8:54:07 Warning Message: Size: '/' not an array 8:54:07 Warning Message: No entry '.lockedTargetSound'. 8:54:07 Warning Message: Size: '/' not an array 8:54:07 Warning Message: No entry '.detectRange'. 8:54:07 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:07 Warning Message: No entry '.muzzles'. 8:54:07 Warning Message: Size: '/' not an array 8:54:07 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgWeapons.FullAuto'. 8:54:07 Warning Message: No entry '.scope'. 8:54:07 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:07 Warning Message: Error: creating weapon FullAuto with scope=private 8:54:07 Warning Message: No entry '.displayName'. 8:54:07 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:07 Warning Message: No entry '.nameSound'. 8:54:07 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:07 Warning Message: No entry '.type'. 8:54:07 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:07 Warning Message: No entry '.picture'. 8:54:07 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:07 Warning Message: No entry '.Library'. 8:54:07 Warning Message: No entry '.libTextDesc'. 8:54:07 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:07 Warning Message: No entry '.model'. 8:54:07 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:07 Warning Message: No entry '.simulation'. 8:54:07 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:07 Warning Message: No entry '.fireLightDuration'. 8:54:07 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:07 Warning Message: No entry '.fireLightIntensity'. 8:54:07 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:07 Warning Message: No entry '.fireLightDiffuse'. 8:54:07 Warning Message: Size: '/' not an array 8:54:07 Warning Message: Size: '/' not an array 8:54:07 Warning Message: No entry '.fireLightAmbient'. 8:54:07 Warning Message: Size: '/' not an array 8:54:07 Warning Message: Size: '/' not an array 8:54:07 Warning Message: No entry '.weaponLockDelay'. 8:54:07 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:07 Warning Message: No entry '.weaponLockSystem'. 8:54:07 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:07 Warning Message: No entry '.cmImmunity'. 8:54:07 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:07 Warning Message: No entry '.weight'. 8:54:07 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:07 Warning Message: No entry '.lockingTargetSound'. 8:54:07 Warning Message: Size: '/' not an array 8:54:07 Warning Message: No entry '.lockedTargetSound'. 8:54:07 Warning Message: Size: '/' not an array 8:54:07 Warning Message: No entry '.detectRange'. 8:54:07 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:07 Warning Message: No entry '.muzzles'. 8:54:07 Warning Message: Size: '/' not an array 8:54:07 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgWeapons.Single'. 8:54:07 Warning Message: No entry '.scope'. 8:54:07 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:07 Warning Message: Error: creating weapon Single with scope=private 8:54:07 Warning Message: No entry '.displayName'. 8:54:07 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:07 Warning Message: No entry '.nameSound'. 8:54:07 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:07 Warning Message: No entry '.type'. 8:54:07 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:07 Warning Message: No entry '.picture'. 8:54:07 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:07 Warning Message: No entry '.Library'. 8:54:07 Warning Message: No entry '.libTextDesc'. 8:54:07 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:07 Warning Message: No entry '.model'. 8:54:07 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:07 Warning Message: No entry '.simulation'. 8:54:07 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:07 Warning Message: No entry '.fireLightDuration'. 8:54:07 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:07 Warning Message: No entry '.fireLightIntensity'. 8:54:07 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:07 Warning Message: No entry '.fireLightDiffuse'. 8:54:07 Warning Message: Size: '/' not an array 8:54:07 Warning Message: Size: '/' not an array 8:54:07 Warning Message: No entry '.fireLightAmbient'. 8:54:07 Warning Message: Size: '/' not an array 8:54:07 Warning Message: Size: '/' not an array 8:54:07 Warning Message: No entry '.weaponLockDelay'. 8:54:07 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:07 Warning Message: No entry '.weaponLockSystem'. 8:54:07 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:07 Warning Message: No entry '.cmImmunity'. 8:54:07 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:07 Warning Message: No entry '.weight'. 8:54:07 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:07 Warning Message: No entry '.lockingTargetSound'. 8:54:07 Warning Message: Size: '/' not an array 8:54:07 Warning Message: No entry '.lockedTargetSound'. 8:54:07 Warning Message: Size: '/' not an array 8:54:07 Warning Message: No entry '.detectRange'. 8:54:07 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:07 Warning Message: No entry '.muzzles'. 8:54:07 Warning Message: Size: '/' not an array 8:54:07 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgWeapons.FullAuto'. 8:54:07 Warning Message: No entry '.scope'. 8:54:07 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:07 Warning Message: Error: creating weapon FullAuto with scope=private 8:54:07 Warning Message: No entry '.displayName'. 8:54:07 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:07 Warning Message: No entry '.nameSound'. 8:54:07 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:07 Warning Message: No entry '.type'. 8:54:07 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:07 Warning Message: No entry '.picture'. 8:54:07 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:07 Warning Message: No entry '.Library'. 8:54:07 Warning Message: No entry '.libTextDesc'. 8:54:07 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:07 Warning Message: No entry '.model'. 8:54:07 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:07 Warning Message: No entry '.simulation'. 8:54:07 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:07 Warning Message: No entry '.fireLightDuration'. 8:54:07 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:07 Warning Message: No entry '.fireLightIntensity'. 8:54:07 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:07 Warning Message: No entry '.fireLightDiffuse'. 8:54:07 Warning Message: Size: '/' not an array 8:54:07 Warning Message: Size: '/' not an array 8:54:07 Warning Message: No entry '.fireLightAmbient'. 8:54:07 Warning Message: Size: '/' not an array 8:54:07 Warning Message: Size: '/' not an array 8:54:07 Warning Message: No entry '.weaponLockDelay'. 8:54:07 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:07 Warning Message: No entry '.weaponLockSystem'. 8:54:07 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:07 Warning Message: No entry '.cmImmunity'. 8:54:07 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:07 Warning Message: No entry '.weight'. 8:54:07 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:07 Warning Message: No entry '.lockingTargetSound'. 8:54:07 Warning Message: Size: '/' not an array 8:54:07 Warning Message: No entry '.lockedTargetSound'. 8:54:07 Warning Message: Size: '/' not an array 8:54:07 Warning Message: No entry '.detectRange'. 8:54:07 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:07 Warning Message: No entry '.muzzles'. 8:54:07 Warning Message: Size: '/' not an array 8:54:07 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgWeapons.Single'. 8:54:07 Warning Message: No entry '.scope'. 8:54:07 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:07 Warning Message: Error: creating weapon Single with scope=private 8:54:07 Warning Message: No entry '.displayName'. 8:54:07 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:07 Warning Message: No entry '.nameSound'. 8:54:07 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:07 Warning Message: No entry '.type'. 8:54:07 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:07 Warning Message: No entry '.picture'. 8:54:07 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:07 Warning Message: No entry '.Library'. 8:54:07 Warning Message: No entry '.libTextDesc'. 8:54:07 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:07 Warning Message: No entry '.model'. 8:54:07 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:07 Warning Message: No entry '.simulation'. 8:54:07 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:07 Warning Message: No entry '.fireLightDuration'. 8:54:07 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:07 Warning Message: No entry '.fireLightIntensity'. 8:54:07 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:07 Warning Message: No entry '.fireLightDiffuse'. 8:54:07 Warning Message: Size: '/' not an array 8:54:07 Warning Message: Size: '/' not an array 8:54:07 Warning Message: No entry '.fireLightAmbient'. 8:54:07 Warning Message: Size: '/' not an array 8:54:07 Warning Message: Size: '/' not an array 8:54:07 Warning Message: No entry '.weaponLockDelay'. 8:54:07 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:07 Warning Message: No entry '.weaponLockSystem'. 8:54:07 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:07 Warning Message: No entry '.cmImmunity'. 8:54:07 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:07 Warning Message: No entry '.weight'. 8:54:07 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:07 Warning Message: No entry '.lockingTargetSound'. 8:54:07 Warning Message: Size: '/' not an array 8:54:07 Warning Message: No entry '.lockedTargetSound'. 8:54:07 Warning Message: Size: '/' not an array 8:54:07 Warning Message: No entry '.detectRange'. 8:54:07 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:07 Warning Message: No entry '.muzzles'. 8:54:07 Warning Message: Size: '/' not an array 8:54:07 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgWeapons.Single'. 8:54:07 Warning Message: No entry '.scope'. 8:54:07 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:07 Warning Message: Error: creating weapon Single with scope=private 8:54:07 Warning Message: No entry '.displayName'. 8:54:07 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:07 Warning Message: No entry '.nameSound'. 8:54:07 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:07 Warning Message: No entry '.type'. 8:54:07 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:07 Warning Message: No entry '.picture'. 8:54:07 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:07 Warning Message: No entry '.Library'. 8:54:07 Warning Message: No entry '.libTextDesc'. 8:54:07 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:07 Warning Message: No entry '.model'. 8:54:07 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:07 Warning Message: No entry '.simulation'. 8:54:07 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:07 Warning Message: No entry '.fireLightDuration'. 8:54:07 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:07 Warning Message: No entry '.fireLightIntensity'. 