/* @file Version: @file Author: RYN_Ryan @file edit: 20.01.2015 Copyright © 2015 Ryan Torzynski, All rights reserved All servers are allowed to use this code, modify and publish it. Every modified release of this script must contain "Original by RTT"! */ schiffsw_obj_arr = ["Land_Wreck_Traw_F","Land_Wreck_Traw2_F"]; //########################## CONFIGURATION ########################## schiffsw_chance = 100; schiffsw_positions = [[4462.89,6515.78,-2.19486],[5391.75,25136.2,-1.98308],[25323.2,27886.6,-2.15125]]; _schiffsw_time_interval = [1,5]; //Time given in hours, this is the interval in which the shipwreck should take spawn schiffsw_loot_array = [["apple",20],["diamond_cut",10],["oil_processed",25],["goldbar",5],["peach",20]]; schiffsw_loot_amount = 1; //######################## CONFIGURATION END ########################// schiffsw_time_min = _schiffsw_time_interval select 0; schiffsw_time_max = _schiffsw_time_interval select 1; schiffsw_time_min = schiffsw_time_min*3600; schiffsw_time_max = schiffsw_time_max*3600; if (schiffsw_time_min>=schiffsw_time_max || count schiffsw_loot_array < schiffsw_loot_amount) exitWith { schiffsw_enable=false; }; schiffsw_enable=true; sleep 1; if (!schiffsw_enable) exitWith {}; _chance = floor(random 100); if (_chance > schiffsw_chance) exitWith {}; _toWait = (random (schiffsw_time_max - schiffsw_time_min)) + schiffsw_time_min; sleep _toWait; [5,"SCHIFFSWRACK

Es wurde ein versunkens Schiff gefunden! Es enthält viele Güter, die Postion ist auf der Karte markiert!"] remoteExec ["life_fnc_broadcast"]; _poses = count schiffsw_positions; _inArr = floor(random _poses); _dest = schiffsw_positions select _inArr; sleep 5; _marker = createMarker ["schiffswmarker", _dest]; "schiffswmarker" setMarkerColor "ColorGreen"; "schiffswmarker" setMarkerType "Empty"; "schiffswmarker" setMarkerShape "ELLIPSE"; "schiffswmarker" setMarkerSize [500,500]; _markerText = createMarker ["schiffswmarkertext", _dest]; "schiffswmarkertext" setMarkerColor "ColorBlack"; "schiffswmarkertext" setMarkerText "Schiffswrack"; "schiffswmarkertext" setMarkerType "mil_warning"; "schiffswmarker" setMarkerAlpha 0.3; // DAS WRACK SPAWNEN _type = ""; _chance = floor(random 2); if (_chance==1) then {_type = "Land_Wreck_Traw_F"} else {_type = "Land_Wreck_Traw2_F"}; _xPOS = floor(random 400); _yPOS = floor(random 400); _pos = [(_dest select 0) - 500 + random(500*2),(_dest select 1) - 500 + random(500*2),0]; _dasWrack = createVehicle [_type, [0,0,0], [], 0, "CAN_COLLIDE"]; _dasWrack setPosATL _pos; _dasWrack allowDamage false; _dasWrack enableSimulation false; _dasWrack setVariable ["trunk_in_use",false,true]; _dasWrack setVariable ["opened",false,true]; schiffwoffen = false; waitUntil {schiffwoffen}; // Warten, bis es geöffnet wird _dasWrack setVariable ["opened",true,true]; // RANDOM LOOT EINFÜHREN _lootAmount = schiffsw_loot_amount; _lootArray = schiffsw_loot_array; _lootTempToAdd = []; _lootArrayFinal = []; while {_lootAmount>0} do { _lootAmount = _lootAmount - 1; _loot_inArr = count _lootArray; _inArr = floor(random _loot_inArr); _lootTempToAdd = _lootArray select _inArr; _lootArrayFinal = _lootArrayFinal + [_lootTempToAdd]; }; _dasWrack setVariable ["Trunk",[_lootArrayFinal,500],true]; sleep 1800; "schiffswmarker" setMarkerAlpha 0; "schiffswmarkertext" setMarkerAlpha 0; deleteMarker "schiffswmarker"; deleteMarker "schiffswmarkertext"; deleteVehicle _dasWrack; [5,"SCHIFFSWRACK

Das Schiff wurde komplett ausgerüumt!"] remoteExec ["life_fnc_broadcast"];