8:54:07 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:07 Warning Message: No entry '.fireLightDiffuse'. 8:54:07 Warning Message: Size: '/' not an array 8:54:07 Warning Message: Size: '/' not an array 8:54:07 Warning Message: No entry '.fireLightAmbient'. 8:54:07 Warning Message: Size: '/' not an array 8:54:07 Warning Message: Size: '/' not an array 8:54:07 Warning Message: No entry '.weaponLockDelay'. 8:54:07 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:07 Warning Message: No entry '.weaponLockSystem'. 8:54:07 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:07 Warning Message: No entry '.cmImmunity'. 8:54:07 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:07 Warning Message: No entry '.weight'. 8:54:07 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:07 Warning Message: No entry '.lockingTargetSound'. 8:54:07 Warning Message: Size: '/' not an array 8:54:07 Warning Message: No entry '.lockedTargetSound'. 8:54:07 Warning Message: Size: '/' not an array 8:54:07 Warning Message: No entry '.detectRange'. 8:54:07 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:07 Warning Message: No entry '.muzzles'. 8:54:07 Warning Message: Size: '/' not an array 8:54:07 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgWeapons.FullAuto'. 8:54:07 Warning Message: No entry '.scope'. 8:54:07 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:07 Warning Message: Error: creating weapon FullAuto with scope=private 8:54:07 Warning Message: No entry '.displayName'. 8:54:07 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:07 Warning Message: No entry '.nameSound'. 8:54:07 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:07 Warning Message: No entry '.type'. 8:54:07 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:07 Warning Message: No entry '.picture'. 8:54:07 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:07 Warning Message: No entry '.Library'. 8:54:07 Warning Message: No entry '.libTextDesc'. 8:54:07 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:07 Warning Message: No entry '.model'. 8:54:07 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:07 Warning Message: No entry '.simulation'. 8:54:07 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:07 Warning Message: No entry '.fireLightDuration'. 8:54:07 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:07 Warning Message: No entry '.fireLightIntensity'. 8:54:07 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:07 Warning Message: No entry '.fireLightDiffuse'. 8:54:07 Warning Message: Size: '/' not an array 8:54:07 Warning Message: Size: '/' not an array 8:54:07 Warning Message: No entry '.fireLightAmbient'. 8:54:07 Warning Message: Size: '/' not an array 8:54:07 Warning Message: Size: '/' not an array 8:54:07 Warning Message: No entry '.weaponLockDelay'. 8:54:07 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:07 Warning Message: No entry '.weaponLockSystem'. 8:54:07 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:07 Warning Message: No entry '.cmImmunity'. 8:54:07 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:07 Warning Message: No entry '.weight'. 8:54:07 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:07 Warning Message: No entry '.lockingTargetSound'. 8:54:07 Warning Message: Size: '/' not an array 8:54:07 Warning Message: No entry '.lockedTargetSound'. 8:54:07 Warning Message: Size: '/' not an array 8:54:07 Warning Message: No entry '.detectRange'. 8:54:07 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:07 Warning Message: No entry '.muzzles'. 8:54:07 Warning Message: Size: '/' not an array 8:54:08 Warning Message: Error: creating weapon A3L_Tauruscarhorn with scope=private 8:54:08 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/UserActions.scope'. 8:54:08 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:08 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/UserActions.model'. 8:54:08 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:08 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/UserActions.simulation'. 8:54:08 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:08 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/UserActions.accuracy'. 8:54:08 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:08 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/UserActions.camouflage'. 8:54:08 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:08 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/UserActions.audible'. 8:54:08 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:08 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/UserActions.displayName'. 8:54:08 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:08 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/UserActions.textSingular'. 8:54:08 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:08 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/UserActions.speechSingular'. 8:54:08 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/UserActions.textPlural'. 8:54:08 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:08 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/UserActions.speechPlural'. 8:54:08 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/UserActions.maxDetectRange'. 8:54:08 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:08 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/UserActions.detectSkill'. 8:54:08 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:08 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/UserActions.mineAlertIconRange'. 8:54:08 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:08 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/UserActions.weaponSlots'. 8:54:08 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:08 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/UserActions.spotableNightLightsOff'. 8:54:08 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:08 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/UserActions.spotableDarkNightLightsOff'. 8:54:08 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:08 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/UserActions.spotableNightLightsOn'. 8:54:08 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:08 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/UserActions.nameSound'. 8:54:08 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:08 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/UserActions.side'. 8:54:08 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:08 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/UserActions.destrType'. 8:54:08 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:08 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/UserActions.picture'. 8:54:08 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:08 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/UserActions.portrait'. 8:54:08 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:08 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/UserActions.icon'. 8:54:08 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:08 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/UserActions.cost'. 8:54:08 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:08 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/UserActions.fuelCapacity'. 8:54:08 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:08 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/UserActions.fuelConsumptionRate'. 8:54:08 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:08 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/UserActions.armor'. 8:54:08 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:08 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/UserActions.crewCrashProtection'. 8:54:08 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:08 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/UserActions.damageResistance'. 8:54:08 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:08 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/UserActions.extCameraPosition'. 8:54:08 Warning Message: []: '/' not an array 8:54:08 Cannot evaluate '' - no file 8:54:08 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/UserActions.extCameraPosition'. 8:54:08 Warning Message: []: '/' not an array 8:54:08 Cannot evaluate '' - no file 8:54:08 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/UserActions.extCameraPosition'. 8:54:08 Warning Message: []: '/' not an array 8:54:08 Cannot evaluate '' - no file 8:54:08 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/UserActions.groupCameraPosition'. 8:54:08 Warning Message: []: '/' not an array 8:54:08 Cannot evaluate '' - no file 8:54:08 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/UserActions.groupCameraPosition'. 8:54:08 Warning Message: []: '/' not an array 8:54:08 Cannot evaluate '' - no file 8:54:08 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/UserActions.groupCameraPosition'. 8:54:08 Warning Message: []: '/' not an array 8:54:08 Cannot evaluate '' - no file 8:54:08 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/UserActions.maxSpeed'. 8:54:08 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:08 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/UserActions.limitedSpeedCoef'. 8:54:08 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:08 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/UserActions.secondaryExplosion'. 8:54:08 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:08 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/UserActions.sensitivity'. 8:54:08 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:08 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/UserActions.sensitivityEar'. 8:54:08 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:08 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/UserActions.brakeDistance'. 8:54:08 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:08 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/UserActions.precision'. 8:54:08 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:08 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/UserActions.formationX'. 8:54:08 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:08 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/UserActions.formationZ'. 8:54:08 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:08 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/UserActions.formationTime'. 8:54:08 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:08 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/UserActions.steerAheadSimul'. 8:54:08 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:08 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/UserActions.steerAheadPlan'. 8:54:08 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:08 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/UserActions.driverCanEject'. 8:54:08 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:08 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/UserActions.cargoCanEject'. 8:54:08 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:08 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/UserActions.ViewPilot'. 8:54:08 Warning Message: No entry '.initAngleY'. 8:54:08 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:08 Warning Message: No entry '.minAngleY'. 8:54:08 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:08 Warning Message: No entry '.maxAngleY'. 8:54:08 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:08 Warning Message: No entry '.initAngleX'. 8:54:08 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:08 Warning Message: No entry '.minAngleX'. 8:54:08 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:08 Warning Message: No entry '.maxAngleX'. 8:54:08 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:08 Warning Message: No entry '.initFov'. 8:54:08 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:08 Warning Message: No entry '.minFov'. 8:54:08 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:08 Warning Message: No entry '.maxFov'. 8:54:08 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:08 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/UserActions.HeadLimits'. 8:54:08 Warning Message: No entry '.initAngleY'. 8:54:08 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:08 Warning Message: No entry '.minAngleY'. 8:54:08 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:08 Warning Message: No entry '.maxAngleY'. 8:54:08 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:08 Warning Message: No entry '.initAngleX'. 8:54:08 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:08 Warning Message: No entry '.minAngleX'. 8:54:08 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:08 Warning Message: No entry '.maxAngleX'. 8:54:08 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:08 Warning Message: No entry '.minAngleZ'. 8:54:08 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:08 Warning Message: No entry '.maxAngleZ'. 8:54:08 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:08 Warning Message: No entry '.rotZRadius'. 8:54:08 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:08 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/UserActions.PilotSpec'. 8:54:08 Warning Message: No entry '.showHeadPhones'. 8:54:08 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:08 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/UserActions.predictTurnSimul'. 8:54:08 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:08 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/UserActions.predictTurnPlan'. 8:54:08 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:08 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/UserActions.minFireTime'. 8:54:08 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:08 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/UserActions.enableWatch'. 8:54:08 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:08 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/UserActions.enableRadio'. 8:54:08 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:08 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/UserActions.transportFuel'. 8:54:08 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:08 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/UserActions.transportRepair'. 8:54:08 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:08 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/UserActions.transportAmmo'. 8:54:08 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:08 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/UserActions.transportMaxWeapons'. 8:54:08 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:08 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/UserActions.transportMaxMagazines'. 8:54:08 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:08 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/UserActions.transportMaxBackpacks'. 8:54:08 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:08 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/UserActions.lockDetectionSystem'. 8:54:08 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:08 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/UserActions.incomingMissileDetectionSystem'. 8:54:08 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:08 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/UserActions.allowTabLock'. 8:54:08 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:08 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/UserActions.showAllTargets'. 8:54:08 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:08 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/UserActions.TransportWeapons'. 8:54:08 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/UserActions.TransportMagazines'. 8:54:08 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/UserActions.alwaysTarget'. 8:54:08 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:08 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/UserActions.irTarget'. 8:54:08 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:08 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/UserActions.irScanToEyeFactor'. 8:54:08 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:08 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/UserActions.irScanRangeMin'. 8:54:08 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:08 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/UserActions.irScanRangeMax'. 8:54:08 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:08 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/UserActions.nightVision'. 8:54:08 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:08 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/UserActions.laserScanner'. 8:54:08 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:08 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/UserActions.laserTarget'. 8:54:08 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:08 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/UserActions.nvTarget'. 8:54:08 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:08 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/UserActions.artilleryTarget'. 8:54:08 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:08 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/UserActions.artilleryScanner'. 8:54:08 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:08 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/UserActions.nvScanner'. 8:54:08 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:08 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/UserActions.commanderCanSee'. 8:54:08 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:08 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/UserActions.driverCanSee'. 8:54:08 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:08 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/UserActions.gunnerCanSee'. 8:54:08 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:08 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/UserActions.radarType'. 8:54:08 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:08 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/UserActions.attendant'. 8:54:08 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:08 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/UserActions.engineer'. 8:54:08 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:08 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/UserActions.uavHacker'. 8:54:08 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:08 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/UserActions.preferRoads'. 8:54:08 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:08 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/UserActions.unitInfoType'. 8:54:08 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:08 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/UserActions.hideUnitInfo'. 8:54:08 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:08 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/UserActions.soundEngine'. 8:54:08 Warning Message: Size: '/' not an array 8:54:08 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/UserActions.soundEnviron'. 8:54:08 Warning Message: Size: '/' not an array 8:54:08 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/UserActions.soundDammage'. 8:54:08 Warning Message: Size: '/' not an array 8:54:08 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/UserActions.soundGetIn'. 8:54:08 Warning Message: Size: '/' not an array 8:54:08 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/UserActions.soundGetOut'. 8:54:08 Warning Message: Size: '/' not an array 8:54:08 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/UserActions.soundServo'. 8:54:08 Warning Message: Size: '/' not an array 8:54:08 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/UserActions.soundEngineOnInt'. 8:54:08 Warning Message: Size: '/' not an array 8:54:08 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/UserActions.soundEngineOffInt'. 8:54:08 Warning Message: Size: '/' not an array 8:54:08 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/UserActions.soundEngineOnExt'. 8:54:08 Warning Message: Size: '/' not an array 8:54:08 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/UserActions.soundEngineOffExt'. 8:54:08 Warning Message: Size: '/' not an array 8:54:08 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/UserActions.soundLocked'. 8:54:08 Warning Message: Size: '/' not an array 8:54:08 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/UserActions.soundIncommingMissile'. 8:54:08 Warning Message: Size: '/' not an array 8:54:08 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/UserActions.soundGearUp'. 8:54:08 Warning Message: Size: '/' not an array 8:54:08 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/UserActions.soundGearDown'. 8:54:08 Warning Message: Size: '/' not an array 8:54:08 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/UserActions.soundFlapsUp'. 8:54:08 Warning Message: Size: '/' not an array 8:54:08 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/UserActions.soundFlapsDown'. 8:54:08 Warning Message: Size: '/' not an array 8:54:08 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/UserActions.soundCrashes'. 8:54:08 Warning Message: Size: '/' not an array 8:54:08 Warning Message: Size: '/' not an array 8:54:08 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/UserActions.soundLandCrashes'. 8:54:08 Warning Message: Size: '/' not an array 8:54:08 Warning Message: Size: '/' not an array 8:54:08 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/UserActions.soundWaterCrashes'. 8:54:08 Warning Message: Size: '/' not an array 8:54:08 Warning Message: Size: '/' not an array 8:54:08 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/UserActions.soundWoodCrash'. 8:54:08 Warning Message: Size: '/' not an array 8:54:08 Warning Message: Size: '/' not an array 8:54:08 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/UserActions.soundBushCrash'. 8:54:08 Warning Message: Size: '/' not an array 8:54:08 Warning Message: Size: '/' not an array 8:54:08 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/UserActions.soundBuildingCrash'. 8:54:08 Warning Message: Size: '/' not an array 8:54:08 Warning Message: Size: '/' not an array 8:54:08 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/UserActions.soundArmorCrash'. 8:54:08 Warning Message: Size: '/' not an array 8:54:08 Warning Message: Size: '/' not an array 8:54:08 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/UserActions.SoundEnvironExt'. 8:54:08 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/UserActions.SoundGear'. 8:54:08 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/UserActions.SoundEquipment'. 8:54:08 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/UserActions.weapons'. 8:54:08 Warning Message: Size: '/' not an array 8:54:08 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/UserActions.magazines'. 8:54:08 Warning Message: Size: '/' not an array 8:54:08 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/UserActions.threat'. 8:54:08 Warning Message: []: '/' not an array 8:54:08 Cannot evaluate '' - no file 8:54:08 Warning Message: []: '/' not an array 8:54:08 Cannot evaluate '' - no file 8:54:08 Warning Message: []: '/' not an array 8:54:08 Cannot evaluate '' - no file 8:54:08 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/UserActions.type'. 8:54:08 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:08 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/UserActions.HeadAimDown'. 8:54:08 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:08 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgWeapons.Single'. 8:54:08 Warning Message: No entry '.scope'. 8:54:08 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:08 Warning Message: Error: creating weapon Single with scope=private 8:54:08 Warning Message: No entry '.displayName'. 8:54:08 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:08 Warning Message: No entry '.nameSound'. 8:54:08 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:08 Warning Message: No entry '.type'. 8:54:08 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:08 Warning Message: No entry '.picture'. 8:54:08 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:08 Warning Message: No entry '.Library'. 8:54:08 Warning Message: No entry '.libTextDesc'. 8:54:08 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:08 Warning Message: No entry '.model'. 8:54:08 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:08 Warning Message: No entry '.simulation'. 8:54:08 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:08 Warning Message: No entry '.fireLightDuration'. 8:54:08 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:08 Warning Message: No entry '.fireLightIntensity'. 8:54:08 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:08 Warning Message: No entry '.fireLightDiffuse'. 8:54:08 Warning Message: Size: '/' not an array 8:54:08 Warning Message: Size: '/' not an array 8:54:08 Warning Message: No entry '.fireLightAmbient'. 8:54:08 Warning Message: Size: '/' not an array 8:54:08 Warning Message: Size: '/' not an array 8:54:08 Warning Message: No entry '.weaponLockDelay'. 8:54:08 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:08 Warning Message: No entry '.weaponLockSystem'. 8:54:08 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:08 Warning Message: No entry '.cmImmunity'. 8:54:08 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:08 Warning Message: No entry '.weight'. 8:54:08 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:08 Warning Message: No entry '.lockingTargetSound'. 8:54:08 Warning Message: Size: '/' not an array 8:54:08 Warning Message: No entry '.lockedTargetSound'. 8:54:08 Warning Message: Size: '/' not an array 8:54:08 Warning Message: No entry '.detectRange'. 8:54:08 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:08 Warning Message: No entry '.muzzles'. 8:54:08 Warning Message: Size: '/' not an array 8:54:08 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgWeapons.Single'. 8:54:08 Warning Message: No entry '.scope'. 8:54:08 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:08 Warning Message: Error: creating weapon Single with scope=private 8:54:08 Warning Message: No entry '.displayName'. 8:54:08 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:08 Warning Message: No entry '.nameSound'. 8:54:08 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:08 Warning Message: No entry '.type'. 8:54:08 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:08 Warning Message: No entry '.picture'. 8:54:08 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:08 Warning Message: No entry '.Library'. 8:54:08 Warning Message: No entry '.libTextDesc'. 8:54:08 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:08 Warning Message: No entry '.model'. 8:54:08 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:08 Warning Message: No entry '.simulation'. 8:54:08 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:08 Warning Message: No entry '.fireLightDuration'. 8:54:08 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:08 Warning Message: No entry '.fireLightIntensity'. 8:54:08 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:08 Warning Message: No entry '.fireLightDiffuse'. 8:54:08 Warning Message: Size: '/' not an array 8:54:08 Warning Message: Size: '/' not an array 8:54:08 Warning Message: No entry '.fireLightAmbient'. 8:54:08 Warning Message: Size: '/' not an array 8:54:08 Warning Message: Size: '/' not an array 8:54:08 Warning Message: No entry '.weaponLockDelay'. 8:54:08 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:08 Warning Message: No entry '.weaponLockSystem'. 8:54:08 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:08 Warning Message: No entry '.cmImmunity'. 8:54:08 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:08 Warning Message: No entry '.weight'. 8:54:08 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:08 Warning Message: No entry '.lockingTargetSound'. 8:54:08 Warning Message: Size: '/' not an array 8:54:08 Warning Message: No entry '.lockedTargetSound'. 8:54:08 Warning Message: Size: '/' not an array 8:54:08 Warning Message: No entry '.detectRange'. 8:54:08 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:54:08 Warning Message: No entry '.muzzles'. 8:54:08 Warning Message: Size: '/' not an array 8:54:15 VoteThreshold must be in 0..1 range. Defaulting to 0.5 8:54:16 Initializing Steam server - Game Port: 2302, Steam Query Port: 2303 8:54:16 Steam AppId from steam_appid.txt: 107410 8:54:16 Item STR_Item_Cannabis listed twice 8:54:16 Unsupported language English in stringtable 8:54:17 Item STR_Item_Cannabis listed twice 8:54:17 Unsupported language English in stringtable 8:54:17 Warning Message: mpmissions\__cur_mp.LakesideValley\mission.sqm/Mission/Entities/Item374.type: Vehicle class Land_E76_garage no longer exists 8:54:17 Warning Message: mpmissions\__cur_mp.LakesideValley\mission.sqm/Mission/Entities/Item493.type: Vehicle class Land_MBG_ATC_Segment no longer exists 8:54:17 Warning Message: mpmissions\__cur_mp.LakesideValley\mission.sqm/Mission/Entities/Item539.type: Vehicle class Land_E76_garage no longer exists 8:54:17 Warning Message: mpmissions\__cur_mp.LakesideValley\mission.sqm/Mission/Entities/Item860.type: Vehicle class Land_E76_storage no longer exists 8:54:17 Warning Message: mpmissions\__cur_mp.LakesideValley\mission.sqm/Mission/Entities/Item879.type: Vehicle class Obstacle_saddle no longer exists 8:54:17 Warning Message: mpmissions\__cur_mp.LakesideValley\mission.sqm/Mission/Entities/Item880.type: Vehicle class Obstacle_saddle no longer exists 8:54:17 Warning Message: mpmissions\__cur_mp.LakesideValley\mission.sqm/Mission/Entities/Item881.type: Vehicle class Obstacle_saddle no longer exists 8:54:17 Warning Message: mpmissions\__cur_mp.LakesideValley\mission.sqm/Mission/Entities/Item882.type: Vehicle class Obstacle_saddle no longer exists 8:54:17 Warning Message: mpmissions\__cur_mp.LakesideValley\mission.sqm/Mission/Entities/Item883.type: Vehicle class Obstacle_saddle no longer exists 8:54:17 Warning Message: mpmissions\__cur_mp.LakesideValley\mission.sqm/Mission/Entities/Item884.type: Vehicle class Obstacle_saddle no longer exists 8:54:17 Warning Message: mpmissions\__cur_mp.LakesideValley\mission.sqm/Mission/Entities/Item885.type: Vehicle class Obstacle_saddle no longer exists 8:54:17 Warning Message: mpmissions\__cur_mp.LakesideValley\mission.sqm/Mission/Entities/Item886.type: Vehicle class Obstacle_saddle no longer exists 8:54:17 Warning Message: mpmissions\__cur_mp.LakesideValley\mission.sqm/Mission/Entities/Item887.type: Vehicle class Obstacle_saddle no longer exists 8:54:17 Warning Message: mpmissions\__cur_mp.LakesideValley\mission.sqm/Mission/Entities/Item888.type: Vehicle class Obstacle_saddle no longer exists 8:54:17 Warning Message: mpmissions\__cur_mp.LakesideValley\mission.sqm/Mission/Entities/Item889.type: Vehicle class Obstacle_saddle no longer exists 8:54:17 Warning Message: mpmissions\__cur_mp.LakesideValley\mission.sqm/Mission/Entities/Item890.type: Vehicle class Obstacle_saddle no longer exists 8:54:17 Warning Message: mpmissions\__cur_mp.LakesideValley\mission.sqm/Mission/Entities/Item891.type: Vehicle class Obstacle_saddle no longer exists 8:54:17 Warning Message: mpmissions\__cur_mp.LakesideValley\mission.sqm/Mission/Entities/Item892.type: Vehicle class Land_junkpress no longer exists 8:54:17 Warning Message: mpmissions\__cur_mp.LakesideValley\mission.sqm/Mission/Entities/Item898.type: Vehicle class Land_MBG_ATC_Base no longer exists 8:54:17 Warning Message: mpmissions\__cur_mp.LakesideValley\mission.sqm/Mission/Entities/Item920.type: Vehicle class Land_E76_shop_multi1 no longer exists 8:54:17 Warning Message: mpmissions\__cur_mp.LakesideValley\mission.sqm/Mission/Entities/Item947.type: Vehicle class E76_barrel no longer exists 8:54:17 Warning Message: mpmissions\__cur_mp.LakesideValley\mission.sqm/Mission/Entities/Item948.type: Vehicle class E76_barrel no longer exists 8:54:17 Warning Message: mpmissions\__cur_mp.LakesideValley\mission.sqm/Mission/Entities/Item949.type: Vehicle class E76_barrel no longer exists 8:54:17 Warning Message: mpmissions\__cur_mp.LakesideValley\mission.sqm/Mission/Entities/Item950.type: Vehicle class E76_barrel no longer exists 8:54:17 Warning Message: mpmissions\__cur_mp.LakesideValley\mission.sqm/Mission/Entities/Item951.type: Vehicle class E76_barrel no longer exists 8:54:17 Warning Message: mpmissions\__cur_mp.LakesideValley\mission.sqm/Mission/Entities/Item952.type: Vehicle class E76_barrel no longer exists 8:54:17 Warning Message: mpmissions\__cur_mp.LakesideValley\mission.sqm/Mission/Entities/Item953.type: Vehicle class E76_barrel no longer exists 8:54:17 Warning Message: mpmissions\__cur_mp.LakesideValley\mission.sqm/Mission/Entities/Item954.type: Vehicle class E76_barrel no longer exists 8:54:17 Warning Message: mpmissions\__cur_mp.LakesideValley\mission.sqm/Mission/Entities/Item955.type: Vehicle class E76_barrel no longer exists 8:54:17 Warning Message: mpmissions\__cur_mp.LakesideValley\mission.sqm/Mission/Entities/Item956.type: Vehicle class E76_barrel no longer exists 8:54:17 Warning Message: mpmissions\__cur_mp.LakesideValley\mission.sqm/Mission/Entities/Item957.type: Vehicle class E76_barrel no longer exists 8:54:17 Warning Message: mpmissions\__cur_mp.LakesideValley\mission.sqm/Mission/Entities/Item958.type: Vehicle class E76_barrel no longer exists 8:54:17 Warning Message: mpmissions\__cur_mp.LakesideValley\mission.sqm/Mission/Entities/Item976.type: Vehicle class Obstacle_saddle no longer exists 8:54:17 Warning Message: mpmissions\__cur_mp.LakesideValley\mission.sqm/Mission/Entities/Item977.type: Vehicle class Obstacle_saddle no longer exists 8:54:17 Warning Message: mpmissions\__cur_mp.LakesideValley\mission.sqm/Mission/Entities/Item978.type: Vehicle class Obstacle_saddle no longer exists 8:54:17 Warning Message: mpmissions\__cur_mp.LakesideValley\mission.sqm/Mission/Entities/Item979.type: Vehicle class Obstacle_saddle no longer exists 8:54:17 Missing addons detected: 8:54:17 E76_BuildingsShops 8:54:17 MBG_Buildings_3 8:54:17 E76_BuildingsMisc 8:54:17 CAData 8:54:17 E76_objectsjunkpress 8:54:17 E76_roadsMisc 8:54:17 A3L_ObjectsOnSteroids 8:54:17 Warning Message: You cannot play/edit this mission; it is dependent on downloadable content that has been deleted.E76_BuildingsShops, MBG_Buildings_3, E76_BuildingsMisc, CAData, E76_objectsjunkpress, E76_roadsMisc, A3L_ObjectsOnSteroids 8:54:18 Mission ArmA3Life.LakesideValley: Missing 'description.ext::Header' 8:54:18 Connected to Steam servers 8:54:18 Starting mission: 8:54:18 Mission file: ArmA3Life (__cur_mp) 8:54:18 Mission world: LakesideValley 8:54:18 Mission directory: mpmissions\__cur_mp.LakesideValley\ 8:54:18 Item STR_Item_Cannabis listed twice 8:54:18 Unsupported language English in stringtable 8:54:18 Item STR_Item_Cannabis listed twice 8:54:18 Unsupported language English in stringtable 8:54:18 Warning Message: mpmissions\__cur_mp.LakesideValley\mission.sqm/Mission/Entities/Item374.type: Vehicle class Land_E76_garage no longer exists 8:54:18 Warning Message: mpmissions\__cur_mp.LakesideValley\mission.sqm/Mission/Entities/Item493.type: Vehicle class Land_MBG_ATC_Segment no longer exists 8:54:18 Warning Message: mpmissions\__cur_mp.LakesideValley\mission.sqm/Mission/Entities/Item539.type: Vehicle class Land_E76_garage no longer exists 8:54:18 Warning Message: mpmissions\__cur_mp.LakesideValley\mission.sqm/Mission/Entities/Item860.type: Vehicle class Land_E76_storage no longer exists 8:54:18 Warning Message: mpmissions\__cur_mp.LakesideValley\mission.sqm/Mission/Entities/Item879.type: Vehicle class Obstacle_saddle no longer exists 8:54:18 Warning Message: mpmissions\__cur_mp.LakesideValley\mission.sqm/Mission/Entities/Item880.type: Vehicle class Obstacle_saddle no longer exists 8:54:18 Warning Message: mpmissions\__cur_mp.LakesideValley\mission.sqm/Mission/Entities/Item881.type: Vehicle class Obstacle_saddle no longer exists 8:54:18 Warning Message: mpmissions\__cur_mp.LakesideValley\mission.sqm/Mission/Entities/Item882.type: Vehicle class Obstacle_saddle no longer exists 8:54:18 Warning Message: mpmissions\__cur_mp.LakesideValley\mission.sqm/Mission/Entities/Item883.type: Vehicle class Obstacle_saddle no longer exists 8:54:18 Warning Message: mpmissions\__cur_mp.LakesideValley\mission.sqm/Mission/Entities/Item884.type: Vehicle class Obstacle_saddle no longer exists 8:54:18 Warning Message: mpmissions\__cur_mp.LakesideValley\mission.sqm/Mission/Entities/Item885.type: Vehicle class Obstacle_saddle no longer exists 8:54:18 Warning Message: mpmissions\__cur_mp.LakesideValley\mission.sqm/Mission/Entities/Item886.type: Vehicle class Obstacle_saddle no longer exists 8:54:18 Warning Message: mpmissions\__cur_mp.LakesideValley\mission.sqm/Mission/Entities/Item887.type: Vehicle class Obstacle_saddle no longer exists 8:54:18 Warning Message: mpmissions\__cur_mp.LakesideValley\mission.sqm/Mission/Entities/Item888.type: Vehicle class Obstacle_saddle no longer exists 8:54:18 Warning Message: mpmissions\__cur_mp.LakesideValley\mission.sqm/Mission/Entities/Item889.type: Vehicle class Obstacle_saddle no longer exists 8:54:18 Warning Message: mpmissions\__cur_mp.LakesideValley\mission.sqm/Mission/Entities/Item890.type: Vehicle class Obstacle_saddle no longer exists 8:54:18 Warning Message: mpmissions\__cur_mp.LakesideValley\mission.sqm/Mission/Entities/Item891.type: Vehicle class Obstacle_saddle no longer exists 8:54:18 Warning Message: mpmissions\__cur_mp.LakesideValley\mission.sqm/Mission/Entities/Item892.type: Vehicle class Land_junkpress no longer exists 8:54:18 Warning Message: mpmissions\__cur_mp.LakesideValley\mission.sqm/Mission/Entities/Item898.type: Vehicle class Land_MBG_ATC_Base no longer exists 8:54:19 Warning Message: mpmissions\__cur_mp.LakesideValley\mission.sqm/Mission/Entities/Item920.type: Vehicle class Land_E76_shop_multi1 no longer exists 8:54:19 Warning Message: mpmissions\__cur_mp.LakesideValley\mission.sqm/Mission/Entities/Item947.type: Vehicle class E76_barrel no longer exists 8:54:19 Warning Message: mpmissions\__cur_mp.LakesideValley\mission.sqm/Mission/Entities/Item948.type: Vehicle class E76_barrel no longer exists 8:54:19 Warning Message: mpmissions\__cur_mp.LakesideValley\mission.sqm/Mission/Entities/Item949.type: Vehicle class E76_barrel no longer exists 8:54:19 Warning Message: mpmissions\__cur_mp.LakesideValley\mission.sqm/Mission/Entities/Item950.type: Vehicle class E76_barrel no longer exists 8:54:19 Warning Message: mpmissions\__cur_mp.LakesideValley\mission.sqm/Mission/Entities/Item951.type: Vehicle class E76_barrel no longer exists 8:54:19 Warning Message: mpmissions\__cur_mp.LakesideValley\mission.sqm/Mission/Entities/Item952.type: Vehicle class E76_barrel no longer exists 8:54:19 Warning Message: mpmissions\__cur_mp.LakesideValley\mission.sqm/Mission/Entities/Item953.type: Vehicle class E76_barrel no longer exists 8:54:19 Warning Message: mpmissions\__cur_mp.LakesideValley\mission.sqm/Mission/Entities/Item954.type: Vehicle class E76_barrel no longer exists 8:54:19 Warning Message: mpmissions\__cur_mp.LakesideValley\mission.sqm/Mission/Entities/Item955.type: Vehicle class E76_barrel no longer exists 8:54:19 Warning Message: mpmissions\__cur_mp.LakesideValley\mission.sqm/Mission/Entities/Item956.type: Vehicle class E76_barrel no longer exists 8:54:19 Warning Message: mpmissions\__cur_mp.LakesideValley\mission.sqm/Mission/Entities/Item957.type: Vehicle class E76_barrel no longer exists 8:54:19 Warning Message: mpmissions\__cur_mp.LakesideValley\mission.sqm/Mission/Entities/Item958.type: Vehicle class E76_barrel no longer exists 8:54:19 Warning Message: mpmissions\__cur_mp.LakesideValley\mission.sqm/Mission/Entities/Item976.type: Vehicle class Obstacle_saddle no longer exists 8:54:19 Warning Message: mpmissions\__cur_mp.LakesideValley\mission.sqm/Mission/Entities/Item977.type: Vehicle class Obstacle_saddle no longer exists 8:54:19 Warning Message: mpmissions\__cur_mp.LakesideValley\mission.sqm/Mission/Entities/Item978.type: Vehicle class Obstacle_saddle no longer exists 8:54:19 Warning Message: mpmissions\__cur_mp.LakesideValley\mission.sqm/Mission/Entities/Item979.type: Vehicle class Obstacle_saddle no longer exists 8:54:19 Missing addons detected: 8:54:19 E76_BuildingsShops 8:54:19 MBG_Buildings_3 8:54:19 E76_BuildingsMisc 8:54:19 CAData 8:54:19 E76_objectsjunkpress 8:54:19 E76_roadsMisc 8:54:19 A3L_ObjectsOnSteroids 8:54:19 Warning Message: You cannot play/edit this mission; it is dependent on downloadable content that has been deleted.E76_BuildingsShops, MBG_Buildings_3, E76_BuildingsMisc, CAData, E76_objectsjunkpress, E76_roadsMisc, A3L_ObjectsOnSteroids 8:54:19 Mission ArmA3Life.LakesideValley: Missing 'description.ext::Header' 8:54:20 Starting mission: 8:54:20 Mission file: ArmA3Life (__cur_mp) 8:54:20 Mission world: LakesideValley 8:54:20 Mission directory: mpmissions\__cur_mp.LakesideValley\ 8:54:20 Item STR_Item_Cannabis listed twice 8:54:20 Unsupported language English in stringtable 8:54:20 Item STR_Item_Cannabis listed twice 8:54:20 Unsupported language English in stringtable 8:54:20 Warning Message: mpmissions\__cur_mp.LakesideValley\mission.sqm/Mission/Entities/Item374.type: Vehicle class Land_E76_garage no longer exists 8:54:20 Warning Message: mpmissions\__cur_mp.LakesideValley\mission.sqm/Mission/Entities/Item493.type: Vehicle class Land_MBG_ATC_Segment no longer exists 8:54:20 Warning Message: mpmissions\__cur_mp.LakesideValley\mission.sqm/Mission/Entities/Item539.type: Vehicle class Land_E76_garage no longer exists 8:54:20 Warning Message: mpmissions\__cur_mp.LakesideValley\mission.sqm/Mission/Entities/Item860.type: Vehicle class Land_E76_storage no longer exists 8:54:20 Warning Message: mpmissions\__cur_mp.LakesideValley\mission.sqm/Mission/Entities/Item879.type: Vehicle class Obstacle_saddle no longer exists 8:54:20 Warning Message: mpmissions\__cur_mp.LakesideValley\mission.sqm/Mission/Entities/Item880.type: Vehicle class Obstacle_saddle no longer exists 8:54:20 Warning Message: mpmissions\__cur_mp.LakesideValley\mission.sqm/Mission/Entities/Item881.type: Vehicle class Obstacle_saddle no longer exists 8:54:20 Warning Message: mpmissions\__cur_mp.LakesideValley\mission.sqm/Mission/Entities/Item882.type: Vehicle class Obstacle_saddle no longer exists 8:54:20 Warning Message: mpmissions\__cur_mp.LakesideValley\mission.sqm/Mission/Entities/Item883.type: Vehicle class Obstacle_saddle no longer exists 8:54:20 Warning Message: mpmissions\__cur_mp.LakesideValley\mission.sqm/Mission/Entities/Item884.type: Vehicle class Obstacle_saddle no longer exists 8:54:20 Warning Message: mpmissions\__cur_mp.LakesideValley\mission.sqm/Mission/Entities/Item885.type: Vehicle class Obstacle_saddle no longer exists 8:54:20 Warning Message: mpmissions\__cur_mp.LakesideValley\mission.sqm/Mission/Entities/Item886.type: Vehicle class Obstacle_saddle no longer exists 8:54:20 Warning Message: mpmissions\__cur_mp.LakesideValley\mission.sqm/Mission/Entities/Item887.type: Vehicle class Obstacle_saddle no longer exists 8:54:20 Warning Message: mpmissions\__cur_mp.LakesideValley\mission.sqm/Mission/Entities/Item888.type: Vehicle class Obstacle_saddle no longer exists 8:54:20 Warning Message: mpmissions\__cur_mp.LakesideValley\mission.sqm/Mission/Entities/Item889.type: Vehicle class Obstacle_saddle no longer exists 8:54:20 Warning Message: mpmissions\__cur_mp.LakesideValley\mission.sqm/Mission/Entities/Item890.type: Vehicle class Obstacle_saddle no longer exists 8:54:20 Warning Message: mpmissions\__cur_mp.LakesideValley\mission.sqm/Mission/Entities/Item891.type: Vehicle class Obstacle_saddle no longer exists 8:54:20 Warning Message: mpmissions\__cur_mp.LakesideValley\mission.sqm/Mission/Entities/Item892.type: Vehicle class Land_junkpress no longer exists 8:54:20 Warning Message: mpmissions\__cur_mp.LakesideValley\mission.sqm/Mission/Entities/Item898.type: Vehicle class Land_MBG_ATC_Base no longer exists 8:54:20 Warning Message: mpmissions\__cur_mp.LakesideValley\mission.sqm/Mission/Entities/Item920.type: Vehicle class Land_E76_shop_multi1 no longer exists 8:54:20 Warning Message: mpmissions\__cur_mp.LakesideValley\mission.sqm/Mission/Entities/Item947.type: Vehicle class E76_barrel no longer exists 8:54:20 Warning Message: mpmissions\__cur_mp.LakesideValley\mission.sqm/Mission/Entities/Item948.type: Vehicle class E76_barrel no longer exists 8:54:20 Warning Message: mpmissions\__cur_mp.LakesideValley\mission.sqm/Mission/Entities/Item949.type: Vehicle class E76_barrel no longer exists 8:54:20 Warning Message: mpmissions\__cur_mp.LakesideValley\mission.sqm/Mission/Entities/Item950.type: Vehicle class E76_barrel no longer exists 8:54:20 Warning Message: mpmissions\__cur_mp.LakesideValley\mission.sqm/Mission/Entities/Item951.type: Vehicle class E76_barrel no longer exists 8:54:20 Warning Message: mpmissions\__cur_mp.LakesideValley\mission.sqm/Mission/Entities/Item952.type: Vehicle class E76_barrel no longer exists 8:54:20 Warning Message: mpmissions\__cur_mp.LakesideValley\mission.sqm/Mission/Entities/Item953.type: Vehicle class E76_barrel no longer exists 8:54:20 Warning Message: mpmissions\__cur_mp.LakesideValley\mission.sqm/Mission/Entities/Item954.type: Vehicle class E76_barrel no longer exists 8:54:20 Warning Message: mpmissions\__cur_mp.LakesideValley\mission.sqm/Mission/Entities/Item955.type: Vehicle class E76_barrel no longer exists 8:54:20 Warning Message: mpmissions\__cur_mp.LakesideValley\mission.sqm/Mission/Entities/Item956.type: Vehicle class E76_barrel no longer exists 8:54:20 Warning Message: mpmissions\__cur_mp.LakesideValley\mission.sqm/Mission/Entities/Item957.type: Vehicle class E76_barrel no longer exists 8:54:20 Warning Message: mpmissions\__cur_mp.LakesideValley\mission.sqm/Mission/Entities/Item958.type: Vehicle class E76_barrel no longer exists 8:54:20 Warning Message: mpmissions\__cur_mp.LakesideValley\mission.sqm/Mission/Entities/Item976.type: Vehicle class Obstacle_saddle no longer exists 8:54:20 Warning Message: mpmissions\__cur_mp.LakesideValley\mission.sqm/Mission/Entities/Item977.type: Vehicle class Obstacle_saddle no longer exists 8:54:20 Warning Message: mpmissions\__cur_mp.LakesideValley\mission.sqm/Mission/Entities/Item978.type: Vehicle class Obstacle_saddle no longer exists 8:54:20 Warning Message: mpmissions\__cur_mp.LakesideValley\mission.sqm/Mission/Entities/Item979.type: Vehicle class Obstacle_saddle no longer exists 8:54:20 Missing addons detected: 8:54:20 E76_BuildingsShops 8:54:20 MBG_Buildings_3 8:54:20 E76_BuildingsMisc 8:54:20 CAData 8:54:20 E76_objectsjunkpress 8:54:20 E76_roadsMisc 8:54:20 A3L_ObjectsOnSteroids 8:54:20 Warning Message: You cannot play/edit this mission; it is dependent on downloadable content that has been deleted.E76_BuildingsShops, MBG_Buildings_3, E76_BuildingsMisc, CAData, E76_objectsjunkpress, E76_roadsMisc, A3L_ObjectsOnSteroids 8:54:21 Mission ArmA3Life.LakesideValley: Missing 'description.ext::Header' 8:54:21 Starting mission: 8:54:21 Mission file: ArmA3Life (__cur_mp) 8:54:21 Mission world: LakesideValley 8:54:21 Mission directory: mpmissions\__cur_mp.LakesideValley\ 8:54:21 Item STR_Item_Cannabis listed twice 8:54:21 Unsupported language English in stringtable 8:54:21 Item STR_Item_Cannabis listed twice 8:54:21 Unsupported language English in stringtable 8:54:21 Warning Message: mpmissions\__cur_mp.LakesideValley\mission.sqm/Mission/Entities/Item374.type: Vehicle class Land_E76_garage no longer exists 8:54:21 Warning Message: mpmissions\__cur_mp.LakesideValley\mission.sqm/Mission/Entities/Item493.type: Vehicle class Land_MBG_ATC_Segment no longer exists 8:54:21 Warning Message: mpmissions\__cur_mp.LakesideValley\mission.sqm/Mission/Entities/Item539.type: Vehicle class Land_E76_garage no longer exists 8:54:21 Warning Message: mpmissions\__cur_mp.LakesideValley\mission.sqm/Mission/Entities/Item860.type: Vehicle class Land_E76_storage no longer exists 8:54:21 Warning Message: mpmissions\__cur_mp.LakesideValley\mission.sqm/Mission/Entities/Item879.type: Vehicle class Obstacle_saddle no longer exists 8:54:21 Warning Message: mpmissions\__cur_mp.LakesideValley\mission.sqm/Mission/Entities/Item880.type: Vehicle class Obstacle_saddle no longer exists 8:54:21 Warning Message: mpmissions\__cur_mp.LakesideValley\mission.sqm/Mission/Entities/Item881.type: Vehicle class Obstacle_saddle no longer exists 8:54:21 Warning Message: mpmissions\__cur_mp.LakesideValley\mission.sqm/Mission/Entities/Item882.type: Vehicle class Obstacle_saddle no longer exists 8:54:21 Warning Message: mpmissions\__cur_mp.LakesideValley\mission.sqm/Mission/Entities/Item883.type: Vehicle class Obstacle_saddle no longer exists 8:54:21 Warning Message: mpmissions\__cur_mp.LakesideValley\mission.sqm/Mission/Entities/Item884.type: Vehicle class Obstacle_saddle no longer exists 8:54:21 Warning Message: mpmissions\__cur_mp.LakesideValley\mission.sqm/Mission/Entities/Item885.type: Vehicle class Obstacle_saddle no longer exists 8:54:21 Warning Message: mpmissions\__cur_mp.LakesideValley\mission.sqm/Mission/Entities/Item886.type: Vehicle class Obstacle_saddle no longer exists 8:54:21 Warning Message: mpmissions\__cur_mp.LakesideValley\mission.sqm/Mission/Entities/Item887.type: Vehicle class Obstacle_saddle no longer exists 8:54:21 Warning Message: mpmissions\__cur_mp.LakesideValley\mission.sqm/Mission/Entities/Item888.type: Vehicle class Obstacle_saddle no longer exists 8:54:21 Warning Message: mpmissions\__cur_mp.LakesideValley\mission.sqm/Mission/Entities/Item889.type: Vehicle class Obstacle_saddle no longer exists 8:54:21 Warning Message: mpmissions\__cur_mp.LakesideValley\mission.sqm/Mission/Entities/Item890.type: Vehicle class Obstacle_saddle no longer exists 8:54:21 Warning Message: mpmissions\__cur_mp.LakesideValley\mission.sqm/Mission/Entities/Item891.type: Vehicle class Obstacle_saddle no longer exists 8:54:21 Warning Message: mpmissions\__cur_mp.LakesideValley\mission.sqm/Mission/Entities/Item892.type: Vehicle class Land_junkpress no longer exists 8:54:21 Warning Message: mpmissions\__cur_mp.LakesideValley\mission.sqm/Mission/Entities/Item898.type: Vehicle class Land_MBG_ATC_Base no longer exists 8:54:21 Warning Message: mpmissions\__cur_mp.LakesideValley\mission.sqm/Mission/Entities/Item920.type: Vehicle class Land_E76_shop_multi1 no longer exists 8:54:21 Warning Message: mpmissions\__cur_mp.LakesideValley\mission.sqm/Mission/Entities/Item947.type: Vehicle class E76_barrel no longer exists 8:54:21 Warning Message: mpmissions\__cur_mp.LakesideValley\mission.sqm/Mission/Entities/Item948.type: Vehicle class E76_barrel no longer exists 8:54:21 Warning Message: mpmissions\__cur_mp.LakesideValley\mission.sqm/Mission/Entities/Item949.type: Vehicle class E76_barrel no longer exists 8:54:21 Warning Message: mpmissions\__cur_mp.LakesideValley\mission.sqm/Mission/Entities/Item950.type: Vehicle class E76_barrel no longer exists 8:54:21 Warning Message: mpmissions\__cur_mp.LakesideValley\mission.sqm/Mission/Entities/Item951.type: Vehicle class E76_barrel no longer exists 8:54:21 Warning Message: mpmissions\__cur_mp.LakesideValley\mission.sqm/Mission/Entities/Item952.type: Vehicle class E76_barrel no longer exists 8:54:21 Warning Message: mpmissions\__cur_mp.LakesideValley\mission.sqm/Mission/Entities/Item953.type: Vehicle class E76_barrel no longer exists 8:54:21 Warning Message: mpmissions\__cur_mp.LakesideValley\mission.sqm/Mission/Entities/Item954.type: Vehicle class E76_barrel no longer exists 8:54:21 Warning Message: mpmissions\__cur_mp.LakesideValley\mission.sqm/Mission/Entities/Item955.type: Vehicle class E76_barrel no longer exists 8:54:21 Warning Message: mpmissions\__cur_mp.LakesideValley\mission.sqm/Mission/Entities/Item956.type: Vehicle class E76_barrel no longer exists 8:54:21 Warning Message: mpmissions\__cur_mp.LakesideValley\mission.sqm/Mission/Entities/Item957.type: Vehicle class E76_barrel no longer exists 8:54:21 Warning Message: mpmissions\__cur_mp.LakesideValley\mission.sqm/Mission/Entities/Item958.type: Vehicle class E76_barrel no longer exists 8:54:21 Warning Message: mpmissions\__cur_mp.LakesideValley\mission.sqm/Mission/Entities/Item976.type: Vehicle class Obstacle_saddle no longer exists 8:54:21 Warning Message: mpmissions\__cur_mp.LakesideValley\mission.sqm/Mission/Entities/Item977.type: Vehicle class Obstacle_saddle no longer exists 8:54:21 Warning Message: mpmissions\__cur_mp.LakesideValley\mission.sqm/Mission/Entities/Item978.type: Vehicle class Obstacle_saddle no longer exists 8:54:21 Warning Message: mpmissions\__cur_mp.LakesideValley\mission.sqm/Mission/Entities/Item979.type: Vehicle class Obstacle_saddle no longer exists 8:54:22 Missing addons detected: 8:54:22 E76_BuildingsShops 8:54:22 MBG_Buildings_3 8:54:22 E76_BuildingsMisc 8:54:22 CAData 8:54:22 E76_objectsjunkpress 8:54:22 E76_roadsMisc 8:54:22 A3L_ObjectsOnSteroids 8:54:22 Warning Message: You cannot play/edit this mission; it is dependent on downloadable content that has been deleted.E76_BuildingsShops, MBG_Buildings_3, E76_BuildingsMisc, CAData, E76_objectsjunkpress, E76_roadsMisc, A3L_ObjectsOnSteroids 8:54:22 Mission ArmA3Life.LakesideValley: Missing 'description.ext::Header' 8:54:22 Starting mission: 8:54:22 Mission file: ArmA3Life (__cur_mp) 8:54:22 Mission world: LakesideValley 8:54:22 Mission directory: mpmissions\__cur_mp.LakesideValley\ 8:54:22 Item STR_Item_Cannabis listed twice 8:54:22 Unsupported language English in stringtable 8:54:22 Item STR_Item_Cannabis listed twice 8:54:22 Unsupported language English in stringtable 8:54:23 Warning Message: mpmissions\__cur_mp.LakesideValley\mission.sqm/Mission/Entities/Item374.type: Vehicle class Land_E76_garage no longer exists 8:54:23 Warning Message: mpmissions\__cur_mp.LakesideValley\mission.sqm/Mission/Entities/Item493.type: Vehicle class Land_MBG_ATC_Segment no longer exists 8:54:23 Warning Message: mpmissions\__cur_mp.LakesideValley\mission.sqm/Mission/Entities/Item539.type: Vehicle class Land_E76_garage no longer exists 8:54:23 Warning Message: mpmissions\__cur_mp.LakesideValley\mission.sqm/Mission/Entities/Item860.type: Vehicle class Land_E76_storage no longer exists 8:54:23 Warning Message: mpmissions\__cur_mp.LakesideValley\mission.sqm/Mission/Entities/Item879.type: Vehicle class Obstacle_saddle no longer exists 8:54:23 Warning Message: mpmissions\__cur_mp.LakesideValley\mission.sqm/Mission/Entities/Item880.type: Vehicle class Obstacle_saddle no longer exists 8:54:23 Warning Message: mpmissions\__cur_mp.LakesideValley\mission.sqm/Mission/Entities/Item881.type: Vehicle class Obstacle_saddle no longer exists 8:54:23 Warning Message: mpmissions\__cur_mp.LakesideValley\mission.sqm/Mission/Entities/Item882.type: Vehicle class Obstacle_saddle no longer exists 8:54:23 Warning Message: mpmissions\__cur_mp.LakesideValley\mission.sqm/Mission/Entities/Item883.type: Vehicle class Obstacle_saddle no longer exists 8:54:23 Warning Message: mpmissions\__cur_mp.LakesideValley\mission.sqm/Mission/Entities/Item884.type: Vehicle class Obstacle_saddle no longer exists 8:54:23 Warning Message: mpmissions\__cur_mp.LakesideValley\mission.sqm/Mission/Entities/Item885.type: Vehicle class Obstacle_saddle no longer exists 8:54:23 Warning Message: mpmissions\__cur_mp.LakesideValley\mission.sqm/Mission/Entities/Item886.type: Vehicle class Obstacle_saddle no longer exists 8:54:23 Warning Message: mpmissions\__cur_mp.LakesideValley\mission.sqm/Mission/Entities/Item887.type: Vehicle class Obstacle_saddle no longer exists 8:54:23 Warning Message: mpmissions\__cur_mp.LakesideValley\mission.sqm/Mission/Entities/Item888.type: Vehicle class Obstacle_saddle no longer exists 8:54:23 Warning Message: mpmissions\__cur_mp.LakesideValley\mission.sqm/Mission/Entities/Item889.type: Vehicle class Obstacle_saddle no longer exists 8:54:23 Warning Message: mpmissions\__cur_mp.LakesideValley\mission.sqm/Mission/Entities/Item890.type: Vehicle class Obstacle_saddle no longer exists 8:54:23 Warning Message: mpmissions\__cur_mp.LakesideValley\mission.sqm/Mission/Entities/Item891.type: Vehicle class Obstacle_saddle no longer exists 8:54:23 Warning Message: mpmissions\__cur_mp.LakesideValley\mission.sqm/Mission/Entities/Item892.type: Vehicle class Land_junkpress no longer exists 8:54:23 Warning Message: mpmissions\__cur_mp.LakesideValley\mission.sqm/Mission/Entities/Item898.type: Vehicle class Land_MBG_ATC_Base no longer exists 8:54:23 Warning Message: mpmissions\__cur_mp.LakesideValley\mission.sqm/Mission/Entities/Item920.type: Vehicle class Land_E76_shop_multi1 no longer exists 8:54:23 Warning Message: mpmissions\__cur_mp.LakesideValley\mission.sqm/Mission/Entities/Item947.type: Vehicle class E76_barrel no longer exists 8:54:23 Warning Message: mpmissions\__cur_mp.LakesideValley\mission.sqm/Mission/Entities/Item948.type: Vehicle class E76_barrel no longer exists 8:54:23 Warning Message: mpmissions\__cur_mp.LakesideValley\mission.sqm/Mission/Entities/Item949.type: Vehicle class E76_barrel no longer exists 8:54:23 Warning Message: mpmissions\__cur_mp.LakesideValley\mission.sqm/Mission/Entities/Item950.type: Vehicle class E76_barrel no longer exists 8:54:23 Warning Message: mpmissions\__cur_mp.LakesideValley\mission.sqm/Mission/Entities/Item951.type: Vehicle class E76_barrel no longer exists 8:54:23 Warning Message: mpmissions\__cur_mp.LakesideValley\mission.sqm/Mission/Entities/Item952.type: Vehicle class E76_barrel no longer exists 8:54:23 Warning Message: mpmissions\__cur_mp.LakesideValley\mission.sqm/Mission/Entities/Item953.type: Vehicle class E76_barrel no longer exists 8:54:23 Warning Message: mpmissions\__cur_mp.LakesideValley\mission.sqm/Mission/Entities/Item954.type: Vehicle class E76_barrel no longer exists 8:54:23 Warning Message: mpmissions\__cur_mp.LakesideValley\mission.sqm/Mission/Entities/Item955.type: Vehicle class E76_barrel no longer exists 8:54:23 Warning Message: mpmissions\__cur_mp.LakesideValley\mission.sqm/Mission/Entities/Item956.type: Vehicle class E76_barrel no longer exists 8:54:23 Warning Message: mpmissions\__cur_mp.LakesideValley\mission.sqm/Mission/Entities/Item957.type: Vehicle class E76_barrel no longer exists 8:54:23 Warning Message: mpmissions\__cur_mp.LakesideValley\mission.sqm/Mission/Entities/Item958.type: Vehicle class E76_barrel no longer exists 8:54:23 Warning Message: mpmissions\__cur_mp.LakesideValley\mission.sqm/Mission/Entities/Item976.type: Vehicle class Obstacle_saddle no longer exists 8:54:23 Warning Message: mpmissions\__cur_mp.LakesideValley\mission.sqm/Mission/Entities/Item977.type: Vehicle class Obstacle_saddle no longer exists 8:54:23 Warning Message: mpmissions\__cur_mp.LakesideValley\mission.sqm/Mission/Entities/Item978.type: Vehicle class Obstacle_saddle no longer exists 8:54:23 Warning Message: mpmissions\__cur_mp.LakesideValley\mission.sqm/Mission/Entities/Item979.type: Vehicle class Obstacle_saddle no longer exists 8:54:23 Missing addons detected: 8:54:23 E76_BuildingsShops 8:54:23 MBG_Buildings_3 8:54:23 E76_BuildingsMisc 8:54:23 CAData 8:54:23 E76_objectsjunkpress 8:54:23 E76_roadsMisc 8:54:23 A3L_ObjectsOnSteroids 8:54:23 Warning Message: You cannot play/edit this mission; it is dependent on downloadable content that has been deleted.E76_BuildingsShops, MBG_Buildings_3, E76_BuildingsMisc, CAData, E76_objectsjunkpress, E76_roadsMisc, A3L_ObjectsOnSteroids 8:54:23 Mission ArmA3Life.LakesideValley: Missing 'description.ext::Header' 8:54:23 Starting mission: 8:54:23 Mission file: ArmA3Life (__cur_mp) 8:54:23 Mission world: LakesideValley 8:54:23 Mission directory: mpmissions\__cur_mp.LakesideValley\ 8:54:24 Item STR_Item_Cannabis listed twice 8:54:24 Unsupported language English in stringtable 8:54:24 Item STR_Item_Cannabis listed twice 8:54:24 Unsupported language English in stringtable 8:54:24 Warning Message: mpmissions\__cur_mp.LakesideValley\mission.sqm/Mission/Entities/Item374.type: Vehicle class Land_E76_garage no longer exists 8:54:24 Warning Message: mpmissions\__cur_mp.LakesideValley\mission.sqm/Mission/Entities/Item493.type: Vehicle class Land_MBG_ATC_Segment no longer exists 8:54:24 Warning Message: mpmissions\__cur_mp.LakesideValley\mission.sqm/Mission/Entities/Item539.type: Vehicle class Land_E76_garage no longer exists 8:54:24 Warning Message: mpmissions\__cur_mp.LakesideValley\mission.sqm/Mission/Entities/Item860.type: Vehicle class Land_E76_storage no longer exists 8:54:24 Warning Message: mpmissions\__cur_mp.LakesideValley\mission.sqm/Mission/Entities/Item879.type: Vehicle class Obstacle_saddle no longer exists 8:54:24 Warning Message: mpmissions\__cur_mp.LakesideValley\mission.sqm/Mission/Entities/Item880.type: Vehicle class Obstacle_saddle no longer exists 8:54:24 Warning Message: mpmissions\__cur_mp.LakesideValley\mission.sqm/Mission/Entities/Item881.type: Vehicle class Obstacle_saddle no longer exists 8:54:24 Warning Message: mpmissions\__cur_mp.LakesideValley\mission.sqm/Mission/Entities/Item882.type: Vehicle class Obstacle_saddle no longer exists 8:54:24 Warning Message: mpmissions\__cur_mp.LakesideValley\mission.sqm/Mission/Entities/Item883.type: Vehicle class Obstacle_saddle no longer exists 8:54:24 Warning Message: mpmissions\__cur_mp.LakesideValley\mission.sqm/Mission/Entities/Item884.type: Vehicle class Obstacle_saddle no longer exists 8:54:24 Warning Message: mpmissions\__cur_mp.LakesideValley\mission.sqm/Mission/Entities/Item885.type: Vehicle class Obstacle_saddle no longer exists 8:54:24 Warning Message: mpmissions\__cur_mp.LakesideValley\mission.sqm/Mission/Entities/Item886.type: Vehicle class Obstacle_saddle no longer exists 8:54:24 Warning Message: mpmissions\__cur_mp.LakesideValley\mission.sqm/Mission/Entities/Item887.type: Vehicle class Obstacle_saddle no longer exists 8:54:24 Warning Message: mpmissions\__cur_mp.LakesideValley\mission.sqm/Mission/Entities/Item888.type: Vehicle class Obstacle_saddle no longer exists 8:54:24 Warning Message: mpmissions\__cur_mp.LakesideValley\mission.sqm/Mission/Entities/Item889.type: Vehicle class Obstacle_saddle no longer exists 8:54:24 Warning Message: mpmissions\__cur_mp.LakesideValley\mission.sqm/Mission/Entities/Item890.type: Vehicle class Obstacle_saddle no longer exists 8:54:24 Warning Message: mpmissions\__cur_mp.LakesideValley\mission.sqm/Mission/Entities/Item891.type: Vehicle class Obstacle_saddle no longer exists 8:54:24 Warning Message: mpmissions\__cur_mp.LakesideValley\mission.sqm/Mission/Entities/Item892.type: Vehicle class Land_junkpress no longer exists 8:54:24 Warning Message: mpmissions\__cur_mp.LakesideValley\mission.sqm/Mission/Entities/Item898.type: Vehicle class Land_MBG_ATC_Base no longer exists 8:54:24 Warning Message: mpmissions\__cur_mp.LakesideValley\mission.sqm/Mission/Entities/Item920.type: Vehicle class Land_E76_shop_multi1 no longer exists 8:54:24 Warning Message: mpmissions\__cur_mp.LakesideValley\mission.sqm/Mission/Entities/Item947.type: Vehicle class E76_barrel no longer exists 8:54:24 Warning Message: mpmissions\__cur_mp.LakesideValley\mission.sqm/Mission/Entities/Item948.type: Vehicle class E76_barrel no longer exists 8:54:24 Warning Message: mpmissions\__cur_mp.LakesideValley\mission.sqm/Mission/Entities/Item949.type: Vehicle class E76_barrel no longer exists 8:54:24 Warning Message: mpmissions\__cur_mp.LakesideValley\mission.sqm/Mission/Entities/Item950.type: Vehicle class E76_barrel no longer exists 8:54:24 Warning Message: mpmissions\__cur_mp.LakesideValley\mission.sqm/Mission/Entities/Item951.type: Vehicle class E76_barrel no longer exists 8:54:24 Warning Message: mpmissions\__cur_mp.LakesideValley\mission.sqm/Mission/Entities/Item952.type: Vehicle class E76_barrel no longer exists 8:54:24 Warning Message: mpmissions\__cur_mp.LakesideValley\mission.sqm/Mission/Entities/Item953.type: Vehicle class E76_barrel no longer exists 8:54:24 Warning Message: mpmissions\__cur_mp.LakesideValley\mission.sqm/Mission/Entities/Item954.type: Vehicle class E76_barrel no longer exists 8:54:24 Warning Message: mpmissions\__cur_mp.LakesideValley\mission.sqm/Mission/Entities/Item955.type: Vehicle class E76_barrel no longer exists 8:54:24 Warning Message: mpmissions\__cur_mp.LakesideValley\mission.sqm/Mission/Entities/Item956.type: Vehicle class E76_barrel no longer exists 8:54:24 Warning Message: mpmissions\__cur_mp.LakesideValley\mission.sqm/Mission/Entities/Item957.type: Vehicle class E76_barrel no longer exists 8:54:24 Warning Message: mpmissions\__cur_mp.LakesideValley\mission.sqm/Mission/Entities/Item958.type: Vehicle class E76_barrel no longer exists 8:54:24 Warning Message: mpmissions\__cur_mp.LakesideValley\mission.sqm/Mission/Entities/Item976.type: Vehicle class Obstacle_saddle no longer exists 8:54:24 Warning Message: mpmissions\__cur_mp.LakesideValley\mission.sqm/Mission/Entities/Item977.type: Vehicle class Obstacle_saddle no longer exists 8:54:24 Warning Message: mpmissions\__cur_mp.LakesideValley\mission.sqm/Mission/Entities/Item978.type: Vehicle class Obstacle_saddle no longer exists 8:54:24 Warning Message: mpmissions\__cur_mp.LakesideValley\mission.sqm/Mission/Entities/Item979.type: Vehicle class Obstacle_saddle no longer exists 8:54:24 Missing addons detected: 8:54:24 E76_BuildingsShops 8:54:24 MBG_Buildings_3 8:54:24 E76_BuildingsMisc 8:54:24 CAData 8:54:24 E76_objectsjunkpress 8:54:24 E76_roadsMisc 8:54:24 A3L_ObjectsOnSteroids 8:54:24 Warning Message: You cannot play/edit this mission; it is dependent on downloadable content that has been deleted.E76_BuildingsShops, MBG_Buildings_3, E76_BuildingsMisc, CAData, E76_objectsjunkpress, E76_roadsMisc, A3L_ObjectsOnSteroids 8:54:24 Mission ArmA3Life.LakesideValley: Missing 'description.ext::Header' 8:54:25 Starting mission: 8:54:25 Mission file: ArmA3Life (__cur_mp) 8:54:25 Mission world: LakesideValley 8:54:25 Mission directory: mpmissions\__cur_mp.LakesideValley\ 8:54:25 Item STR_Item_Cannabis listed twice 8:54:25 Unsupported language English in stringtable 8:54:25 Item STR_Item_Cannabis listed twice 8:54:25 Unsupported language English in stringtable 8:54:25 Warning Message: mpmissions\__cur_mp.LakesideValley\mission.sqm/Mission/Entities/Item374.type: Vehicle class Land_E76_garage no longer exists 8:54:25 Warning Message: mpmissions\__cur_mp.LakesideValley\mission.sqm/Mission/Entities/Item493.type: Vehicle class Land_MBG_ATC_Segment no longer exists 8:54:25 Warning Message: mpmissions\__cur_mp.LakesideValley\mission.sqm/Mission/Entities/Item539.type: Vehicle class Land_E76_garage no longer exists 8:54:25 Warning Message: mpmissions\__cur_mp.LakesideValley\mission.sqm/Mission/Entities/Item860.type: Vehicle class Land_E76_storage no longer exists 8:54:25 Warning Message: mpmissions\__cur_mp.LakesideValley\mission.sqm/Mission/Entities/Item879.type: Vehicle class Obstacle_saddle no longer exists 8:54:25 Warning Message: mpmissions\__cur_mp.LakesideValley\mission.sqm/Mission/Entities/Item880.type: Vehicle class Obstacle_saddle no longer exists 8:54:25 Warning Message: mpmissions\__cur_mp.LakesideValley\mission.sqm/Mission/Entities/Item881.type: Vehicle class Obstacle_saddle no longer exists 8:54:25 Warning Message: mpmissions\__cur_mp.LakesideValley\mission.sqm/Mission/Entities/Item882.type: Vehicle class Obstacle_saddle no longer exists 8:54:25 Warning Message: mpmissions\__cur_mp.LakesideValley\mission.sqm/Mission/Entities/Item883.type: Vehicle class Obstacle_saddle no longer exists 8:54:25 Warning Message: mpmissions\__cur_mp.LakesideValley\mission.sqm/Mission/Entities/Item884.type: Vehicle class Obstacle_saddle no longer exists 8:54:25 Warning Message: mpmissions\__cur_mp.LakesideValley\mission.sqm/Mission/Entities/Item885.type: Vehicle class Obstacle_saddle no longer exists 8:54:25 Warning Message: mpmissions\__cur_mp.LakesideValley\mission.sqm/Mission/Entities/Item886.type: Vehicle class Obstacle_saddle no longer exists 8:54:25 Warning Message: mpmissions\__cur_mp.LakesideValley\mission.sqm/Mission/Entities/Item887.type: Vehicle class Obstacle_saddle no longer exists 8:54:25 Warning Message: mpmissions\__cur_mp.LakesideValley\mission.sqm/Mission/Entities/Item888.type: Vehicle class Obstacle_saddle no longer exists 8:54:25 Warning Message: mpmissions\__cur_mp.LakesideValley\mission.sqm/Mission/Entities/Item889.type: Vehicle class Obstacle_saddle no longer exists 8:54:25 Warning Message: mpmissions\__cur_mp.LakesideValley\mission.sqm/Mission/Entities/Item890.type: Vehicle class Obstacle_saddle no longer exists 8:54:25 Warning Message: mpmissions\__cur_mp.LakesideValley\mission.sqm/Mission/Entities/Item891.type: Vehicle class Obstacle_saddle no longer exists 8:54:25 Warning Message: mpmissions\__cur_mp.LakesideValley\mission.sqm/Mission/Entities/Item892.type: Vehicle class Land_junkpress no longer exists 8:54:25 Warning Message: mpmissions\__cur_mp.LakesideValley\mission.sqm/Mission/Entities/Item898.type: Vehicle class Land_MBG_ATC_Base no longer exists 8:54:25 Warning Message: mpmissions\__cur_mp.LakesideValley\mission.sqm/Mission/Entities/Item920.type: Vehicle class Land_E76_shop_multi1 no longer exists 8:54:25 Warning Message: mpmissions\__cur_mp.LakesideValley\mission.sqm/Mission/Entities/Item947.type: Vehicle class E76_barrel no longer exists 8:54:25 Warning Message: mpmissions\__cur_mp.LakesideValley\mission.sqm/Mission/Entities/Item948.type: Vehicle class E76_barrel no longer exists 8:54:25 Warning Message: mpmissions\__cur_mp.LakesideValley\mission.sqm/Mission/Entities/Item949.type: Vehicle class E76_barrel no longer exists 8:54:25 Warning Message: mpmissions\__cur_mp.LakesideValley\mission.sqm/Mission/Entities/Item950.type: Vehicle class E76_barrel no longer exists 8:54:25 Warning Message: mpmissions\__cur_mp.LakesideValley\mission.sqm/Mission/Entities/Item951.type: Vehicle class E76_barrel no longer exists 8:54:25 Warning Message: mpmissions\__cur_mp.LakesideValley\mission.sqm/Mission/Entities/Item952.type: Vehicle class E76_barrel no longer exists 8:54:25 Warning Message: mpmissions\__cur_mp.LakesideValley\mission.sqm/Mission/Entities/Item953.type: Vehicle class E76_barrel no longer exists 8:54:25 Warning Message: mpmissions\__cur_mp.LakesideValley\mission.sqm/Mission/Entities/Item954.type: Vehicle class E76_barrel no longer exists 8:54:25 Warning Message: mpmissions\__cur_mp.LakesideValley\mission.sqm/Mission/Entities/Item955.type: Vehicle class E76_barrel no longer exists 8:54:25 Warning Message: mpmissions\__cur_mp.LakesideValley\mission.sqm/Mission/Entities/Item956.type: Vehicle class E76_barrel no longer exists 8:54:25 Warning Message: mpmissions\__cur_mp.LakesideValley\mission.sqm/Mission/Entities/Item957.type: Vehicle class E76_barrel no longer exists 8:54:25 Warning Message: mpmissions\__cur_mp.LakesideValley\mission.sqm/Mission/Entities/Item958.type: Vehicle class E76_barrel no longer exists 8:54:25 Warning Message: mpmissions\__cur_mp.LakesideValley\mission.sqm/Mission/Entities/Item976.type: Vehicle class Obstacle_saddle no longer exists 8:54:25 Warning Message: mpmissions\__cur_mp.LakesideValley\mission.sqm/Mission/Entities/Item977.type: Vehicle class Obstacle_saddle no longer exists 8:54:25 Warning Message: mpmissions\__cur_mp.LakesideValley\mission.sqm/Mission/Entities/Item978.type: Vehicle class Obstacle_saddle no longer exists 8:54:25 Warning Message: mpmissions\__cur_mp.LakesideValley\mission.sqm/Mission/Entities/Item979.type: Vehicle class Obstacle_saddle no longer exists 8:54:25 Missing addons detected: 8:54:25 E76_BuildingsShops 8:54:25 MBG_Buildings_3 8:54:25 E76_BuildingsMisc 8:54:25 CAData 8:54:25 E76_objectsjunkpress 8:54:25 E76_roadsMisc 8:54:25 A3L_ObjectsOnSteroids 8:54:25 Warning Message: You cannot play/edit this mission; it is dependent on downloadable content that has been deleted.E76_BuildingsShops, MBG_Buildings_3, E76_BuildingsMisc, CAData, E76_objectsjunkpress, E76_roadsMisc, A3L_ObjectsOnSteroids 8:54:26 Mission ArmA3Life.LakesideValley: Missing 'description.ext::Header' 8:54:26 Starting mission: 8:54:26 Mission file: ArmA3Life (__cur_mp) 8:54:26 Mission world: LakesideValley 8:54:26 Mission directory: mpmissions\__cur_mp.LakesideValley\ 8:54:26 Item STR_Item_Cannabis listed twice 8:54:26 Unsupported language English in stringtable 8:54:26 Item STR_Item_Cannabis listed twice 8:54:26 Unsupported language English in stringtable 8:54:26 Warning Message: mpmissions\__cur_mp.LakesideValley\mission.sqm/Mission/Entities/Item374.type: Vehicle class Land_E76_garage no longer exists 8:54:26 Warning Message: mpmissions\__cur_mp.LakesideValley\mission.sqm/Mission/Entities/Item493.type: Vehicle class Land_MBG_ATC_Segment no longer exists 8:54:26 Warning Message: mpmissions\__cur_mp.LakesideValley\mission.sqm/Mission/Entities/Item539.type: Vehicle class Land_E76_garage no longer exists 8:54:27 Warning Message: mpmissions\__cur_mp.LakesideValley\mission.sqm/Mission/Entities/Item860.type: Vehicle class Land_E76_storage no longer exists 8:54:27 Warning Message: mpmissions\__cur_mp.LakesideValley\mission.sqm/Mission/Entities/Item879.type: Vehicle class Obstacle_saddle no longer exists 8:54:27 Warning Message: mpmissions\__cur_mp.LakesideValley\mission.sqm/Mission/Entities/Item880.type: Vehicle class Obstacle_saddle no longer exists 8:54:27 Warning Message: mpmissions\__cur_mp.LakesideValley\mission.sqm/Mission/Entities/Item881.type: Vehicle class Obstacle_saddle no longer exists 8:54:27 Warning Message: mpmissions\__cur_mp.LakesideValley\mission.sqm/Mission/Entities/Item882.type: Vehicle class Obstacle_saddle no longer exists 8:54:27 Warning Message: mpmissions\__cur_mp.LakesideValley\mission.sqm/Mission/Entities/Item883.type: Vehicle class Obstacle_saddle no longer exists 8:54:27 Warning Message: mpmissions\__cur_mp.LakesideValley\mission.sqm/Mission/Entities/Item884.type: Vehicle class Obstacle_saddle no longer exists 8:54:27 Warning Message: mpmissions\__cur_mp.LakesideValley\mission.sqm/Mission/Entities/Item885.type: Vehicle class Obstacle_saddle no longer exists 8:54:27 Warning Message: mpmissions\__cur_mp.LakesideValley\mission.sqm/Mission/Entities/Item886.type: Vehicle class Obstacle_saddle no longer exists 8:54:27 Warning Message: mpmissions\__cur_mp.LakesideValley\mission.sqm/Mission/Entities/Item887.type: Vehicle class Obstacle_saddle no longer exists 8:54:27 Warning Message: mpmissions\__cur_mp.LakesideValley\mission.sqm/Mission/Entities/Item888.type: Vehicle class Obstacle_saddle no longer exists 8:54:27 Warning Message: mpmissions\__cur_mp.LakesideValley\mission.sqm/Mission/Entities/Item889.type: Vehicle class Obstacle_saddle no longer exists 8:54:27 Warning Message: mpmissions\__cur_mp.LakesideValley\mission.sqm/Mission/Entities/Item890.type: Vehicle class Obstacle_saddle no longer exists 8:54:27 Warning Message: mpmissions\__cur_mp.LakesideValley\mission.sqm/Mission/Entities/Item891.type: Vehicle class Obstacle_saddle no longer exists 8:54:27 Warning Message: mpmissions\__cur_mp.LakesideValley\mission.sqm/Mission/Entities/Item892.type: Vehicle class Land_junkpress no longer exists 8:54:27 Warning Message: mpmissions\__cur_mp.LakesideValley\mission.sqm/Mission/Entities/Item898.type: Vehicle class Land_MBG_ATC_Base no longer exists 8:54:27 Warning Message: mpmissions\__cur_mp.LakesideValley\mission.sqm/Mission/Entities/Item920.type: Vehicle class Land_E76_shop_multi1 no longer exists 8:54:27 Warning Message: mpmissions\__cur_mp.LakesideValley\mission.sqm/Mission/Entities/Item947.type: Vehicle class E76_barrel no longer exists 8:54:27 Warning Message: mpmissions\__cur_mp.LakesideValley\mission.sqm/Mission/Entities/Item948.type: Vehicle class E76_barrel no longer exists 8:54:27 Warning Message: mpmissions\__cur_mp.LakesideValley\mission.sqm/Mission/Entities/Item949.type: Vehicle class E76_barrel no longer exists 8:54:27 Warning Message: mpmissions\__cur_mp.LakesideValley\mission.sqm/Mission/Entities/Item950.type: Vehicle class E76_barrel no longer exists 8:54:27 Warning Message: mpmissions\__cur_mp.LakesideValley\mission.sqm/Mission/Entities/Item951.type: Vehicle class E76_barrel no longer exists 8:54:27 Warning Message: mpmissions\__cur_mp.LakesideValley\mission.sqm/Mission/Entities/Item952.type: Vehicle class E76_barrel no longer exists 8:54:27 Warning Message: mpmissions\__cur_mp.LakesideValley\mission.sqm/Mission/Entities/Item953.type: Vehicle class E76_barrel no longer exists 8:54:27 Warning Message: mpmissions\__cur_mp.LakesideValley\mission.sqm/Mission/Entities/Item954.type: Vehicle class E76_barrel no longer exists 8:54:27 Warning Message: mpmissions\__cur_mp.LakesideValley\mission.sqm/Mission/Entities/Item955.type: Vehicle class E76_barrel no longer exists 8:54:27 Warning Message: mpmissions\__cur_mp.LakesideValley\mission.sqm/Mission/Entities/Item956.type: Vehicle class E76_barrel no longer exists 8:54:27 Warning Message: mpmissions\__cur_mp.LakesideValley\mission.sqm/Mission/Entities/Item957.type: Vehicle class E76_barrel no longer exists 8:54:27 Warning Message: mpmissions\__cur_mp.LakesideValley\mission.sqm/Mission/Entities/Item958.type: Vehicle class E76_barrel no longer exists 8:54:27 Warning Message: mpmissions\__cur_mp.LakesideValley\mission.sqm/Mission/Entities/Item976.type: Vehicle class Obstacle_saddle no longer exists 8:54:27 Warning Message: mpmissions\__cur_mp.LakesideValley\mission.sqm/Mission/Entities/Item977.type: Vehicle class Obstacle_saddle no longer exists 8:54:27 Warning Message: mpmissions\__cur_mp.LakesideValley\mission.sqm/Mission/Entities/Item978.type: Vehicle class Obstacle_saddle no longer exists 8:54:27 Warning Message: mpmissions\__cur_mp.LakesideValley\mission.sqm/Mission/Entities/Item979.type: Vehicle class Obstacle_saddle no longer exists 8:54:27 Missing addons detected: 8:54:27 E76_BuildingsShops 8:54:27 MBG_Buildings_3 8:54:27 E76_BuildingsMisc 8:54:27 CAData 8:54:27 E76_objectsjunkpress 8:54:27 E76_roadsMisc 8:54:27 A3L_ObjectsOnSteroids 8:54:27 Warning Message: You cannot play/edit this mission; it is dependent on downloadable content that has been deleted.E76_BuildingsShops, MBG_Buildings_3, E76_BuildingsMisc, CAData, E76_objectsjunkpress, E76_roadsMisc, A3L_ObjectsOnSteroids 8:54:27 Mission ArmA3Life.LakesideValley: Missing 'description.ext::Header' 8:54:28 c:\w\stable\futura\lib\network\networkserver.cpp ClearNetServer:NOT IMPLEMENTED - briefing! 8:54:30 Extensions: